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释义 | 节目介绍《阿顺历险记》 The Adventure of Chris 集数 / Episodes: 8 主持人 / Host: 李铭顺 李铭顺,本地电视圈的阿哥级的电视剧演员。这一次,他将背起行囊,走遍泰北清迈、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、越南四个地方,经历一场舍弃华丽,重于人文、集合地理,几经跌宕起伏的探险之旅。节目有美轮美奂的景色,也关怀生态环境,更有不少奇闻怪事。 节目根据当地地理及地貌为主题,通过地理说人文,看丰富多彩的地质资源和地貌景观。旅途中,探索少数民族的生存之道及特有的文化,保有的古老传统习俗等等。 Christopher Lee, an A-list celebrity. He will be backpacking throughout Chiang Mai, northern Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam, embarking on a rollercoaster journey that combines human and physical geography. Beautiful sceneries and fascinating stories included. Using the landscape as the underlying theme, the programme aims to introduce the different natural resources and along the way, experience the lesser-known ways of survival and culture, traditions and beliefs. The Adventures of Chris: A simple journey on life-appreciation. 10月20日起,每逢星期四晚上8时,U频道; Premieres 20 Oct 2011, every Thursday 8pm on Channel U 每集剧情泰北-清迈 Thailand - Chiang Mai(Episode 1-3) Episode 1湄登县(Mae Taeng)/喃邦(Lampang) 地理特色:森林 Content:大象在泰国人民的生活中具有举足轻重的地位,它是泰国的象征。阿顺来到"大象之邦",体验象夫的生活,探索泰国与大象的渊源,野生大象与原始森林的共生共存。 Elephants are symbolic to the Thai culture. Chris tries to live the life of an elephant care-taker, and explores the history of elephants in Thailand, how wild and forest elephants co-exist. Episode 2清迈清佬山(Tham Chiang Dao)/茵他侬山(Doi Ithanon) 地理特色:洞穴 Content:探索洞穴之谜,洞穴和泰国宗教、政治、历史、民生的关联,以及泰缅之间在历史洪流中的剪不断理还乱的关系。 Explore the secret behind Thai caves and the link between the caves, religion, politics, history and life. Learn more about the love-hate relationship between Thailand and Vietnam. Episode 3魏功甘古都/湄登县(Mae Taeng) 地理特色:河流 Content:探索河流之谜,寻访淹没于洪水及消失于历史洪流中的古城-魏功甘古都。探访夜登河旁少数民族拉祜族,体验沿河而居的生活。 Uncover the mysteries of the sunken city as he visits the tribes and gets a taste of living by the river. 马来西亚(Episode 4) 马来西亚(Episode 4)兴楼云冰(Endau Rompin) 地理特色:低地雨林 Content:神秘的兴楼云冰,古老的热带雨林。据说,有不少人目击高三公尺的大脚野人的出现于此。阿顺与当地土著Orang Asli穿越雨林,找寻大脚野人的足迹。 Explore the mysterious rainforests of Endau Rompin. There have been sightings of big-footed creatures thirty-metres tall. Chris goes through the rainforests in search of them with the local habitants, Orang Asli. 印度尼西亚(Episode 5-6) Episode 5卡龙岛(Kalong Island)/科莫多岛(Komodo Island)/蔺卡岛(Rinca Island) 地理特色:岛屿 Content:阿顺探索印度尼西亚神秘岛屿。前往探秘的岛屿有巨大果蝠栖息的卡龙岛、蔺卡岛周边的荒岛和巨蜥栖息的科莫多岛。 由于火山和地热活动,造就了印度尼西亚科莫多岛的独特的生态系统,并孕育出世界最大的蜥蜴-科摩多巨蜥和世界最原始的哺乳动物之一眼镜猴。 Chris goes to the islands of Indonesia and visits the giant fruit bats in Kalong Island, Rinca Island and the giant lizards of Kodomo Island. Due to frequent volcanic activities, Kodomo Island has a unique ecosystem leading to the birth of the biggest lizard in the world - the Komodo dragon, and houses an endangered primate, the Tarsier. Episode 6泗水(Surabaya)/婆罗摩火山群(Bromo)/宜珍(Ijen)/玛琅(Malang) 地理特色:火山 Content:泗水(苏腊巴亚,Surabaya)是婆罗摩火山的门户。阿顺随着挑山工用最原始的方式拣硫磺,上山下谷,肩挑着硫磺矿赚取一份收入。阿顺前往神圣的火山谷底,领略火山群的壮观。 Surabaya is the gate to Bromo. Chris learns to use the most primitive way of extracting sulphur to sell. He treks into the valleys and admires the grandeur of the surrounding volcanoes. 越南(Episode 7-8) Episode 7沙霸(Sapa)/ 丽秘(Le Mat) 地理特色:山区 Content:丽秘在越南号称"蛇村",有 900多年的历史,是越南知名蛇村。村里面家家户户都靠养蛇维持生计,全村目前约有370位村民以养蛇为业。几乎村里所有都和蛇有着密不可分的关系。抓蛇、杀蛇、卖蛇肉,进到村子小巷子里都能找到卖眼镜蛇大餐的食肆。 阿顺来到丽秘感受与蛇共存的奇特体验。 Le Mat, also known as 'snake village', has a history going back nine hundred years. Over 370 villagers rear snakes for a living. Most of their lives revolve around snakes, be it catching or killing snakes, selling snake meat or preparing snake feasts. Chris has the one-of-a-kind experience of living around snakes in Le Mat. Episode 8下龙湾(Halong Bay)/百屠隆(Bai Tu Long Bay) 地理特色:海湾 Content:越南人称下龙湾为世界第八大奇观,是越南北方广宁省的一个海湾,称为海上桂林,分布着3000多个大小石峰和小岛。阿顺在这一片美丽和神秘的海湾上边玩边享受探险的刺激。 The Vietnamese regards Halong Bay as the eighth wonder of the world. It is a bay in northern Vietnam that encompasses over three thousand rock formations and islets. Chris gets to experience the thrill of adventure as he explores the beautiful and mysterious Bays. 精彩图片 |
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