词条 | 常州市益球中亚干燥设备有限公司 |
释义 | 公司简介常州市益球中亚干燥设备有限公司是一家专门从事干燥设备研究、开发、设计与制造的股份制企业,建于一九九六年。2000年与华中农业大学等多所大专院校及科研单位进行技术合作。现有固定资产400多万元。我司已通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证,并凭借雄厚的技术实力,领先的干燥工艺,过硬的产品质量,优质的售后服务,赢得了国内外广大客户的信赖和支持。目前,我们设计制造的装备已经在制药、食品、化工、陶瓷、冶金、饲料、生物类及农副产品深加工等许多重要工业领域得到广泛的运用。根据不同的工艺要求,达到干燥、制粒、混合等目的。本公司产品已发展到16大类、100多个品种。欢迎各界用户来我司咨询及技术合作,我们将本着“提高客户的效益就是我们的追求”的宗旨,踏踏实实地作好售前、售中、售后服务,为满足国内外广大用户而不懈努力。 客户承诺: 1、产品质量实行终身保修 2、售后实行建档跟踪服务 3、专业为客户制作非标设备 英文简介Changzhou Yiqiu Zhongya Drying Equipment Factory is located at Jiaoxi Town, East Suburb of Changzhou,a key enterprise of drying industry in China and also specially-designated productive unit of National pharmaceutical machinery,chemical equipment,foodstuff machinery. For many years the factory persists in the principle,i.e. with science and technology as forerunner and with market as guide and with raising the productive benefit of customers as tenet.Meanwhile the factory has united with serveral universities and colleges and institutes and carried out technical cooperation in the fields of drying equipment, pharmaceutical machinery,chemical equipment,foodstuff machinery and so on. The situation of powerful-powerful combination has been formed. The drying equipment,pharmaceutical machinery, chemical equipment,foodstuff machinery and so on with "Yiqiu" Brand manufactured by our factory have been admired by customers and enjoyed high reputation on the market because of its superior quality,favorable price and the first rate after sale service. The factory prepared model machine all the year round for customers trying. 主营产品干燥系列 CT.CT-C系列热风循环烘箱 GMP药用烘箱 隧道灭菌箱 YZG/FZG真空干燥机 LPG系列高速离心喷雾干燥机 YPG系列压力喷雾干燥机 QPG系列气流喷雾干燥机 ZLG系列中药浸膏喷雾干燥机 HZG型直接加热式回转滚筒干燥机 ZPG型真空耙式干燥机 SXG系列旋转闪蒸干燥机 粉碎系列 CT.CT-C系列热风循环烘箱 GMP药用烘箱 隧道灭菌箱 HZG型直接加热式回转滚筒干燥机 混合设备 输送系列 辅助系列 酒精回收塔 热源设备 |
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