词条 | 北京电力设备总厂 |
释义 | 北京电力设备总厂(BPEG)占地面积74.42万平方米,建筑面积29.88万平方米,生产建筑面积9.4万平方米,生产用占地面积为44.39万平方米,其中,大型机加工厂房占地面积为1.9万平方米,铆焊厂房占地面积为0.8万平方米,锻工厂房占地面积为1.06万平方米,以及备品备件厂房占地面积为0.53万平方米。BPEG具有很强的制造能力,按时交货是BPEG一贯坚持的原则。 简介北京电力设备总厂始建于1953年,本部占地面积74万平方米,注册资本9290万元,是中国能源建设集团有限公司的全资子公司,国有大型一类企业,现有1853人,其中研发人员269人。 北京电力设备总厂拥有机械、电机、电器、自动化控制等较齐全的技术门类;有铸造、锻造、焊接、机械加工、电工、电子等生产线;还有理化、计量、无损检测、电子试验、无线电测量等试验检测能力。具有科研、产品设计、工程设计等开发能力。 北京电力设备总厂是最大的电力设备制造企业,以大型电站辅机设备、备品配件与检修服务、电控设备、特高压电网装备为主业,设有省级企业技术中心,拥有国内一流的自主研发制造能力,是特高压电网装备、百万级核电母线国产化研制骨干企业之一,拥有世界级磨煤机研制基地。形成了"发电、电网、冶金、建材、煤炭、化工、铁路并举"的产品格局和一批拥有自主知识产权的重大技术装备产品。具备大型水电、火电、核电、风电等发电辅机设备,特高压电网与常规电网装备,冶金、建材、煤炭、化工行业研磨制粉设备和煤粉干燥设备、铁路电控设备的研发、制造、销售和维护能力,具有领先的制造优势和突出的市场占有率,2010年入选中国机械工业100强企业,名列第84位。 总厂推行多元化产品经营战略,实行事业部制管理模式,共有5个面向市场的产品事业部,2个全资直属企业,2个多经企业,3个参股企业,已形成了跨地区的集团化企业。 北京电力设备总厂1993年被中国国家统计局列入"中国最大500家机械工业企业",排名第109位 。拥有机械、电机、电器、自动化控制等较齐全的技术门类,拥有铸造、锻造、焊接、机械加工、电工、电子等较齐全的工艺生产能力以及相应的理化、金相、精密测量、无损检测、电子试验、无线电测量等检验试验能力,具有科研开发、产品设计、工程设计等设计开发能力。主要产品有: 火电机组用中、低速磨煤机和给煤机, 电动、汽动调速给水泵组等电站辅机; 封闭母线和高启动转矩电动机等电器设备;输变电和载波通讯设备以及各类电站备品配件等。其中电站辅机被国家电力公司电力规划设计总院和国家电力公司成套设备局列入《电力工程主要设备推荐厂家名录》(2001年版)。中速辊式磨煤机和离相封闭母线被国家科学技术委员会列入《"九五"国家科技成果重点推广计划指南项目》。 北京电力设备总厂以"想客户所想,急客户所急,干客户所需"为经营宗旨,以"我们的朋友遍天下"为企业文化支柱,与各地区电力规划设计部门、发供电单位和机电行业企业建立了广泛联系和长久友谊,并加强与德国巴布科克(BABCOCK)公司、罗西(LOESCHE)公司、美国福斯特惠勒(FOSTERWHEELER)公司、法国苏尔寿(SULZER)公司等国际著名产业公司的经贸合作和友好往来,产品不仅遍布中国广大地区主力电厂和变电站,近几年电器产品还出口东南亚等地区。 北京电力设备总厂以"质量、服务第一,用户、信誉至上"来规范企业行为,立足于电力事业,面向各界企业,竭诚为所有用户终身服务。 本企业已全面通过ISO9001质量体系认证, 将严格按照GB/T19001-1994 idt ISO9001:1994标准向用户提供服务和承诺。 Beijing Power Equipment Group (BPEG), as a state-owned enterprise, crosses through Beijing and Hebei province, covering an area of 1.3 million square meters. Headquarter is located at Liangxiang, Beijing. BPEG, with 3000 employees, owns assets for 1040 million RMB Yuan. BPEG has more than 2000 manufacturing facilities, in which there are more than 1000 sets of common equipment, 16 sets of precision equipment, 114 sets of large size equipment and 19 sets of unusual equipment. BPEG commits a diversified products management system. There are six undertaking branches, two fully-invested enterprises, two multi-industry enterprises and several share participating enterprises. BPEG has formed a trans-regional aggregative enterprise. Local area network has been set up at BPEG for information management. BPEG forms a diversified products structure based on the characteristics of power field. There are two major kinds of products. One is power mechanical product and spare parts, and the other is electrical product. The major products have formed seriation. They are, medium-speed roller mill (seven types and eighteen specifications), special industrial turbine (4-10MW), air-core and iron-core reactor (with Max. capacity 20000kVA/66kV), line trap, dry-type transformer, motor (with Max. capacity 5500kW), fully-connected enclosed bus duct (equipped for 100-600MW generator), etc. Besides, BPEG also manufactures coal feeder with electrical weighing system, coal bunker loosen machine, aluminum-alloy platform for chamber of boiler overhauling, silicon-rubber synthetic insulator, zinc-oxide lightning arrestor, comprehensive automatic control system for substation and coal sampler, etc. BPEG has great achievement and experience to provide auxiliary equipment, mating equipment for large-scaled thermal, hydro and nuclear power generators, as well as to provide various electrical equipment for super-tension substation, has technical force and institute to develop and make research independently, and has ISO9000:2000 quality system and test center to guarantee the product quality. Annual sales of BPEG is 700 million RMB Yuan. Products sales region covers over 30 provinces and cities and sales field covers metallurgy, chemical industry, construction, railway industry and coal industry. In the power field, BPEG shares a great fame and reputation. BPEG has been awarded the certificate of approval for foreign trade in 1999 and annual turnover for imports and exports is over 15 million US Dollars. BPEG, with the image of "we have friends all over the world", has cooperated with many famous transnational corporations, such as Foster Wheeler in U.S.A, Flender and Babcock in Germany, Sulzer in France, Esab in Sweden, Trench in Canada, ABB and Hitachi in Japan. BPEG, with a large developing potential, is willing to build up multiplex cooperation for mutual benefits with partners all over the world. 组织结构企业文化企业目标:国内一流 国际知名 企业宗旨:想客户所想 急客户所急 干客户所需 经营理念:市场是硬道理 厂长致辞回首五十年的成长与发展历程,衷心感谢广大用户对我们的厚爱,衷心感谢各级领导和广大同仁对我们的支持。 今天恰逢蓬勃发展的时代。这是机遇,这是挑战,这是责任。我与我的同仁矢志不渝地坚持"想客户所想,急客户所急,干客户所需"的经营宗旨,科技兴企,管理创业,文化育人,奉献于电力生产和建设事业。 展望未来,二十一世纪更美好,我们牢记老朋友,结交新朋友,我们的朋友遍天下! |
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