

词条 爱地球环保公益机构



As an environmental NGO, iearth is the rst of its type in China working to raise environmental consciousness among the general public. By organizing environmental campaigns with wide public participation, iearth tries to set up an environmental consciousness-raising framework covering schools, oces and communities, and put into place a public environmental platform involving wide participation of foreign and domestic organizations and individuals.

性质 Nature


The first environmental NGO in China working to raise environmental consciousness among the general public.

主张 View


Everyone should feel grateful to the earth and make a choice better for the earth in every action.

愿景 Vision


To inspire every earth citizen to promote and practice environmental protection and achieve a bright future when human beings live in harmony with the earth.

目标和实施方式 Goal and Execution


Targeting dierent social groups, iearth sets up an environmental consciousness-raising framework and organizes environmental campaigns with wide public participation, trying to spread environmental philosophy and arousing everyone to care for the earth and to turn the consciousness into action.



iearth tries to launch environmental consciousness-raising campaigns in three systems – schools, oces and communities.



“Green Zone” is an environmental consciousness-raising campaign that iearth launches at colleges and universities around China, with the help of students’ societies. By establishing a reasonable and eective incentive mechanism, iearth plans to inspire creativity and communication force in students’ societies, with a goal to train leaders and practitioners of future green economy and green public management. Those societies involved in “G-zone” need to accept capability training and concept renewal from iearth before independently launching activities as volunteers on campus; they also need to enter an online competition by uploading materials about creative ideas and how they are carried out, and every year, representatives from winning societies will have an opportunity to work on

internship in international environmental organizations or participate in discussions on global green economy and public policies.



Through “Low-carbon Oce” which targets enterprises and oce workers, iearth advocates and spreads ideas on sustainable production, consumption and life. By establishing low-carbon partnerships with enterprises, iearth advocates and promotes green actions among enterprises, including low-carbon oce; in the meantime, it tries to arouse oce workers’ consciousness to lead an interactive, open, low-carbon life featuring selfeducation and colleague education by holding environmental exhibitions in oce buildings and public space, launching online low-carbon campaigns, and making and distributing free electronic materials.



“LOHAS-home” is an environmental consciousness-raising campaign that iearth launches at large communities in urban areas. Through the campaign, iearth advocates low carbon and resource conservation at home and in family life, as well as a life attitude featuring balanced and sustainable development. With a special theme for this campaign each year, iearth holds speeches and tour exhibitions on weekends, low-carbon family carnivals and some other activities.


4.1 国际低碳日

“国际低碳日(low-carbon day)”集意申请活动是由iearth发起的一项全球性环保意识唤醒活动。iearth联合国内外环保组织以及各类机构、组织和个人,在iearth媒体联盟的推动下,通过iearth官方网站等通道开展“国际低碳日(low-carbon day)”集意申请活动,推动UN和UNEP将每年的5月20日设立为“国际低碳日(low-carbon day)”。iearth期望通过“集意”这种开放式的方式,引导公众形成低碳认知并促成行为改变。

“Application for Low-carbon Day” is a campaign that iearth launches to raise environmental consciousness around the world. With the help of mass media, iearth works with Chinese and foreign environmental organizations

and other organizations and individuals, and launches a campaign to solicit public opinions and set a Low-carbon Day through its website and other channels, trying to propel the UN and UNEP to designate May 20 the Low-carbon Day. By gathering public opinions, iearth hopes to guide the public to better understand the low-carbon life and to change public behaviors.


有很多人,他们工作在环境保护的第一线,在异常艰苦的条件下守护地球,这些人,我们称之为iearthkeeper。iearthkeeper同时也是iearth环保公益组织发起的一项兼具资助性质和意识唤醒性质的公益项目。该计划通过与各类环保公益组织合作, 挑选令人尊敬的iearthkeeper,将他们的故事广为传播,从而激发更多人体恤地球、关爱地球的意识,并期望更多人加入iearthkeeper的事业。同时iearth联合企业,为纳入计划的iearthkeeper提供高科技高品质的交通工具、办公工具、通讯工具以及服装、装备等物资支持。

“Iearthkeeper” is also a consciousness-raising campaign that iearth launches for public welfare and that provides assistances. Through this campaign, iearth works with environmental organizations, selects respectable iearthkeepers and spreads their stories, so as to inspire more people to care for the earth and mobilize more people to join in iearthkeepers. Meanwhile, iearth cooperates with enterprises and provides iearthkeepers involved in this campaign with hi-tech and high-quality transport vehicles, oce tools, means of communication, and clothes and equipment.



“Seeds & Plants” is a campaign that iearth launches to raise public consciousness of carbon neutrality. Iearth plans to distribute 300 bags of plant seeds for free in the following three years. Iearth believes that the process of seeds growing into plants is not only a process of achieving zero carbon emissions, but also a process of spreading the concept of carbon neutrality. At the same time, iearth launches on microblogs an online activity named “Show Your Plant, Contribute to Carbon Neutrality,” encouraging people to share their pleasure seeing how a seed grows into a plant and to take actions for carbon neutrality.





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