

词条 Amanda McBroom

Amanda McBroom

出生日期 :1947年 8月9日 ,美国加利福尼亚州人

亚曼达,出身演艺家庭,她的父亲 大卫布鲁斯(DavidBruce),是40年代好莱坞影坛相当受到瞩目的 演员,可惜受到外型的限制,始终没有成为真正的大明星,后来在1955年就失望的退出了影坛。亚曼达从小跟着父亲,在好 莱坞长大,而当时又正逢美国音乐剧的全盛时期,在这样双重的影响 下,她也爱上了音乐与戏剧。后来,由于无法忍受父亲的工作与习 性所造成的恶劣家庭关系,她独自离家,开始以创作与卖唱为生,虽 然没有得到唱片公司的赏识,却引起了不少行家的注意,也因而获得机会 ,为“歌声泪痕”谱写主题曲,并且在蓓蒂蜜勒的录音中客串和声。 <BR> <BR> 由于“TheRose”的成功,亚曼达终于引起了唱片界的兴趣 ,但并不是所谓的“五大”,而是向来以“发烧级录音”驰名国际的“ 雪菲德实验室”(SheffieldLab)。他们安排她进入著名的“米高梅 ”录音室,很大胆的采用了“直接刻片”,也就是不用录音带 、没有事后配唱、更无法重新混音的方式,来录制她的首张专辑“Growing UpinHollywoodTown”,推出之后,优异的演出水准 与突出的录音效果,立刻在“发烧友”的圈子中造成了轰动,也成了一张 经典。这张专辑,是由大师级的钢琴家林肯马友佳(LincolnMayorga) 担任伴奏的,亚曼达除了演唱“TheRose”与“You’veLostthatLovingFeeling”等经典外,还唱出了回忆自己母亲的动人作品 “ThePortrait”。 引起了不少行家的注意,也因而获得机会 ,为“歌声泪痕”谱写主题曲,并且在蓓蒂蜜勒的录音中客串和声。 <BR> <BR> 由于“TheRose”的成功,亚曼达终于引起了唱片界的兴趣 ,但并不是所谓的“五大”,而是向来以“发烧级录音”驰名国际的“ 雪菲德实验室”(SheffieldLab)。他们安排她进入著名的“米高梅 ”录音室,很大胆的采用了“直接刻片”,也就是不用录音带 、没有事后配唱、更无法重新混音的方式,来录制她的首张专辑“Growing UpinHollywoodTown”,推出之后,优异的演出水准 与突出的录音效果,立刻在“发烧友”的圈子中造成了轰动,也成了一张 经典。这张专辑,是由大师级的钢琴家林肯马友佳(LincolnMayorga) 担任伴奏的,亚曼达除了演唱“TheRose”与“You’veLostthatLovingFeeling”等经典外,还唱出了回忆自己母亲的动人作品 “ThePortrait”。


01.The Land Before Time XIII: The Wisdom of Friends (2007) (V) (writer: "Say So", "Yellow Belly Bounce", "How Do You Know?") (performer: "Yellow Belly Bounce")

... aka The Land Before Time: The Wisdom of Friends (Australia: DVD title)

02.The Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the Flyers (2006) (V) (writer: "Flip, Flap & Fly", "One of a Kind", "Things Change")

03.Diva (2006) (V) (writer: "The Rose (Live)")

04.Balto III: Wings of Change (2004) (V) (writer: "Everything Flies", "Come On Up and Fly", "You Don't Have to Be a Hero")

05."Biography" (1 episode, 2004)

- Bette Midler (2004) TV episode (writer: "The Rose")

06.Napoleon Dynamite (2004) (writer: "The Rose")

07.The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses (2004) (V) (writer: "Creepy Crawlies", "Girls and Dads", "If Only", "Creepy Crawlies/Stupid Stompers Reprise") (performer: "Girls and Dads", "Creepy Crawlies/Stupid Stompers Reprise")

08.The Land Before Time X: The Great Longneck Migration (2003) (V) (writer: "Adventuring", "Me and My Dad", "Bestest Friend")

09.The Land Before Time IX: Journey to the Big Water (2002) (V) (writer: "Imaginary Friends", "No One Has to Be Alone", "Chanson D'Ennui", "Big Water")

... aka The Land Before Time: Journey to Big Water (USA)

10.Balto: Wolf Quest (2002) (V) (writer: "Taking You Home", "Muru's Chant", "Who You Really Are", "The Grand Design") (performer: "Who You Really Are", "The Grand Design")

11.The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze (2001) (V) (writer: "The Mad Song", "Family", "The Lesson")

... aka The Land Before Time 8: The Big Freeze (New Zealand: English title)

... aka The Land Before Time: The Big Freeze (USA: promotional title)

12.The Land Before Time VII: The Stone of Cold Fire (2000) (V) (writer: "Beyond the Mysterious Beyond", "Good Inside", "Very Important Creature")

13.Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years (2000) (TV) (writer: "The Rose")

14.The Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus Rock (1998) (V) (writer: "Bad Luck", "The Legend of the Lone Dinosaur", "On Your Own")

15.The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island (1997) (V) (writer: "Friends for Dinner", "Always There", "Big Water")

16.The Land Before Time III: The Time of the Great Giving (1995) (V) (writer: "When You're Big", "Standing Tough", "Kids Like Us")

17.Ladybird Ladybird (1994) (writer: "The Rose")

18.Divine Madness! (1980) (writer: "The Rose")

... aka Bette Midler Is Divine Madness (Canada: English title: festival title)

19.The Rose (1979) (writer: "The Rose")





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