

词条 wyse


Wyse 是全球大型企业和机构信赖的可扩展智能网络运算解决方案的头号供应商。

Wyse 提供的硬件、软件和服务可将复杂的计算交由网络来完成,使 IT 部门摆脱不必要的支持和维护职能,使用户在工作中获得更高的工作效率,并且可保护和改进对重要信息和业务应用程序的访问。Wyse 的总部位于美国硅谷,在世界各地都设立了办事机构。在该行业有记录的最近七年里,Wyse 在智能网络运算市场中的份额一直占据着第一的位置。Wyse 获得了《VARBusiness》杂志的“五星级”评级(Five-Star Rating),并且三次获得微软公司授予的“嵌入式系统年度最佳合作伙伴”(Embedded Partner of the Year)称号。Wyse 的客户包括了联邦快递(FedEx)、Best Buy(加拿大)、Quaker Foods、Gold's Gym 和 CON-WAY Transportation。



Wyse 是全球大型企业和机构信赖的可扩展智能网络运算解决方案的头号供应商。Wyse 的硬件、软件和服务可保证客户桌面的安全性、可靠性和灵活性,还可节省资金并提高工作效率。

企业每年仅用在确保计算机系统的安全性、可靠性和灵活性方面的费用就多达数十亿美元。Wyse 可通过别致、方便且经济的方式消除这些问题,并因此而为客户节省大量的时间和资金。


Wyse 构建的服务、硬件和软件可将复杂的计算从桌面转移到网络,使 IT 部门摆脱不必要的支持和维护职能,使用户在工作中获得更高的工作效率,并且可保护和改进对重要信息和业务应用程序的访问。我们称之为“可扩展的智能网络运算”。

只是简单地转换为智能网络运算,就对《财富》(Fortune)百强企业中使用 Wyse 产品的四十一家的利润产生了极大的影响。我们的客户中包括了前三大航运公司、前二大全球银行、前三大政府服务公司以及前十大酒店中的六家酒店。我们可以肯定地说,在我们所处的这个领域,我们是市场的领军企业。智能网络应用终端的市场仍在成长中,著名的市场调研集团国际数据公司(IDC)预测,在今后的几年里,该市场将保持 20% 的年增长率,超过个人计算机市场的增长速度。

简而言之,Wyse 及其技术合作伙伴将帮助世界上最大的那些公司利用许多组织投入在传统分布式桌面环境上的宝贵的 IT 资源,从而帮助它们取得竞争优势,使这些公司能向其客户和员工提供更好的服务。得益于减少因病毒、软件升级以及系统崩溃等导致的停机时间,以及针对其特定工作需求的系统优化,Wyse 的用户将有能力获得更高的生产效率。实践证明,Wyse 设备的可靠性是个人计算机的九倍,并且其要求更换的频率更是大为降低。Wyse 的可持续智能网络运算环境具有更高的安全性,可以保护数据,并可确保提高业务的连续性。


智能网络运算是一种计算架构,该架构将技术的复杂性从网络的边缘转移到网络的中心。这种架构提供了一些新的信息访问方式,消除了首席信息官面临的大多数费时费力的企业桌面问题,特别是在安全性、可管理性以及可靠性和成本方面的问题。智能网络运算是一种模式,各种规模的公司或机构都可成功地使用这种模式来降低 IT 成本,同时提高工作效率和安全性。

Wyse 的产品和服务是当今市场上可扩展性、灵活性和可管理性均最为出色的智能网络运算解决方案。

自有记录以来,Wyse® Winterm™ 系列智能网络应用终端已连续七年引领行业潮流。如果与其他硬件、软件和服务集成,这些智能网络应用终端可以成为某个业务问题的完整解决方案的一部分。

在协议和标准层出不穷环境下,如果要保持很高的工作效率,必须对类似于硬件的终端以及其它基于嵌入式操作系统的设备进行管理。Wyse™ Rapport® 设备管理软件是行业中少数此类管理软件之一,它可以支持涉及几十万台连接设备的全局企业设备安装。


成立于 1981 年 1995 年,推出行业内第一台基于 Windows 的终端 Winterm 2000 2005 年,专门从事风险投资(Venture Buyouts,VBO)的私人股权投资公司 Garnett & Helfrich Capital 收购了 Wyse Technology 的控股权 智能网络应用终端领域的全球领先厂商,连续八年占据接近 40% 的品牌机市场份额(数据来源:IDC) 总部位于美国硅谷,在欧洲、大洋洲、印度和亚洲设有办事机构 2000 年、2001 年和 2002 年连续三年获得微软公司授予的“嵌入式系统年度最佳合作伙伴”(Embedded Partner of the Year)称号 在中国台湾通过了 ISO-9000 认证,在美国硅谷通过了 ISO-9001 认证 查看历年来公司获奖情况


At Wyse, we are dedicated. We are relentless. We are passionate. We are customer-driven, and we are committed to enabling our customers to access the information they need securely and affordably - anywhere and anytime. We love our customers and they are our #1 priority in everything we do. Each and every one of us here at Wyse is a Chief Customer Advocate.

