词条 | 爱立方艺术中心 |
释义 | 企业背景: 爱立方艺术中心成立于2008年 ,致力于专业的国际化的艺术教育,为学前年龄至15岁的儿童提供丰富多彩的艺术课程,从而让孩子们能快乐的接近艺术,感受艺术,体验艺术,表达艺术。教授色彩、线条、形状、空间、肌理等视觉元素,鼓励学生通过运用各种绘画技法和材料进行艺术创作,使每个儿童都可以成为“真正的艺术家”。学习不同的艺术风格和各国艺术史,从中汲取营养,为自己的创作服务,并使孩子愿意一生用画笔表达自己。定期参观博物馆和美术馆,走出课堂,欣赏更多艺术家的作品,提高艺术鉴赏力。 定期举办一次公众艺术展览,展出全体学生的艺术作品,让孩子体会艺术分享的真正价值。 企业定位: 爱立方艺术中心的人性化的课程设计,科学的年龄分组。我们的小学员来自全球,不同国籍、不同种族、操着不同的语言,组成爱立方这个高素质,高品质,高标准的大家庭。爱立方艺术中心还有一个全心全力,认同我们,支持我们的家长团队。 在众多的培育机构中,爱立方以自己特有的美育理念,独树一帜。爱立方尊重孩子的思想,保护他们的创造。想象力和创造力是儿童与生俱来的强大能力,我们所做的就是用艺术启发他们的灵感,打开他们的内心世界,培养并增强他们的这种能力,让每个儿童在轻松愉悦的氛围中健康快乐的成长! 特色课程: 当孩子第一次拿起笔和纸,不需要任何的教授,他们就能创造出一副世界上独一无二的艺术作品,而且儿童天生的那种纯真、灵动使得这幅作品无比的珍贵和特殊!我们提供多样的绘画项目,如西方的油画、传统的国画、轻盈灵动的水彩、线描、经典的绘本教学,这些不同的艺术创作方式各有魅力,带给孩子不同的艺术体验,我们的目的就是为了将儿童的纯朴、灵动延续下去,培养他们的想象力和创造力,发掘他们内心更大的潜能! 绘画:油画、水彩、绘本、版画、创意绘画、素描等 手工:雕塑、立构、综合材质制作等 其它艺术课程:儿童艺术评价、艺术史、美学、设计、视觉文化等 About Us 3i Art Center is specialized in art education and offers art learning programs for children from pre-school age to age 15. The Center aims to provide a creative learning environment for the children to discover and develop their artistic skills. The curriculum includes studies on art style and art history as well as field trips to museums and galleries. An exhibition open to the public will round up each academic year. The 3i Art Center art program is designed for children with an interest in art who wish to develop their artistic skills. These skills will build into a visual language enabling students to tackle areas such as color theory, line, drawing and painting, composition and experimenting with different materials.The lessons will integrate conversations on art styles and art history and guided visits to museums and/or art galleries. 3i Art Center also organizes periodic work shows, participates in art competitions and relates with other art institutes. In order to ensure the highest quality of tuition, the number of students will not exceed 6 per class. All teachers are highly qualified and experts in the various disciplines and techniques such as classical drawing, acrylic and oil painting, watercolor, clay, Chinese art etc. At the beginning of each term the teacher will evaluate the students’ skills to help them establish and accomplish their objectives. At the end of each academic year 3i Art Center organizes an exhibition for all the students who have attended classes over the year. |
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