

词条 陈旭瑾




2004年毕业于香港大学,获数学哲学博士学位 (方向:组合优化; 导师: 臧文安教授) 2000年毕业于东南大学,获数学理学硕士学位 (方向:图论; 导师: 宋增民教授) 1997年毕业于云南大学,获数学理学学士学位 (专业:应用数学)


2009年3月至今,在中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院任基地副研究员 2006年9月至2009年2月,在中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院任基地助理研究员





图论及其应用; 组合优化 (算法设计, 组合多面体)


X. Chen, G. Ding, X. Hu, and W. Zang, A Characterization of Box-Mengerian Matroid Ports, Mathematics of Operations Research 33 (2008), 497-512.

X. Chen, X. Hu, and X. Jia, Inapproximability and Approximability of Minimal Tree Routing and Coloring, Journal of Discrete Algorithms 6 (2008), 341-351.

X. Chen, X. Hu, and W. Zang, A Min-Max Theorem on Tournaments, SIAM Journal on Computing 37 (2007), 923-937.

X. Chen, G. Ding, X. Hu, and W. Zang, A Min-Max Relation on Packing Feedback Vertex Sets, Mathematics of Operations Research 31 (2006), 777-778.

X. Chen and W. Zang, An Efficient Algorithm for Finding Maximum Cycle Packing in Reducible Flow Graphs, Algorithmica 44 (2006), 195-211.

X. Chen, X. Hu, and T.Shuai, Inapproximability and Approximability of Maximal Tree Routing and Coloring, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 11 (2006), 219-229.

X. Chen, Z. Hu, and W. Zang, Perfect Circular Arc Coloring, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 9 (2005), 267-280.

X. Chen and B. Chen, Approximation Algorithms for Soft-Capacitated Facility Location in Capacitated Network Design, Algorithmica, in press.

X. Chen, G. Ding, and W. Zang, The Box-TDI System Associated 2-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, in press.

X. Chen, J. Hu, and X. Hu, A New Model for the Path Planning with Interval Data, Computers & Operations Research, in press.

X. Chen, J. Hu, and X. Hu, A Polynomial Solvable Minimum Risk Spanning Tree Problem with Interval Data. European Journal of Operational Research, in press.

X. Chen and B. Chen, Cost-Effective Designs of Fault-Tolerant Access Networks in Communication Networks, Networks, accepted.





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