词条 | 巴黎塞夫尔国际度量衡委员会 |
释义 | What is the OIML? The International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) is an intergovernmental treaty organization whose membership includes Member States, countries which participate actively in technical activities, and Corresponding Members, countries which join the OIML as observers. It was established in 1955 (see the Convention) in order to promote the global harmonization of legal metrology procedures. Since that time, the OIML has developed a worldwide technical structure that provides its Members with metrological guidelines for the elaboration of national and regional requirements concerning the manufacture and use of measuring instruments for legal metrology applications. Countries which are not yet Members of the OIML may download a PDF file giving additional information. ============================ 国际法定度量衡组织(International Organization for Legal Metrology,OIML),根据1955年10月12日在巴黎签订的《国际法定度量衡组织公约》成立,是政府间法定计量国际组织。该组织的宗旨是提供并促进各国法定度量衡系统及量测仪器共同的国际基础,促进各缔约国计量部门之间的联系。 该组织的最高决策机构是大会,常设领导机构为委员会,国际法计量局为其常设办事机构,设有一个文献和情报中心。该组织侧重于度量衡计量单位的实务应用,它本身没有自己的实验室,对于量测仪器具以及量测技术的研究发展工作,通常委托成员国的国家实验室进行。 目前,参加国际法定度量衡组织的会员国有55个。中国政府于1985年3月26日向法国政府交存加入书,同年4月26日对中国生效。 |
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