词条 | 成都理想信息产业有限责任公司 |
释义 | 成都理想信息产业有限责任公司成都理想信息产业有限责任公司—— 宽带接入网络终端设备及宽带驻地网络西部领跑者 成都理想信息产业有限责任公司创立于1998年,位于成都市高新区新加坡工业园,注册资本1000万元,公司占地25亩,拥有12000平方米的现代化加工车间,专业从事宽带接入网络终端设备的研发与制造、提供宽带驻地网络接入运营服务,2008年通过高新技术企业认证。 成都理想专注于宽带网络终端设备的研发与制造。2007年,成都理想技术研发团队在多年丰富的宽带网络接入运营的经验基础上,自主研发设计制造出网络反向馈电式以太网交换机和宽带用户适配器PSE系列新产品,获得了多项国家发明专利和实用新型专利,同时荣获“国家科技创新基金”和成都市高新区政府创新基金的奖励,公司也因此成为该项技术的行业标准的牵头制订单位。成都理想所有通信网络产品均获得国家信息产业部颁发的电信产品入网许可证,生产研发体系通过了ISO9000质量体系认证,产品已销售到全国大部分省市电信运营商,获得用户的广泛认可和一致好评。 成都理想同时致力于宽带驻地网络的接入运营服务。2000年,成都理想率先取得了由信息产业部颁发的ISP经营许可证,同年投资组成都信息港,开始了宽带驻地网的运营实践。2001年,成都理想首批获得四川省宽带用户驻地网营运牌照,并建成了成都理想宽带网络,为四川合法的宽带驻地网服务商。同时,也为我们的宽带接入网络终端设备的开发提供了非常有价值的实验平台。成都理想网络拥有自建的多个遍布成都市区的服务营业厅,覆盖用户达数十万户,为广大用户提供优质的宽带网络接入服务。 成都理想的领导管理团队均有20年以上的电信行业从业背景,公司拥有一支精通电信技术及丰富宽带网络运营经验的研发团队,并有以中科院院士为首的专家作为我们的坚实顾问团队。公司拥有结构合理的高素质人才梯队,博士、硕士研究生都在各自的岗位上充分发挥着他们的聪明才智。 “雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越”。理想人将不断创新,专注于客户价值和需求,持续开发出满足通信网络运营商需要的创新产品,为客户创造更大的价值,努力成为中国宽带接入网络的优质服务者和实用新型终端设备的提供者。 ERIEF INTRODUCTION Founded in 1998 and located in Chengdu High & New-Tech Development Zone,Chengdu Ideal Information Industry Inc.(hereinafter referred to as IDEAL) is a high & New-Tech enterprise certified by Chengdu Municipal Government and awarded with the title of Excellent High & New-Tech Enterprise of Chengdu High & New-Tech Development Zone. IDEAL always inststs on the principle of putting technology in leading place and service in highest position,focusing on high & new-tech and market development.Relying on the remarkable features of his advanced technologies,rich experience in R & D work and management,high expertise and strong adaptability to the market changes,IDEAL provides services such as planning,design,integration and technical consultation for various data communications and LAN all over China,and achieves remarkable results in software development and system integration.IDEAL is working hard to be the model of serving the people. IDEAL has a team of high-quality and exicutive group from home and abroad for carrying out the sci-research by the core of ambutive and dedicated leaders,attracting many yong R.&D.talents,and compused stable talents structure.IDEAL is showing the fresh vision of web time. IDEAL Have composed the advantage of talents into the cooperation inon,which induding the inspirit of"unite,cooperation,serious,inovation",and founded a team of"confident,continous,innovate,advance".IDEAL is hard explore for our society and private-coporation system. Faching the opportunities and challenges of the new century,IDEAL shall follow the enterprise development principle of serving the clients,seeking the perfect and create the infinite,bring the enterprise with with new development by new technologies,new products and new mechanism.IDEAL is marching forward to the bright future. |
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