词条 | 贝克特小说的后现代精神分析 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名: 贝克特小说的后现代精神分析 作 者:曹波 出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社 出版时间: 2011年3月1日 ISBN: 9787513504874 开本: 16开 定价: 61.90元 内容简介《贝克特小说的后现代精神分析》对贝克特的小说做了深入的后现代精神分析学研究之后,《贝克特小说的后现代精神分析》进而对中国的贝克特介绍、翻译和研究进行比较全面的学术评价。基于系统而独特的研究,《贝克特小说的后现代精神分析》作者在篇尾指出,中国的贝克特研究呈现出路线分明、视角互补的繁荣局面。附录中还有作者发表的中文文章,那些文章从不同角度探讨了贝克特的小说和戏剧,希望能给国内的贝克特研究带来新的光芒。 图书目录Introduction Chapter 1 Beckett's Novels and Lacanianism 1.1 Contemporary Criticisms of Beckett's Novels 1.2 Psychoanalysis and Beckett's Novels 1.3 Postmodernism and Beckett's Novels 1.4 The Feasibility of a Lacanian Study Chapter 2 Murphy: Dilemmas of Narcissus 2.1 Schizophrenia of the Cogito 2.2 Void Fantasy of the Subject 2.3 Indifference of Narcissus Chapter 3 Watt: Epistemological Crises and Mirror-Narration 3.1 Identity Crises of Father and Son 3.2 Watt's Linguistic Crisis 3.3 Ambiguities of Mirror-Narration Chapter 4 Molloy: Dilemmas of Oedipus and Mirror-Writing 4.1 Fetishism, Scatology and Games of Oedipus 4.2 Crucifixion of Father and Son 4.3 Darkness of the Mirror Chapter 5 Malone Dies: the Endgame of Writing 5.1 Crucifixion of the Author 5.2 The Endgame of Writing 5.3 Reflections of the Subject Chapter 6 The Unnamable: the Subject's Absence 6.1 The Locutor's Paradox 6.2 The Self's Endgame 6.3 Fantasies of the Non-Subject Chapter 7 Dilemmas and Desire of the Subject 7.1 Dilemmas of the Subject 7.2 The Projection of Desire. Chapter 8 Studies of Beckett's Novels in China 8.1 A Survey of Beckett Criticism in China 8.2 Key Perspectives and Views 8.3 Transitions and Compensations Bibliography Appendixes I Void and Dissolution of Beckettian Protagonists II The Study and Translation of S. Beckett III Beckett's Novels in China IV Beckett's Art of the Theater of the Absurd V The Nobel Prize in Literature 1969 VI Works Cited in Appendixes Indexes I Beckett Criticism in China II Chinese Translations of Beckett's Works Ⅲ Works by S. Beckett Afterword |
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