

词条 yesmiss

Yes!misss是LA DOLVE VITA S.R.L集团旗下三大服装品牌中销量最高的时尚女装品牌,和性感冷峻的妹妹EIGHT SIN、粗犷刚性的弟弟WARREN WEBBER有所不同,Yes!miss带有更多源自意大利人本性的热情、天真和感召力。


Yes!miss的品牌奇迹源于对意大利奢侈品牌定位的冲击与颠覆,上世纪九十年代旅意华人企业家Lucio hu决心将剪裁精细、质地优良的意大利服装推向大众市场。为了创造让普通消费者也能承受的高档时装,Lucio hu在罗马收购了拥有百年制衣历史的工厂,研究制造技术和生产工艺的改良。Lucio hu和米兰的艺术先锋共同筹划,希望借助新的服装品牌,为意大利的年轻人注入新千年的精神力量。

1999年,Yes!miss品牌正式创立于罗马,以“The love brand”的理念推出:爱、自由、和平,三个系列。品牌标识上飞翔的小鸽子从此开始播撒爱的理念:呼吁人们保持乐观主义、珍视内心的感动和浪漫的情怀, 这样的主题一经推出,就深入人心。

The Miracle of Yes!miss originates from the striking and subverting of the positioning of Italian luxurious brand. In nineties of the last century, Chinese Italy entrepreneur Lucio hu determined to put out the refine-tailor and fine-quality Italian clothing to the mass market. In order to produce the top grade fashion that can be afforded by common consumer, Lucio hu bought in a factory with a century garment production history and devoted to improve manufacturing technology and production technique. Lucio Hu and art pioneers in Milan projected together in the hope of injecting spiritual strength of new millennium to the young Italian with the aid of new clothing brand.

In 1999, Yes!miss brand was formally founded in Roman, and it launched three series of collection including love, freedom and peaceful with the philosophy of “The love brand”. Since then the flying pigeon on the brand logo began to plant the love concept of calling people to keep optimism, cherishing the touching inside the heart and romantic sentiment. Once the concept was pushed off, it searched people’s heart


Yes!miss品牌女装成衣青春浪漫、性感大方,汲取世间美好事物、捕捉国际时尚灵感,将源自意大利人本性的热情、天真和感召力融入设计细节当中, Yes!miss让女性变得乐观、积极、自信。

牛仔产品采用三维裁剪立体板型,完美衬托摩登女郎的火辣曲线。自然洗水效果经多重工艺结合处理,充分展现热情少女的奔放不羁。 Yes!miss跨越了年龄、甚至性别的界限:母女两代同购Yes!miss品牌的情形并不少见,连有的年轻男子也爱穿着Yes!miss女装牛仔。

Yes!miss brand women’s dress is young and romantic, sexy and decent. Gathering the beauty from the earth, capturing the international fashion inspiration, the designer integrated the passion, purity and emotional appeal deriving from the Italian nature into the design details. Yes!miss makes women optimistic, positive and confident

Adopting three-dimension shape of tailoring, jeans wear perfectly set off the hot stature curve of modern lady. Natural washing effect deposed by combining multiple processes fully reveals the air of freedom of passionate young girl. Yes!miss goes beyond age, and even the boundary of sexual. It is not unusual that both two generations of mother and daughter purchase Yes!miss brand, even some young men love wearing Yes!miss women’s jean wear.


1999到2009年,Yes!miss品牌的牛仔裤单品总销量达到600万件,这意味着在欧洲,每个16-38岁的年轻女性都能拥有一条性感动人的Yes!miss牛仔裤。10年来Yes!miss精耕意大利核心市场,同时拓展了欧洲、美洲、俄罗斯与中东地区的销售网络。未来5年, Yes!miss新的销售重心将向亚洲版块转移, Yes!miss希望让意大利的青春热浪席卷全球。

From 1999 to 2009, Yes!miss brand jeans have reached a total sale of 6 million pieces, which means that in Europe, every young woman with the age of 16 to 38 owns a sexy and attractive Yes!miss jean. Over the last 10 years, Yes!miss cultivated intensively the Italian core market, and at the same time developed and expanded the sales net work of Europe, American, Russia and Middle East. In the next 5 years, The Yes!miss’s new sales gravity will gradually move to Asia in the hope that the hot wave of youth of Italian will sweep all over the world.





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