词条 | wien2k |
释义 | 安装设置(1、硬件环境 2、软件版本 3、安装Intel 编译器 4、安装Intel的MKL 5、安装mpich v1.2.7 6、设置环境变量 7、安装fftw库 8、创建编译目录 9、将压缩包解开 10、 编译 11、 安装后设置 12、配置web界面 13、 算例测试 14、 采用作业调度提交作业 15、 性能benchmark 16、 其他) 简介用密度泛函理论计算固体的电子结构。它基于键结构计算最准确的方案——完全势能(线性)增广平面波((L)APW)+局域轨道(lo)方法。在密度泛函中可以使用局域(自旋)密度近似(LDA)或广义梯度近似(GGA)。WIEN 2000使用全电子方案,包含相对论影响。 功能X射线结构因子,Baders的“分子中的原子”概念,总能量,力,平衡结构,结构优化,分子动力学,电场梯度,异构体位移,超精细场,自旋极化(铁磁性和反铁磁性结构),自旋-轨道耦合,X射线发射和吸收谱,电子能量损失谱计算固体的光学特性费米表面LDA,GGA,meta-GGA,LDA+U,轨道极化中心对称和非中心对称晶格,内置230个空间群图形用户界面和用户指南友好的用户环境W2web (WIEN to WEB)可以很容易的产生和修改输入文件。它还能帮助用户执行各种任务(如电子密度,态密度,等)。 平台无内容安装设置1、硬件环境Shanghai/Suse 10u2 2、软件版本Ver:wien2k09 3、安装Intel 编译器ifort/icc Ver:11.083 4、安装Intel的MKLVer: 5、安装mpich v1.2.7./configure -c++=icpc -cc=icc -f77=ifort -f90=ifort --prefix=/home/soft/mpi/mpich-1.2.7-intel make make install 6、设置环境变量vi ~/.bashrc 添加如下: ##############MPICH########### export PATH=/home/soft/mpi/mpich-1.2.7-intel/bin:$PATH ################intel compiler################### . /home/soft/intel/Compiler/11.0/083/bin/intel64/ifortvars_intel64.sh . /home/soft/intel/Compiler/11.0/083/bin/intel64/iccvars_intel64.sh ###############intel mkl################### export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/soft/intel/mkl/$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 7、安装fftw库tar zxf fftw-2.1.5.tar.gz cd fftw-2.1.5/ export F77=ifort export CC=icc ./configure --prefix=/home/soft/mathlib/fftwv215-mpich --enable-mpi make make install 8、创建编译目录进入安装用户目录 su - mjhe mkdir ~/WIEN2k_09 cp WIEN_2k.tar ~/WIEN2k_09 9、将压缩包解开cd ~/WIEN2k_09 tar xf WIEN2k_09.tar ./expand_lapw 10、 编译./siteconfig_lapw 其中几个编译参数需要修改: (可以参考如下) specify a system K Linux (Intel ifort 10.1 compiler + mkl 10.0 ) specify compiler Current selection: ifort Current selection: icc specify compiler options, BLAS and LAPACK Current settings: O Compiler options: -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -align -DINTEL_VML -traceback L Linker Flags: $(FOPT) -L/home/soft/intel/mkl/ -pthread -i-static P Preprocessor flags '-DParallel' mkl的库用静态的: R R_LIB (LAPACK+BLAS): /home/soft/intel/mkl/ /home/soft/intel/mkl/ /home/soft/intel/mkl/ /home/soft/intel/mkl/ configure Parallel execution Shared Memory Architecture? (y/n):n Remote shell (default is ssh) = ssh Do you have MPI and Scalapack installed and intend to run finegrained parallel? (This is usefull only for BIG cases)! (y/n) n Current selection: mpiifort Current settings: 采用静态库 RP RP_LIB(SCALAPACK+PBLAS): -lmkl_intel_lp64 /home/soft/intel/mkl/ /home/soft/intel/mkl/ /home/soft/intel/mkl/ /home/soft/mathlib/fftwv215-mpich/lib/libfftw_mpi.a /home/soft/mathlib/fftwv215-mpich/lib/libfftw.a -lmkl /home/soft/intel/mkl/ // RP RP_LIB(SCALAPACK+PBLAS): -lmkl_intel_lp64 /home/soft/intel/mkl/ /home/soft/intel/mkl/ /home/soft/intel/mkl/ -L/data1/soft/lib/lib/ -lfftw_mpi -lfftw -lmkl /data1/soft/intel/mkl/ FP FPOPT(par.comp.options): $(FOPT) MP MPIRUN commando : mpirun -np _NP_ -machinefile _HOSTS_ _EXEC_ Dimension Parameters 该部分可以采用默认值,也可以设置为(4GB以上内存) PARAMETER (NMATMAX= 30000) PARAMETER (NUME= 1000) 进入编译部分: Compile/Recompile A Compile all programs (suggested) 主要在编译mpi并行版本的5个可执行文件时会出错,因此编译后需要检查以下文件是否存在: ./SRC_lapw0/lapw0_mpi ./SRC_lapw1/lapw1_mpi ./SRC_lapw1/lapw1c_mpi ./SRC_lapw2/lapw2_mpi ./SRC_lapw2/lapw2c_mpi 11、 安装后设置./userconfig_lapw editor shall be: vi 其余都回车 修改.bashrc,注释以下这行: #ulimit -s unlimited 修改parallel_options setenv WIEN_MPIRUN “mpirun -machinefile _HOSTS_ -np _NP_ _EXEC_” 12、配置web界面用root用户打开apache服务 service apache2 start 在普通用户下执行 w2web 将打开7890端口作为wien2k的web界面 13、 算例测试进行串行计算: 以系统自带算例TiC为例: cd TiC mkdir TiC cp ../TiC.struct . 