词条 | 北部湾商务英语 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 南京大学出版社; 第1版 (2010年12月1日) 平装: 293页 正文语种: 英语, 简体中文 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787305079092 条形码: 9787305079092 尺寸: 25.4 x 18 x 1.4 cm 重量: 440 g 内容简介《北部湾商务英语》以中国-东盟合作为背景,以蒸蒸日上的北部湾经济区建设和欣欣向荣的商务活动为线索,以中国-东盟经贸和商务为中心,以广西北部湾经济区的南宁、北海、钦州和防城港四个城市的经贸和商务为支点,较系统而全面地介绍了该地区对外经济和商务活动的大致过程和主要内容,第一次以教科书的形式较全面地、系统地介绍了南宁、钦州、北海、防城港这四大核心城市的政治、经济、历史、文化等特色,以及举世瞩目、令人振奋的历届中国-东盟博览会盛况、广西北部湾经济区的建设、泛北部湾合作等。 《北部湾商务英语》内容独特,特色鲜明,与时俱进,实用性强,既可以做英语、商务英语、对外经济贸易和外事、旅游等专业和方向的教材,也可供广大英语爱好者阅读。 目录Unit 1 Meeting Guests at Nanning Wuxu International Airport Section A Pattern Drills I Greeting and Responding lI Introducing and Responding III Asking for the Trip IV Wishing. Section B Dialogues Dialogue 1 Introducing Each Other at Departure Hall Dialogue 2 Introducing Nanning's Infrastructure on the Way to Nanning Hotel. Dialogue 3 Introducing Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone at Nanning Hotel Exercises I Interpret the following sentences into Chinese. II Interpret the following sentences into English. 1II Interpret the following dialogue into English. Section C Reading Regionally Internationalized Metropolis: Nanning City I Advantages of Nanning II Turning Nanning into Water City III Many Changes to Create New Images of Nanning IV Nanning International Art Festival of Folk Song V Nanning Economic and Technological Development Zone Discussion Unit 2 Making Inquiries at the China-ASEAN Expo Section A Pattern Drills I Asking For General Information of the Factory and the Goods II Introducing and Promoting the Products III Asking for Catalogue, Price List and Samples IV Bargaining Section B Dialogues Dialogue 1 Inquiring for Canned Lobsters Dialogue 2 Inquiring for Eiderdown Products Dialogue 3 Inquiring for Nanning Motorcycles Exercises I Interpret the following sentences into Chinese, II Interpret the following sentences into English. III Interpret the following dialogue into English. Section C Reading The Economic Engine: China-ASEAN Expo I Major Events in the 15 Years (1991——2006) of China-ASEAN Dialogue Partnership II Preparation for China-ASEAN Expo III The First China-ASEAN Expo IV The Second to the Fourth China-ASEAN Expos V The Fifth China-ASEAN Expo. VI The Sixth China-ASEAN Expo. VII The Seventh China-ASEAN Expo Ⅷ China-ASEAN International Tourism Cooperation Forum Discussion Unit 3 Making Offers and Counter- Offers at Nanning Economic and Technical Development Zone Section A Pattern Drills I Making Offers II Making Counter-Offers HI Replying to the Counter-Offers Section B Dialogues Dialogue 1 Discussing a Finn Offer for Nanning Tractors Dialogue 2 Discussing a Firm Offer for Chinese Traditional Medicine Dialogue 3 Discussing a Non-firm Offer for Nanning Jasmine Tea Exercises I Interpret the following sentences into Chinese. II Interpret the following sentences into Chinese. III Interpret the following dialogue into English. Section C Reading Prosperous and Thriving City: Nanning City I Sound and Rapid Economic and Social Development. II The Development of Service Industry and Urban Serving Capacity III The Development of Social Undertakings and Civilization IV The Acceleration of a New-type Industrialization Process V The Acceleration of Service Industry with Modern Logistics, Tourism and Convention VI The Development of County Economy and the Building of a New Socialist Countryside VII The Increase of Efforts to Conserve Energy, Reduce Emissions and Protect the Environment Ⅷ The Strength of Urban Planning and Construction IX The Development of High-leveled Wuxiang New District Unit 4 Purchasing at Beihai High=tech Park Unit 5 Negotiating Payment Terms in Qinzhou Bonded Port Area Unit 6 Insuring at teh PICC, Beibu Gulf Branch Unit 7 Negotizting Transportation and Shipment at Fangcheng port Unit 8 Discussing Commodity Inspecion at CIQ,Pingxiang Branch Unit 9 Lodging Claims at Qinzhou Port Section B Dialogues Exercises Section C Reading Appendix Bibliography |
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