词条 | 初中英语大讲堂 |
释义 | 《初中英语大讲堂》内容简介学生学习的好老师!老师讲课的好帮手! 品质造就卓越,理想开启未来,山西教育竭诚为你奉献独一无二的全真讲课学习书——《初中各科大讲堂》!体验完美的学习过程,尽在山西教育出版社! 全真设计课堂上的每一分钟,让教与学完美互动,在轻松、快乐的氛围中完成你的充实学习新计划。 全面呈现教材中的每一要点,事无具细,都给予最为充分、详细的讲解,让你感受无微不至、非同一般的呵护。 全心解决学习中的每一困惑,真正做到有求必应,有疑必答,让你举一反三,一通百通。 初中英语大讲堂:七年级上册作 者: 张绍堂 总主编 出 版 社: 山西教育出版社 出版时间: 2010-6-1 字 数: 350000 开 本: 大32开 I S B N : 9787544031523 定价:¥18.00 目录[Starter Unit 1 ] Good morning ! [Starter Unit 2 ] What's this in English? [Starter Unit 3 ] What color is it? [Unit 1 ] My name's Gina. [Unit 2 ] Is this )'our pencil? [Unit 3 ] This is m)' sister. [Unit 4 ] Where's my backpack? [Unit 5 ] Do you have a soccer ball? [Unit 6 ] Do you like bananas? [Review ] Review of units 1 -6 [Unit 7 ] How much are these pants? [Unit 8 ] When is your birthday? [Unit 9 ] Do you want to go to a movie? [Unit 10 ] Can you play the guitar? [Unit 11 ] What time do you go to school? [Unit 12] My favorite subiect is science. [Review ] Review of units 7 -12 |
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