

词条 阿契美尼斯王朝



Achaemenian dynasty

波斯王朝。始祖阿契美尼斯(Achaemenes)据传活动于西元前7世纪初期,从其子泰斯帕斯(Teispes)之后分为两支系。长系包括居鲁士一世(Cyrus I)、冈比西斯一世(Cambyses I)、居鲁士二世(Cyrus II,即居鲁士大帝〔Cyrus the Great〕,西元前559~约西元前529年在位)和冈比西斯二世;幼系以大流士一世(Dairus I,西元前521~西元前486年在位)开头,直到大流士三世(Dairus III)去世为止(西元前330年被亚历山大大帝打败之后)。最伟大的君主分别是:居鲁士二世,他真正建立了波斯帝国(Persian empire),而且从他即位起开始有历史记载;大流士一世,他确保了疆域不受外人侵略;薛西斯一世(西元前486~西元前465年在位),完成许多大流士留下的公共工程建设。帝国版图在颠峰时期,西起马其顿,东到北印度,北达高加索山脉(Caucasus Mountains),南到波斯湾。黄金时代的故都波斯波利斯(Persepolis)遗址仍存留着。


Persian dynasty. Achaemenes, its founder, is thought to have lived in the early 7th century BC. From his son Teispes were descended two lines of kings. The older line included Cyrus I, Cambyses I, Cyrus II (the Great), and Cambyses II; the junior line began with Darius I and ended with the death of Darius III after his defeat by Alexander the Great (330 BC). Its greatest rulers were Cyrus II (r. 559-529? BC), who actually established the Persian empire and from whose reign it is dated; Darius I, who secured the borders from external threats; and Xerxes I, who completed many of Darius's public works. At its height, the Achaemenian empire reached from Macedonia to northern India and from the Caucasus Mountains to the Persian Gulf. The ruins of Persepolis survive from its golden age.





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