

词条 北京大学医学出版社


北京大学医学出版社(Peking University Medical Press)成立于1989年8月,是中央级专业出版社,也是教育部直属的重点大学出版社。前身为北京医科大学、中国协和医科大学联合出版社;1999年3月独立建社,更名为北京医科大学出版社;2002年8月经新闻出版总署批准,更名为北京大学医学出版社。出版者前缀为ISBN 7-81034,7-81071及7-81116。现任社长陆银道副研究员,总编辑程伯基教授。

打造医学图书精品,服务人民健康事业。建社18年来,我社始终坚持为社会主义服务,为人民健康服务,为医学教育、科研和医疗卫生服务的办社宗旨,坚持社会效益第一的原则,共出版医学图书2000余种,发行1800余万册。以“高质量、高品位、高水平、多层次”的品牌理念,成为社会信誉度很高的大学出版社,赢得了作者、读者以及出版界业内的认可。被国家教育部确立为“先进高校出版社”;曾经三次被国家新闻出版总署评为“全国良好出版社”;三次被国家卫生部评为“杰出科技著作突出贡。70余种图书获部、委《血管生物学》、《消化系统疾病电子内镜图谱》获“中国图书奖”,《科学防治 战胜非典》获第六届国家图书奖特别奖,《泌尿外科内镜诊断治疗学》获中华优秀出版物(图书)奖,实现了社会效益和经济效益的最佳结合。



Peking University Medical Press (PUMP), founded in August 1989, is a national specialized publishing house and key university press under Ministry of Education. The publisher prefix is ISBN 7-81034, 7-81071 and 7-81116.

The mission of PUMP is to publish high-quality works for medical and biological sciences. It has a wide range of publications, including medical textbooks, monographs, translations, reprints, dictionaries, atlases, supplementary medical course materials and popular scientific booklets. In the past 18 years from its establishment, PUMP has published more than 2,000 titles, with circulation over 18 million copies and reprinting rate over 50%. Its publications are well-known for their high quality, top grade and diversity, and have gained the press much social reputation. In 1995, PUMP was selected and established as “the Advanced University Publishing House” by Ministry of Education. It has been three times honoured as “the National Excellent Publishing House” by General Administration of Press and Publication and three times praised by Ministry of Health for outstanding achievements in publishing scientific and technological works. Two of PUMP publications, Vessel Biology and Atlas of Gastroenterologic Electro-Endoscopy have won China Book Award, which is the highest ranking award for publications in China. Nearly 70 books have ever won awards given by the Ministries.

PUMP is owned by Peking University Health Science Centre (PUHSC). The latter is the medical school of Peking University and one of the oldest and most prestigious medical institutions in China. Among all Chinese medical colleges, PUHSC has the largest number of scientific papers and the largest number of grants by the National Natural Sciences Foundation. The school possesses a large number of national areas of excellence, best hospitals and many leading physicians and scientists. Many physicians have had years of study and research or obtained postgraduate degrees in English speaking countries such as the UK and US. The large number of top physicians and researchers of PUHSC, who are conversant with the latest development in related fields, have become PUMP natural resources of authors and translators. The output from teaching, research and practice by the staff and students has been an important source of PUMP publication materials. And also, the physicians and students are a valuable group of readers. With this natural advantage, PUMP has achieved rapid development in the past 16 years. It has established a large network of authors and translators, composed of physicians and scientists throughout the country with those from PUHSC as the nucleus. In terms of the privilege of the backup of a medical university of this size and influence, PUMP is unmatched in China.

In recent years, PUMP has done much in international cooperation, getting actively involved in international copyright trade. PUMP has friendly cooperation with many foreign publishers, including ELSEVIER, Thomson Learning, McGraw-Hill, John Wiley, Blackwell, and Lippincott, etc. In Sep. 2003, PUMP-ELSEVIER Joint Editorial Department was established and since then PUMP has held the priority to introduce ELSEVIER books into China. In the past several years, PUMP has introduced many classic academic monographs and textbooks into China. More than 100 well known medical textbooks have been translated and published by PUMP, among which Diagnostic Surgical Pathology has won China Quality Translation Award. Most of these Chinese translations are well accepted by Chinese readers for their high quality.

PUMP is composed of Routine Office, Chief Editor Office, four Editorial Offices, Multi-media Editorial Office, Quality Inspection Office, International Cooperation Department, Publishing Department, Marketing Department, Sales and Distribution Department, and Department of Customer Service.

Director: Associate Researchow Lu Y

Chief Editor: Professor Cheng Boji已/titlurl]组织学与胚胎学》、《人体解剖学》、《医学生理学》、《医学微生物学》、《医学寄生虫学》、《医学免疫学》、《医学遗传学》、《病理生理学》、《药理学》、《医学心理学》、《预防医学》、《物理诊断学》、《实验诊断学》、《外科学》、《妇产科学》、《儿科学》、《神经病学》、《眼科学》、《耳鼻咽喉头颈科学》、《口腔医学》、《康复医学》、《医学伦理学》





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