President, CEO and Chief Customer Advocate
Tarkan Maner
Mr. Maner was named President and CEO of Wyse Technology in February, 2007. He joined Wyse in May, 2005, as Chief Marketing Officer. He was most recently President, Worldwide Field Operations for Wyse, and led Wyse’s global sales, marketing, channels, business development and customer service organizations and programs. Prior to joining Wyse, Mr. Maner led marketing, product management, business development, and strategic business alliance initiatives at Computer Associates, where he was instrumental in developing the company's corporate vision, strategy, and brand. Earlier, at IBM, Mr. Maner led global product marketing initiatives for the company's Internet Security, Network Computing, and eCommerce divisions. Before this, he held senior product management and marketing roles in the eCommerce Software Group at Sterling Software and later, Sterling Commerce.
Mr. Maner graduated from Istanbul Technical University with a B.S. degree in Engineering Management, received his MBA degree from Midwestern State University, and attended the invitation-only Executive Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School. Mr. Maner is a sought-after speaker and commentator on current IT and business issues worldwide.

Senior Vice President Worldwide Sales and Channels,
and Chief Customer Advocate
Maryam Alexandrian
Maryam Alexandrian is the Senior Vice President of Worldwide Sales and Channels. She is directly responsible for Wyse Technology's Global revenue generation and growth. She joined Wyse Technology in September of 1990. During her tenure at Wyse, Maryam has been instrumental in growth and success of Wyse Technology in the thin computing market . Ms. Alexandrian has more than 20 years of experience in high technology, holding key positions at several medium and large companies.
Prior to joining Wyse Technology, Ms. Alexandrian launched her career in technical and Enterprise sales at ITT and Alcatel.
Ms. Alexandrian earned her degree in Computer Sciences from California State University East Bay.

Vice President of Business Development and Alliances,
and Chief Customer Advocate
Ricardo Antuna
Ricardo Antuna is Vice President of Business Development and Alliances for Wyse Technology. Ricardo leads Wyse’s strategic alliances, business development and technology partner ecosystem. Ricardo has nearly 20 years of experience in developing and marketing enterprise software and hardware solutions. Prior to Wyse, Ricardo held senior management positions with Computer Associates, where he was responsible for global alliances with ISVs and marketing of CA's Storage, Lifecycle and Business Intelligence business units. Prior to CA Ricardo was director of marketing for StarBase Corp. where he successfully launched the company’s first enterprise scale software configuration management system. Ricardo lead the team that eventually sold the company to Borland. Earlier, Ricardo managed product development and marketing at Quest Software a leading systems management vendor. Ricardo holds an MBA from University of California, Irvine and a bachelor's degree in business administration from Universidad Catolica Argentina.

Senior Vice President of Product Development and Chief Customer Advocate
Anthony Armenta
Anthony Armenta was named Senior Vice President of Product Development after service as Wyse’s VP of Product Management. Mr. Armenta leads Wyse Technology’s global development activities and delivery of Wyse’s rich portfolio of thin computing hardware platforms, and client and server software solutions. Mr. Armenta has over 20 years of experience, including software engineering and architecture, engineering management, and software and hardware product management. Prior to joining Wyse, Mr. Armenta was Director of Software Product Management at Palm Computing where he launched the Treo 650 smartphone and Tungsten T series of handheld products. Prior companies include Vadem, General Magic, Taligent and IBM. Mr. Armenta holds a B.S. degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of California, Davis.

Director of People Development and Chief Customer Advocate
Jamie Horejs
Jamie Horejs has served as Director of People Development since February, 2007. As Director, People Development, Jamie is leading a global team that focuses on acquisition, retention, development of the best people in the industry to exceed the expectations of our customers every day. Jamie and her team work closely with the Executive Leadership Team to ensure Wyse’s global team is the best team in the industry with people who are the most motivated, committed and passionate for our customers and their satisfaction. Prior to Wyse, Jamie worked for NEC Solutions (America) as well as Robert Half International. Ms. Horejs holds a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree in International Business and Spanish from Arizona State University.


Wyse 使命

利用我们在通用终端、网络终端和 Windows 终端领域的领先地位,来保证我们在第四次计算浪潮:智能网络运算领域的世界领先地位。

Wyse 的企业目标


Wyse 的核心价值







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Wyse 荣誉

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