词条 | 鲍汁辽参扣鹅掌 |
释义 | 中文介绍【菜系】 粤菜 【菜名】 鲍汁辽參扣鹅掌【做法】 涨发.蒸.煲. 【味型】 咸鲜 【成菜】 热菜 辽参:称为海龙、乌龙、海黄瓜。辽参生活在海流平静的海湾内,通常栖息在3—15米岩礁或细沙海底,由于体部布满大小不等圆锥形肉刺,故而得名。辽参明代时期是上等贡品,海上八珍之一,它是一种高蛋白(20%)低脂肪(0.9%)低胆固醇,古时候的人因它“生于海,但其性温补,足敌人参”,其内部含有胶原纤维所组成的结缔组织,有多种人体所需的氨基酸亦被称为海中人参。中国传统医学对其药性效果封味补品。辽参能治疗,壮阳治萎,“补益肝肾之阴,壮肾阳”的功效,《本草》又说它有“甘咸温,补肾益清,壮阳疗萎”“滋阴补血,健阳润燥”。 1.海参的发制:取适量的海参放入没有油腥的干净容器内,用清水泡12-24小时(夏天放在冰箱保鲜层),泡软后将肚割开去掉内皮(贴在海参内的一层薄皮)、沙嘴,清洗干净(筋可食),放在没有油腥的锅内。 2.加入足量的冷水(水要一次加足,中间不可加入冷水)大火烧开,再改用文火煮10-45分钟(我一般是煮二十分钟左右),熄火后将锅静置,自然凉透后水倒掉,加入足量的冷纯净水放入冰箱保鲜48小时,海参即可长大(24小时换一次纯净水),这样就可以吃,如一次吃不完可放冰箱冷冻存放。 3.鲍汁扣辽参做法:发好的刺参放入鲍汁中煮至入味就行.时间不用太长.因为海参是熟的了.刺参性热.所以一次不能多吃. 小诀窍: 1、泡、煮海参的容器和锅切忌油腥,否则海参会化掉。 2、煮、泡海参的时间根据海参大小而定。 3、煮海参时,水要一次加足,中途不能加入冷水,否则海参不易长大。 4、每早取1-2个海参加热空腹吃下(深圳天气干燥,而且不是非常寒冷,我建议一天一个。小朋友可以隔天吃半个,当然得视海参的大小来定) 5、干海参应存放在通风干燥处,切忌受潮。 6 . 用纯净水比用自来水可以让海参发得更大. 做法: 原料:辽参是北海道 、美国鹅掌、鲍汁、食盐适量。 制作:将泡发好的辽参煮熟,美国鹅掌煮熟待用,然后调好鲍汁,上桌时再淋上鲍汁即可。 功效:有健脾开胃、滋肾养肝、益阴理气的作用。可以强壮身体,增强身体的抗病能力。 特点:辽参和其他参类一样富含胶质,吃起来软糯弹牙。美国鹅掌肥厚,肉好吃,不同于匈牙利的鹅掌太瘦,肉太少。 辽参鹅掌搭配起来相得益彰。鲍鱼汁鲜香味浓,淋在辽参和鹅掌上,旁边再配以两颗碧绿脆嫩的西兰花,色香味跃然而出。 英文解说Cantonese cuisine Abalone Sea Cucumber Dishes deduction tulip Practice up hair. Steam. Cooker. Type salty taste Into a hot dish Sea Cucumber: known as the Dragon, Oolong, sea cucumber. Sea Cucumber with living in a calm bay currents, usually perched on rocks or sand 3-15 m sea, the cone-shaped body covered with burns of varying sizes, hence the name. Sea Cucumber is a fine tribute during the Ming Dynasty, one of eight treasures the sea, it is a high-protein (20%) low fat (0.9%), low cholesterol, people in ancient times because it "was born in the sea, but their sexual warming, Participation enough enemies, "with its internal connective tissue composed of collagen fibers, there are many essential amino acids also known as sea ginseng. Its medicinal effects of traditional Chinese medicine taste tonic closure. Sea Cucumber to treatment, impotence treatment wilt, "replenishing liver and kidney yin, yang strong" effect, "Materia Medica" said it had "Sweet salty warm, invigorating the kidney and clear, impotence treatment wilt" "Yin and blood , Jian Yang moistening. " 1. Sea cucumber hair system: do not take the right amount of oil into the fishy sea cucumber clean container, soak with water for 12-24 hours (summer in the refrigerator fresh layer), soaked until soft belly cut will remove endothelial (attached to the within the thin layer of sea cucumber), spit, clean (edible muscle), no oil fishy on the pot. 2. Add enough cold water (be the first to add a little water, in the middle can not add cold water) fire boil, then simmer for 10-45 minutes of use (I usually cook for twenty minutes), turn off after the pot aside, After the water drained through the natural cool, add enough cold fresh pure water in the refrigerator for 48 hours, sea cucumber can grow up (24 hours for a pure water), so that you can eat, such as a fridge freezer can eat storage. 3. Abalone Sea Cucumber deduction approach: made good cook tasty sea cucumber in abalone sauce into the line. Time not too long. Because the sea cucumber is cooked out. Japonicus of the heat. So one can not eat. Tips: 1, bubble, boil the sea cucumber oil containers and pots should not fishy, or sea cucumber will dissipate. 2, boiling, bubble time under the sea cucumber sea cucumber size. 3, boiled sea cucumber, the water should be one to add a little, half-way can not add cold water, or sea cucumber is not easy growing up. 4, taken every morning fasting eat 1-2 Haishen heat (Shenzhen, dry weather, and not very cold, I suggest that one day one. Children can eat half a day, of course, may, depending on the size of sea cucumbers to be) 5, dried sea cucumbers should be stored in ventilated and dry place, avoid moisture. 6. With pure water than tap water can make hair even larger sea cucumbers. Practices: Ingredients: Sea Cucumber is Hokkaido, the United States Liriodendron, Abalone, salt amount. Production: The bubble of the Sea Cucumber good cook, the United States stand Liriodendron cooked, and then adjusted the Abalone, Abalone topped again when you can serve. Efficacy: There spleen appetizers, Nourishing Kidney and Liver, Yi Yin qi role. Can strong body, strengthen the body's resistance to disease. Features: Sea Cucumber, and other parameters like the rich class of glia, and taste Ruannuo shells teeth. American Liriodendron hypertrophy, delicious meat, unlike the Hungarian Goose too thin, too little meat. Sea Cucumber with Goose up with each other. Abalone sauce delicious Sauvignon, pour in the Sea Cucumber and tulip, the next two Coupled with crisp green broccoli, color, flavor and skyrocketing. |
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