词条 | 程序员修炼之道:从小工到专家 |
释义 | 出版信息ISBN:9787121145322 定价:65.00元 作者:Andrew Hunt(安德鲁·亨特),David Thomas(大卫·托马斯) 译者:周爱民 出版社:电子工业出版社 出版时间:2011年10月 版次:1-1开本:16开装帧:平塑勒单衬字数:570千字 页数:384页 内容简介《程序员修炼之道》(The Pragmatic Programmer)由一系列独立的部分组成,涵盖的主题从个人责任、职业发展,到用于使代码保持灵活并且易于改编和复用的各种架构技术,利用许多富有娱乐性的奇闻轶事、具有思想性的例子及有趣的类比,全面阐释了软件开发的许多不同方面的最佳实践和重大陷阱。 本书是The Pragmatic Programmer一书的评注版,力邀国内资深专家执笔,在英文原著的基础上增加了中文点评和注释,旨在融合二者之长,既保留经典的原创文字与味道,又以先行者的学研心得与实践感悟,对读者的阅读和学习加以点拨,指明捷径。 目录务实的哲学1 CHAPTER1 A PRAGMATIC PHILOSOPHY(新增评注21条)5 1. The Cat Ate My Source Code6 2. Software Entropy8 3. Stone Soup and Boiled Frogs11 4. Good-Enough Software14 5. Your Knowledge Portfolio16 6. Communicate!23 务实的方法29 CHAPTER 2 A PRAGMATIC APPROACH(新增评注34条)35 7. The Evils of Duplication36 8. Orthogonality44 9. Reversibility54 10. Tracer Bullets58 11. Prototypes and Post-it Notes64 12. Domain Languages68 13. Estimating75 基本工具83 CHAPTER 3 THE BASIC TOOLS(新增评注18条)87 14. The Power of Plain Text89 15. Shell Games93 16. Power Editing98 17. Source Code Control103 18. Debugging106 19. Text Manipulation115 20. Code Generators119 务实的执著125 CHAPTER 4 PRAGMATIC PARANOIA(新增评注20条)129 21. Design by Contract130 22. Dead Programs Tell No Lies142 23. Assertive Programming144 24. When to Use Exceptions148 25. How to Balance Resources151 解耦合是王道161 CHAPTER 5 BEND, OR BREAK(新增评注13条)165 26. Decoupling and the Law of Demeter166 27. Metaprogramming172 28. Temporal Coupling178 29. It’s Just a View185 30. Blackboards193 编码时刻199 CHAPTER 6 WHILE YOU ARE CODING(新增评注16条)203 31. Programming by Coincidence204 32. Algorithm Speed209 33. Refactoring216 34. Code That’s Easy to Test221 35. Evil Wizards230 需求与问题233 CHAPTER 7 BEFORE THE PROJECT(新增评注22条)237 36. The Requirements Pit238 37. Solving Impossible Puzzles249 38. Not Until You’re Ready252 39. The Specification Trap254 40. Circles and Arrows257 团队261 CHAPTER 8 PRAGMATIC PROJECTS(新增评注13条)265 41. PragmaticTeams266 42. Ubiquitous Automation272 43. Ruthless Testing279 44. It’s All Writing290 45. Great Expectations298 46. Pride and Prejudice300 APPENDIX A RESOURCES303 Professional Societies304 Building a Library304 Internet Resources308 Bibliography316 APPENDIX B ANSWERS TO EXERCISES321 INDEX351 |
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