生成原子信息: instgen_lapw 初始化算例: init_lapw –b 计算: run_lapw 可以看到程序的输出结果在*.output中,如有错误可以在TiC.dayfile中查询。 进行并行计算: 测试并行环境是否设置: testpara_lapw 测试算例计算状态: testpara1_lapw testpara2_lapw 根据.machines文件不同决定进行k点或mpi并行计算: K点: granularity:1 1:node31:1 1:node31:1 1:node32:1 1:node32:1 lapw0:node31:2 node32:2 extrafine:1 mpi: granularity:1 1:node31:2 1:node32:2 lapw0:node31:2 node32:2 extrafine:1 计算: run_lapw -p 14、 采用作业调度提交作业cat wien2k.pbs ########################################################################### # # # Script for submitting parallel wien2k_09 jobs to Dawning cluster. # # # ########################################################################### ########################################################################### # Lines that begin with #PBS are PBS directives (not comments). # True comments begin with "# " (i,e., # followed by a space). ########################################################################### #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -N TiO2 #PBS -j oe #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8 #PBS -V ############################################################################# # -S: shell the job will run under # -o: name of the queue error filename # -j: merges stdout and stderr to the same file # -l: resources required by the job: number of nodes and processors per node # -l: resources required by the job: maximun job time length ############################################################################# #########parallel mode is mpi/kpoint############ PARALLEL=mpi //表示采用mpi并行或k点并行 echo $PARALLEL ################################################ NP=`cat ${PBS_NODEFILE} | wc -l` NODE_NUM=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE|uniq |wc -l` NP_PER_NODE=`expr $NP / $NODE_NUM` username=`whoami` export WIENROOT=/home/users/mjhe/wien2k_09/ export PATH=$PATH:$WIENROOT:. WIEN2K_RUNDIR=/scratch/${username}.${PBS_JOBID} export SCRATCH=${WIEN2K_RUNDIR} #creat scratch dir if [ ! -a $WIEN2K_RUNDIR ]; then echo "Scratch directory $WIEN2K_RUNDIR created." mkdir -p $WIEN2K_RUNDIR fi cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR ###############creating .machines################ case $PARALLEL in mpi) echo "granularity:1" >.machines for i in `cat $PBS_NODEFILE |uniq ` do echo "1:"$i":"$NP_PER_NODE >> .machines done printf "lapw0:">> .machines #####lapw0 用mpi并行############# for i in `cat ${PBS_NODEFILE}|uniq` do printf $i:$NP_PER_NODE" " >>.machines done ################################# ####lapw0用mpi并行 报错的算例用以下 mpi error lapw0######## # printf `cat ${PBS_NODEFILE}|uniq|head -1`:1>>.machines #############end################# printf "/n" >>.machines echo "extrafine:1">>.machines ;; kpoint) echo "granularity:1" >.machines for i in `cat $PBS_NODEFILE` do echo "1:"$i":"1 >> .machines done printf "lapw0:">> .machines #####lapw0 用mpi并行############# for i in `cat ${PBS_NODEFILE}|uniq` do printf $i:$NP_PER_NODE" " >>.machines done ################################# ####lapw0用mpi并行 报错的算例用以下 mpi error lapw0######## # printf `cat ${PBS_NODEFILE}|uniq|head -1`:1>>.machines #############end################# printf "/n" >>.machines echo "extrafine:1">>.machines ;; esac #################end creating#################### ####### Run the parallel executable "WIEN2K"######### instgen_lapw init_lapw -b clean -s echo "##################start time is `date`########################" run_lapw -p echo "###################end time is `date`########################" rm -rf $WIEN2K_RUNDIR ########################END######################## 一般需要修改的地方已用粗体标出 该脚本可以实现算例的初始化,必须在存在*.struct的前提下进行。 15、 性能benchmarkCB65 Shanghai 2382:16GB 147GB SAS 1000Gb/mpich v1.2.7 TiO2算例: NMATMAX=30000 2进程k点,mpi并行lapw0、k点并行lapw1、lapw2模块 4m44s 4进程k点,mpi并行lapw0、k点并行lapw1、lapw2模块 4m30s 8进程k点,mpi并行lapw0、k点并行lapw1、lapw2模块 6m29s 2进程mpi,mpi并行lapw0、lapw1、lapw2模块 7m53s 4进程mpi,mpi并行lapw0、lapw1、lapw2模块 6m56s 8进程mpi,mpi并行lapw0、lapw1、lapw2模块 9m5s 标准测试算例: 官方提供的测试算例: 串行: test_case export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 time x lapw1 –c SUM OF WALL CLOCK TIMES: 135.0 (INIT = 1.0 + K-POINTS = 133.9) export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 time x lapw1 –c SUM OF WALL CLOCK TIMES: 62.0 (INIT = 1.0 + K-POINTS = 61.0) export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 time x lapw1 –c SUM OF WALL CLOCK TIMES: 56.2 (INIT = 1.0 + K-POINTS = 55.2) 并行: time x lapw1 –p test_case 2 kpoint: test_case.output1: SUM OF WALL CLOCK TIMES: 62.0 (INIT = 1.0 + K-POINTS = 61.0) test_case.output1_1: SUM OF WALL CLOCK TIMES: 138.5 (INIT = 1.0 + K-POINTS = 137.5) 4 kpoint: test_case.output1: SUM OF WALL CLOCK TIMES: 62.0 (INIT = 1.0 + K-POINTS = 61.0) test_case.output1_1: SUM OF WALL CLOCK TIMES: 134.9 (INIT = 1.0 + K-POINTS = 133.9) mpi-benchmark 2process: mpi-benchmark.output1_1: TIME HAMILT (CPU) = 134.1, HNS = 116.4, HORB =0.0, DIAG=697.5 mpi-benchmark.output1_1: TOTAL CPU TIME: 950.0 (INIT = 1.9 + K-POINTS = 948.1) mpi-benchmark.output1_1: SUM OF WALL CLOCK TIMES: 1138.9 (INIT =2.2 + K-POINTS =1136.7) 4process: mpi-benchmark.output1_1: TIME HAMILT (CPU) = 67.8, HNS = 70.5, HORB = 0.0, DIAG = 420.6 mpi-benchmark.output1_1: TOTAL CPU TIME: 560.7 (INIT = 1.8 + K-POINTS = 558.9) mpi-benchmark.output1_1: SUM OF WALL CLOCK TIMES: 643.2 (INIT = 2.2 + K-POINTS = 640.9) 8process: mpi-benchmark.output1_1: TIME HAMILT (CPU) = 40.4, HNS = 44.9, HORB = 0.0, DIAG = 422.0 mpi-benchmark.output1_1: TOTAL CPU TIME: 509.3 (INIT = 1.9 + K-POINTS = 507.4) mpi-benchmark.output1_1: SUM OF WALL CLOCK TIMES: 614.3 (INIT = 2.2 + K-POINTS = 612.0) 16process: mpi-benchmark.output1_1: TIME HAMILT (CPU) = 22.6, HNS = 32.5, HORB = 0.0, DIAG = 140.5 mpi-benchmark.output1_1: TOTAL CPU TIME: 197.5 (INIT = 1.9 + K-POINTS = 195.7) mpi-benchmark.output1_1: SUM OF WALL CLOCK TIMES: 1190.0 (INIT =2.8 + K-POINTS =1187.2) 可以用grep TIME *output1* 显示计算时间 16、 其他Troubleshooting1、需要在所有计算节点建立本地缓存目录/scratch mkdir /scratch chmod 777 /scratch 2、每次进行计算时需要将算例先清空、重做初始化 3、其他 |
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