词条 | 北京至尚贸易有限公司 |
释义 | 北京至尚贸易公司2001年成立。专注代理国际一线品牌在中国市场的销售。在光学产品方面代理了德国--卡尔.蔡司望远镜,负责其在中国地区的销售以及相关市场活动,其他产品方面还代理了瑞士维氏军刀、SIGG水瓶、美国美光手电、阿拉丁、史丹利水瓶等国际知名品牌的产品。 Beijing Chishine Trade Co. was founded in 2001 with a focus on distributing the world’s top products in all Chinese markets. Chishine distributes Carl-Zeiss binoculars and is responsible for Zeiss finances and marketing in China. Chicshine also distributes other high-quality products such as Swiss Army Knives, SIGG bottles, Maglites, and Aladdin and Stanley Bottles. Chicshine’s marketing network distributes in malls in all of the major cities in China, including Lufthansa shopping center, CuiWei building shopping center, the Jin Era shopping center and the New World Zhuo Exhibition shopping center. Chicshine concentrates on developing an online market and collective buying. It also has helped to establish a market for these top products in China. Chicshine has been moving forward these past several years. Through our testing and discovery, we are able to provide top-quality service to all of our customers. 一、公司业务北京至尚贸易公司自成立以来,一直专注于欧洲一线品牌的引进和在中国市场的运作。 (一)光学产品德国--卡尔.蔡司望远镜 (二)户外装备 瑞士维氏军刀 SIGG水瓶 美国美光手电 阿拉丁水瓶 史丹利水瓶 施华洛世奇商务腕表 二、营销网络(一)线下网络 一线城市的各大百货包括燕莎购物中心、翠微大厦、金源时代购物中心、卓展购物中心、新世界购物中心等企事业单位集团采购 (二)电子商务B2C至尚户外专营店 淘宝商城 生生动力淘宝店 当当至尚户外专营店 三、至尚的使命多年来至尚一路前行,在发展的道路上不断探索与尝试,为客户提供高品质的服务平台而努力。 |
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