词条 | 北京赛诺达文信息技术有限公司 |
释义 | 中文简介北京赛诺达文信息技术有限公司是致力于信息咨询、语言翻译服务、信息技术研发、信 息技术产品销售及服务的专业化、规范化现代技术企业。公司位于国家级经济技术开发区的核心区,依靠我们独特的区位优势和人才优势,致力于为大型跨国集团和从事进出口贸易企业提供人才培训、技术研发、翻译和网站、市场、软件的本地化服务。 赛诺达文是中国翻译协会团体会员。同时赛诺达文作为中国国家英文周刊《北京周报》(Beijing Review)的核心语言服务供应商,为中国政府部委及国际非营利性组织提供语言翻译服务。 一个由来自不同国家、不同行业和不同专家学者和学科带头人组成的核心团队,在致力于为客户提供高端精准的翻译服务的同时,更愿分享我们在中国市场20多年的成功运营经验,为客户提供海外市场开拓、市场调查与分析、市场战略咨询方案,积极服务于企业客户的全球化战略目标。 我们立足于语言服务,但亦不局限于语言翻译,不同的文化、经济、行业、政体的差异,亦要求语言服务提供商提供更翔实、全面的市场开拓方案及产品设计方案的咨询与评估。愿我们多元化企业文化为您架起东西方文化商贸交流的桥梁,愿我们的系列化服务产品给您的全球化发展战略提供有效支撑。 北京总部地 址:北京亦庄经济技术开发区文化园西路8号 上海分公司地 址:上海市新松江路1234号7楼恒杰商务楼A座7楼 美国分公司地 址:256 SOUTH ROBERTSON BLVD,SUITE 12 BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90211,USA About USBeijing Sinotrans IT Co. Ltd. provides translation & interpretation services. Headquartered in Beijing, we are a team of professionals with a proven track record. As a corporate member of Translator's Association of China and contracted service provider of Beijing Review--China's only English language weekly, SINOTRANS is widely accepted as a qualified and outstanding translation agency. In addition to 24-hour fast and accurate translation services, we offer a range of solutions including website localization and marketing optimization. What differentiates us from other translation companies is our customized products and services that best suit our clients' needs either for overseas marketing development or for achieving their strategic goals in China. Outstanding service is more than just excellent language service. In bridging your products and China market, SINOTRANS ensures that your messages are communicated just the way you intended. Do you want to grow your business in China? Do you aim to have more customers and higher ROI? Are you ready to create more demand for your products or services and outperform your direct competitors? If your answer is yes, then please contact us and we have a solution for you! Head OfficeBeijing Sinotrans IT Co. Ltd. Address: Room 2202, Building No.21, Link Park, No. 8 Western Rd of Cultural Park, Beijing Development Area(BDA) Post Coad: 100176 |
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