词条 | 北京市新英才学校特色双语幼儿园 |
释义 | 新英才幼儿园创立于1995年,位于首都机场西侧天竺开发区,坐落在中央别墅区美丽的温榆河畔,在占地180多亩的校园内,坐落着教育环境温馨高雅,硬件设施高品质、高品位的一所国际幼儿园。招收中、外籍1.5—6岁的儿童入园。 园内概况园内设有7个教学班,分别是:樱桃班、草莓班、橘子班、桃子班、苹果班、菠萝班、西瓜班。 There are 7 classes, namely, the cherry class, the strawberry class, the orange class, the peach class, the apple class, the pineapple class and the watermelon class. 教育环境幼儿园设有钢琴房、游泳馆、辊轴室、形体室、蒙式操作室,创意室、感统训练室、种植区、阳光娱乐室、科学探索室、建构室、宝宝书屋等功能室,为中外小朋友生活、学习、游戏提供丰富的物质条件。超大活动室和室外活动场地是新英才双语幼儿园得天独厚的资源,新英才双语幼儿园是孩子健康、快乐成长的乐园! There are many functional rooms, such as the piano room, the swimming hall, the roll mandrel room, the bodybuilding room, the Montessori operating room, the innovation room, the sense-training room, the planting area, the sunny playroom, the science adventure room, the building room, and the study room. All these facilities provide rich material basis for the life, study and play of little Chinese and foreign kids. The super large playroom and the outdoor playground are the special resources of the New Yingcai Bilingual Kindergarten. It is a wonderland for kids to grow healthily and happily! 办园宗旨以孩子发展为本,提供理想空间;以家长满意为本,提供优质服务。 The aim of the kindergarten: to give priority to the cultivation of children and to provide ideal spaces for them.;To give priority to the satisfaction of the parents and to provide high-quality services. 培养目标健康·快乐、礼貌·文雅、合作· 探究、自主·自信全面发展的未来精英。 The objectives of the kindergarten: to cultivate all-around future elites who are healthy, happy, polite, refined, cooperative, curious, independent and confident. 教育理念亲情呵护,关注孩子的每一天;平等交流,走进孩子童心世界。 The education philosophy: love and care like family members; attention to the every single day of kids.;Equal communications; walking into the spiritual world of kids. 教育特色国际礼仪园本课程、双语教育、蒙氏教育、多元文化教育、小幼衔接宝典课程 The features of the education:Kindergarten-based curriculum on International Etiquette, Bilingual education, Montessori education, multi-culture education, courses for kindergarten children’s preparation for the primary school 特长教育奥尔夫音乐班、舞蹈启蒙/考级班、钢琴启蒙/考级班、武术考级班、形体班、游泳班、轮滑班、分享阅读班、科学识字班、思维训练班、科学试验班、创意美术班、泥塑班、感统训练班。 Special educational programs: Orff Music Class, elementary and test-oriented dancing class, elementary and test-oriented piano class, test-oriented Wushu class, bodybuilding class, swimming class, roller-skating class, reading class, Chinese character scientific study class, logic training class, science lab class, innovative art class, clay sculpture class, sense training class. 十大优势 Ten strengths 1、多种收托形式,包括:寄宿制、周末、节假日托管等形式,充分满足家长与幼儿的需要,提供完善的服务模式, Multiple forms of care are available to fully meet the needs of parents and kids and to provide perfect services, including lodging, weekend and holiday care. 2、根据季节和需求,开展保健课堂,建立科学育儿保健知识篇序,及时发放到家长手里。 Healthcare classes are arranged according to seasons and needs, and scientific child-raising knowledge handbooks are made and distributed to parents in time. 3、由于幼儿园建立在校园内,24小时有保安值勤,学校大门制度严格,持证接送幼儿,充分保证幼儿的安全。 Since the kindergarten is in the territory of the campus, there are guards on duty 24 hours a day. The guarding system of the school is strict and kids are sent and picked up by parents with credentials. Thus the safety of kids is fully guaranteed. 4、设立育儿咨询热线电话,随时解答家长的问题。 A child-raising hotline is available to answer the questions of parents at any time. 5、定期组织园所开放活动,邀请家长观摩、体验幼儿一日生活。 The kindergarten is open for parents regularly and parents are invited to observe and experience the daily life of kids. 6、幼儿园班级容量小,强调教育精品化;生活细心化。 The class sizes are small with importance attached to elite education and exquisite life care. 7、幼儿园24小时热水,享受中央空调,这是其它园所不能比拟的。 Hot water is available for 24 hours and there is central air-conditioning, which is incomparable with other kindergartens. 8、为附近社区幼儿每天提供免费班车接送,路远外地幼儿周末有班车接送,方便家长。 Free commuters are provided for kids in nearby communities and weekend commuters for kids from afar for the convenience of parents. 9、幼儿园提供科学营养配餐。中餐和晚餐各提供6菜一汤。满足幼儿营养的需求。每周二中午提供西餐,体验西方文化。 Scientific and nutritious meals are provided in the kindergarten. There are 6 courses and 1 soup each lunch and supper to meet the nutrition needs of kids. Western-style foods are provided for lunches each Tuesday for kids to experience the western culture. 10、由于幼儿园作落在校园内,大班幼儿可以提前体验小学生活,为幼儿升入小学做好心理准备。 Since the kindergarten is inside the campus of a primary school, older kids can experience primary school lives in advance, which is a psychological preparation for them. 办学特点规范管理:严格关爱结合 全封闭寄宿制,严格加关爱管理,以爱心为核心的十二个主题月品格教育,突出学生良好行为习惯的养成教育,培养“绅士”人才;学生自主管理,规范生活管理,三餐两点的营养配餐,培养学生生活自理能力,养成良好的生活习惯;全员导师制让学生学习、生活和身心全面协调发展。 校园生活:享受幸福教育 在“成人、成材、成功”的办学思想和“人格智慧并重育社会栋梁之材,中西文化交融创新型的教育模式”的办学理念下,寓品格教育于丰富的活动中,让课堂教学充满生命的活力,让课外生活成为学生展示特长的平台,把权力还给孩子,把校园还给孩子,把课堂还给孩子,把快乐还给孩子,全面提高学生素质,让孩子们享受幸福的校园生活。 特色英语:走上国际道路 英语教学与国际接轨,依托本校剑桥国际中心优势,每周加开国际英语教程,外教授课,统一参加KET考试。历次通过率均超过北京市同类学校近10个百分点;通过的学生荣获157个国家承认的英语等级水平合格证书,该证书终身有效,是升学、求职、留学的国际通行证。 校本课程:发展学生特长 学校开设了生命教育系列、科学探索系列、人文素养系列、高雅艺术系列、社团活动系列等五大类系列校本课程,开发学生的多元智能,发展学生个性特长,既拓展学生的视野,又培养了学生的创新能力。 |
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