词条 | Univcrsit Physics |
释义 | 图书简介:作/译者:Dexin Lu出版社:高等教育出版社 出版日期:2003年04月ISBN:9787040118469 [十位:7040118467] 页数:566 重约:0.975KG 定价:¥80.00 旧书普通用户价:¥35.20 为您节省:¥44.80 旧书VIP用户价:¥31.70 为您节省:¥48.30 团购优惠价:¥29.90 内容提要:本书是面向21世纪课程教材,是在原第一版的基础上修订而成的,原第一版获2002年度国家级优秀教材一等奖。本书是作者多年教改的成果,与国内同类教材相比,本书在内容、体系上均有较大创新。全书包括Accretion, AMS, Bose-Einstein condensation, cold fusion, clusters, DNA double-helix structure, Einstein field equation, fractals, grand unification, helix-... [显示全部] 图书目录:CONTENTS Chapter 1 Intoduction 1.1 what is physics 1.2 Physical quantities 1.3 Approximation in physics 1.4 Vectors 1.5 Orthgonal coordinate systems Problems References Part one Mechanics Chapte2 Kinematics 2.1 Mechan... [显示全部] 文章节选:He excellent critique and fairly positive response to the first edition of this book have encouraged me to prepare this second edition. I was greatly helped by suggestions from colleagues and students. Meanwhile we have profited from our experience i... [显示全部] |
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