词条 | Amilal |
释义 | 广袤的、一路铺开的,没有尽头的草原。 压得低沉的天空,触手可及的、大团大团的云。 不羁的、疾疾的风,滚过草地,翻开层层的浪。 当夕阳开始把一切燃烧。 天地间唯一的人,就躺在草地上吧,闭上眼睛。 听她唱 星斗和银河 骏马和羊群 坚毅善良的蒙古人 永远心之所向的故乡 这从心里流淌出来的歌 这是“可以聆听的草原”。 简介专辑名称: Amilal 专辑歌手: Urna Chahar-Tugchi 乌仁娜 发行日期: 2005年 专辑语种: Mongolian 专辑类型: Acoustic 唱片公司: 大大树 压缩比率: 192Kbps 专辑介绍在《生命》这张专辑中,我们仍然可以清楚听见乌仁娜那蕴育自「歌的海洋」-内蒙草原上的嘹亮声音,但除此之外,这张专辑还超越了传统世界音乐「地域声响」的概念,总结了乌仁娜离开蒙古多年后的思考。乌仁娜创作了绝大部分的词曲,《生命》脱离《在路上》(TMCD-278)及《蓝色草原》(TMCD-320)的大草原民谣,我们却听到更多她对于生命的沉淀与低吟。 这张专辑的完成本身就是世界性的。乌仁娜与伊朗国宝级打击乐三人组彻米哈尼父子(Chemirani Trio)合作编曲、即兴演出,专辑中也可以听到匈牙利小提琴家Zoltan Lantos精采的诠释。制作人钟适芳、录音师沉圣德与乌仁娜在泰国清迈进行录音,接着在德国慕尼黑的混音、后制工程则是由擅长中亚鼓乐的德国工程师完成。每旅行到一个地方,都印记下当地热情友人的帮助以及民族的性格。世界音乐不再固守地域,而是跨界撞击、广纳包容。 对于录音师来说,乌仁娜的声音总给他们无穷的想象,跨越四个八度的音域让录音技术能无保留地彻底发挥。整张专辑除最后一首(2004女歌节现场录音)外,皆在泰国清迈山区的木屋中录制。对于生活即歌唱的乌仁娜而言,对着开阔的天空就能唱出最动人的故事。有趣的是,每唱至高音处,树上的蝉就像是找到了合音般地急鸣起来,此时,乌仁娜的声音与自然合而为一——风潮唱片 在《生命》这张专辑中,我们仍然可以清楚听见乌仁娜那蕴育自「歌的海洋」-内蒙草原上的嘹亮声音,但除此之外,这张专辑还超越了传统世界音乐「地域声响」的概念,总结了乌仁娜离开蒙古多年后的思考。乌仁娜创作了绝大部分的词曲,《生命》脱离《在路上》(TMCD-278)及《蓝色草原》(TMCD-320)的大草原民谣,我们却听到更多她对于生命的沉淀与低吟。 这张专辑的完成本身就是世界性的。乌仁娜与伊朗国宝级打击乐三人组彻米哈尼父子(Chemirani Trio)合作编曲、即兴演出,专辑中也可以听到匈牙利小提琴家Zoltan Lantos精采的诠释。这些来自不同国界线的音乐人,摆脱语言的捆绑,在音乐中清楚听见彼此,成果就是这张令人耳目一新的《生命》。 制作人钟适芳、录音师沉圣德与乌仁娜在泰国清迈进行录音,接着在德国慕尼黑的混音、后制工程则是由擅长中亚鼓乐的德国工程师完成。每旅行到一个地方,都印记下当地热情友人的帮助以及民族的性格。世界音乐不再固守地域,而是跨界撞击、广纳包容。 在录音及后制的工程上,这张专辑细致讲究的程度,已超越了坊间发烧片的水平。对于录音师来说,乌仁娜的声音总给他们无穷的想象,那跨越四个八度的音域让录音技术能无保留地彻底发挥,聆听时就有如置身乌仁娜演唱会现场。这张专辑并非一般的录音室专辑,除最后一首(2004女歌节现场录音)外,皆在泰国清迈山区的木屋中录制。对于生活即歌唱的乌仁娜而言,对着开阔的天空就能唱出最动人的故事。有趣的是,每唱至高音处,树上的蝉就像是找到了合音般地急鸣起来,此时,乌仁娜的声音与自然合而为一。 而在混音、后制工程上,更是花费了长达四个月的时间,由德国籍专业的工程师Wolfgang Obrecht一手操刀,成果令人满意,也带给听众截然不同于一般录音室作品的听觉感受。——李家骐 About Urna: Urna Chahar-Tugchi was born into a family of livestock farmers in the grasslands of the Ordos district in the Southwest region of Inner Mongolia. Today Urna is regarded as one of the most outstanding female vocalists of Asia. Based in Bavaria, Germany, Urna continues to carry the spirit of her homeland in her music as she performs around the world. Urna出生于内蒙古西南部鄂尔多斯地区草原的牧民家庭,如今她已经是亚洲最杰出的女声之一。在德国巴伐利亚,Urna继续着她的事业,将故乡的精神通过音乐呈现给全世界。 Urna's developed her musical talent and instincts while learning the Yangqin (Chinese dulcimer) in Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia, with a visiting professor from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. At the age of eighteen, Urna decided to leave Mongolia to study at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music – an extraordinarily brave decision, for at the time she did not speak one word of Mandarin Chinese and her family knew very little of Shanghai, let alone its location. With this move, Urna's life and career took a dramatic turn. Urna展露她音乐的才能和天赋是在学习扬琴的那段时间,那时上海音乐学院的教授正访问呼和浩特。十八岁那年,她做了一个勇敢的决定——离开内蒙到上音求学。当时她连一句普通话也不会讲,她的家人也对上海知之甚少,连位置哪里都不知道。这次远行对Urna的生活和事业产生了戏剧性的转变。 One Russian music critic named Urna, along with the Tuvan singer Sainkho, one of the "two Asian Divas". In the summer of 2003, Urna sealed her place as a major contributor to world music in Europe when she was awarded the RUTH prize in Germany for Best International Artist. 一位俄罗斯音乐评论家称Urna和另外一位Tuvan歌手Sainkho为“亚洲女高音双姝”。2003年夏天,在得到德国RUTH奖最佳国际艺术家称号之后,在欧洲人眼里Urna奠定了世界音乐的重要贡献者的地位。 