词条 | 从语言到语用:理论与实践 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名: 从语言到语用:理论与实践 作 者:黄清贵 出版社: 厦门大学出版社 出版时间: 2009年11月 ISBN: 9787561534120 开本: 16开 定价: 30.00 元 内容简介《从语言到语用:理论与实践》内容简介:该书是学术含量较高的一本专著,特别是在第三部分的语用学章节里,他的不少观点是颇有学术见地的,所举例证不但丰富,而且典型、有趣,并能利用他扎实的日语功底,结合汉语和英语,在语用对比方面做了不少令人耳目一新的有益探索;第四部分收录的他多年来的学术研究成果也显然都是他独立思考与探索的结果,与时下一些因耽于功利而未经独立思考急蹴而就的文章相比,可谓难能可贵,而且,从文章语言表达来看,也显示出他扎实的汉语表达能力和功底,很少出现当下并不鲜见的“欧化语言”现象,这也是值得大力提倡的做法。 图书目录序 前言 Part I Language Chapter 1 Importance of Language/3 l.1 Importance of Language/3 1.2 Functions of Language/4 Chapter 2 Definition of Language and Its Classifications/11 2.1 Definition of Language/11 2.2 Classifications of Language/13 Chapter 3 Properties of Language/19 3.1 Arbitrariness of Language/20 3.2 Duality of Language/25 3.3 Creativity of Language/27 3.4 Displacement of Language/28 Part II Linguistics Chapter 1 A Brief Introduction to linguistics/33 1.1 Definition of Linguistics/34 1.2 A Brief History of Linguistics/35 Chapter 2 Main Branches of Linguistics/40 2.1 Phonetics/40 2.2 Phonology/41 2.3 Morphology/42 2.4 Syntax/43 2.5 Semantics/46 2.6 Pragmatics/49 Chapter 3 Macrolinguistics/51 3.1 Sociolinguistics/52 3.2 Psyeholinguisties/53 3.3 Anthropological Linguistics/54 3.4 Fuzzy Linguistics/55 3.5 Applied Linguistics/56 3.6 Computational Linguistics/57, Part Ⅲ Pragmatics Chapter 1 A General View of Pragmatics/61 1.1 Wastebasket of Pragmatics/61 1.2 Context in Pragmatics/63 1.3 History and Definition of Pragmatics/69 1.4 Why the Necessity of Pragmatics Study? /72 Chapter 2 Some Important Terms in Pragmatics/76 2.1 Proposition, Truth Conditions and Propositional Logic/76 2.2 Deixis and Reference/79 2.2.1 Deixis/79 2.2.2 Reference/86 2.3 Anaphora, Cataphora and Principle of Eeonomy/91 2.4 Presupposition/95 2.4.1 Presupposition and Entailment/96 2.4.2 Properties of Presupposition/98 2.4.3 Types of Presupposition/102 2.5 Inference/104 2.6 Salient Meaning/110 Chapter 3 Speech Act/ll2 3.1 Introduction/112 3.2 Constative and Performative/ll4 3.3 Explicit Performatives and Implicit Performatives/115 3.4 IFIDs and Felicities/116 3.5 Locutionary, Illocutionary and Perlocutionary Acts/123 3.6 Speech Act Classification/124 3.6.1 Austin's Classification of Speech Acts/124 3.6.2 Searle's Classification of Speech Acts/128 3.6.3 Assessment and Criticism of Speech Act Theory/131 Chapter 4 Cooperative Principle/137 4.1 Cooperation and Cooperative Principle/137 4.2 Conversational Implicature/145 4.2.1 Generalized Conversational Implicatures/149 4.2.2 Particularized Conversational Implicatures/150 4.2.3 Properties of Conversational Implicatures/152 4.3 Conventional Implieatures/155 4.4 Cooperation, Implicatures and Metaphor/158 4.5 Development of Cooperative Principle/160 4.5.1 Criticism of Gricean CP/160 4.5.2 Horn's Theory on Conversational Implicatures/162 4.5.3 Levinson's Theory on Conversational Implicatures/171 Q-implicatures/173 I-implicatures/176 M-implicatures/178 Chapter 5 Politeness Principle and Face-saving Theory/181 5.1 Politeness Principle (PP)/181 5.1.1 Background to Politeness Principle/181 5.1.2 Main Contents of Politeness Principle/186 Definition and Function/186 Illocutionary Functions and Maxims of the PP/188 Illocutionary Functions and Politeness/188 Maxims of the PP/189 5.1.3 Some Key Aspects to the Understanding of the PP/201 Difference in the Importance of the Maxims and Sub-maxims/201 Degree of Politeness/204 Politeness and Context/204 Politeness and Culture/208 Metalingnistic Aspects of Politeness/210 5.2 "Face-saving" Theory (FST)/212 5.2.1 A Brief Introduction to FST/212 5.2.2 Face-Threatening Act (FI'A)/214 5.2.3 Redressive Strategies/215 Bald-on-record Strategy ( without Redressive Action)/215 Positive Politeness Strategy/216 Negative Politeness Strategy/220 Off-record Strategy/221 Don't-do-the-FTA Strategy/224 5.2.4 Computing Weightiness of an FTA/224 5.3 Conclusion/225 Chapter 6 Relevance Theory/228 6.1 Key Terms in RT/229 6.1.1 Code Model & Inferential Mode/229 6.1.2 Context/230 6.1.3 Cognitive Environments & Manifestness/232 6.1.4 Ostension & Ostensive-Inferential Communication/235 6.1.5 Informative Intention & Communicative Intention/236 6.1.6 Contextual Effects & Processing Efforts/238 …… Part IV Practice: Some Papers on Pragmatics Research Bibfiography/404 Glossary/410 …… |
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