词条 | 贝拉多娜 |
释义 | 品牌简介贝拉多娜(LA BELLA DONNA)是来自美国的彩妆品牌。 品牌故事来自官网原文+翻译: La Bella Donna is a revolutionary, pioneering concept in cosmetics: Minerals that behave like makeup. It is a complete collection of mineral-based formulas that are actually healthy for the skin. Not all minerals are created equal. La Bella Donna's minerals contain only pure minerals from rock that give benefits to the skin that you cannot get from any other products. La Bella Donna是一种革命性的、首创的概念化妆品:矿物彩妆。这是一个完整的收集的矿物成分公式实际上是有益于健康的皮肤。并不是所有的矿物都是生来平等的。La Bella Donna的矿石只包含纯矿物岩石给你不能从任何其他获得皮肤产生效应的产品。 A lifestyle choice for all of us who want to nourish, heal, correct and protect our skin. 我们所有的人都想滋养、医治、正确的保护我们的皮肤是一种对生活方式的选择。 彩妆产品LA BELLA DONNA矿物唇彩; LA BELLA DONNA矿物唇膏; LA BELLA DONNA矿物粉饼; LA BELLA DONNA矿物散粉;LA BELLA DONNA矿物胭脂粉饼; LA BELLA DONNA矿物单色眼影; LA BELLA DONNA矿物遮瑕粉; LA BELLA DONNA美眉组合; LA BELLA DONNA三色眼影盒; LA BELLA DONNA霜状矿物腮红; LA BELLA DONNA四色眼影组合; LA BELLA DONNA月华亮肤腮红; LA BELLA DONNA透亮唇彩; LA BELLA DONNA矿物粉底; |
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