Urna is gifted with the ability to genuinely communicate with her listeners through her music, as she transcends all linguistic and cultural barriers with her dynamic, soaring voice. Many of Urna’s songs evoke the immense grasslands of Mongolia and tell of the Mongolian ways of life, and her performances are unforgettable to those who witness or participate in her music. Many describe Urna's singing as akin to the experience of a religious ceremony -- although her music does not necessarily speak of religion, she explains, “I interpret my songs with all my life and energy; therefore, I feel rebirth after each performance.” Urna的天份在于能够超越语言和文化的阻隔,通过她生动高亢的嗓音与听众用音乐交流。她的许多曲子都能唤起人们对蒙古大草原和蒙古生活的联想,让身临其境的听者无法忘怀。尽管她的音乐和宗教扯不上多大关系,可不少人觉得听她唱歌像是经历一场宗教仪式,就像Urna自己说的那样:“我把我的生活和精神融入了我的歌曲中,因此每一次的表演对我来说就是一次重生。” While Urna is rooted in the traditional music of her homeland, she continues to take her music in new directions. Her latest compositions emphasize free, brushstroke-like improvisations, which have been inspired by her recent experiences with other cultures and musicians and her life outside of Mongolia. With this constant yearning to take her music beyond convention, Urna has collaborated with many internationally-renown musicians including the Hungarian violinist Zoltan Lantos, Ramesh Shotham from India, and Muhammud Reza and Saam Schlamminger from Central Asia, and Jerzy Bawol from the Polish band Kroke. 在深深扎根于故乡的传统音乐的同时,Urna不断将她的音乐向新的方向发展。最新的创作强调自由,白描一般的即兴演唱,灵感则来自于她最近与蒙古以外的文化和音乐家碰撞的结果。向来意欲突破传统的音乐理念,Uran与众多国际知名的音乐家进行了合作,其中包括匈牙利小提琴家Zoltan Lantos, 印度的Ramesh Shotham, 中亚的Muhammud Reza与Saam Schlamminger, 以及来自于波兰乐队Kroke的Jerzy Bawol。 Urna's latest recording, Amilal (Life), is a collaborative effort that features accompaniment from the highly acclaimed Zarb percussion masters from Iran, Djamchid Chemirani and Keyvan Chemirani. Completed in 2004, Amilal is Urna’s personal record of her travels after leaving Mongolia, and portrays her views of the world and human beings, as well as her wish for a peaceful world. Musically, Amilal is a departure from the traditional focus of Urna’s past recordings, which center on the traditional songs, life and memories of her childhood in Mongolia. With the new compositions on this recording, Urna maintains the dignity and the spirit of a Mongolian while embracing a newly-emerging identity as a “world citizen.” Urna 最新专辑Amilal(生命)云集了众多音乐家的心血,包括广受赞誉的Zarb乐器大家Djamchid Chemirani和Keyvan Chemirani。完成于2004年的Amilal是她远离蒙古后的心路历程,刻画了其对世界和人类的理解以及对于和平世界的期冀。风格上,之前几张专辑主要来源于儿时的蒙古传统音乐,而Amilal脱离了原先的音乐理念,以“世界公民”作为全新的定位,同时又保持了原有的蒙古性格和精神。 Translated by Vaaalen 相关下载About Urna.PDF点击下载 Urna系列: Tal Nutag 1995 Hodood 1999 Jamar 2001 Amilal 2005 专辑曲目1. Buuvei (Lullaby) 2. Yisun Dalaiin Hövöönd (By the Coasts of Nine Oceans) 3. Haram gui (Feeling Generous) 4. Taivshiral (Ease) 5. Shirdegiin Chaidam 6. Hureng Mori Min (My Brown Horse) 7. Sanaalijal (Memory) 8. Bayarmangnaiin Shili (The Hill of Bayarmangnaiin) 9. Beleg (The Gift) 10. Gurvan Saihan Heer (Three Gorgeous Browns) 11. Hödlöl (Movements) 12. Amilal (Life) 13. Tenggeriin Shivuu (Heavenly Bird) - Live (本专辑已加入mp3共享计划) |
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