

词条 Three Graces

中文名称:Three Graces


专辑歌手:Three Graces




专辑流派:Vocal Pop


这三位都是各自领域中的顶尖好手。Joy Kabanuck 曾经在百老汇 Baz Luhrmann 版的普契尼歌剧《波西米亚人》饰演女主人公Mimi,她同样是享有声誉的纽约大都会剧院理事会评选出的洛杉矶区的决赛选手和洛杉矶未来歌手选拔赛的决赛选手。在莫扎特的“女人心”、多尼采蒂的“贝特丽”“拉美莫尔的露契亚”、古诺的“浮士德”和威尔第的“茶花女”中她也曾担任过主要角色。

Kelly Levesque (发音为 Le-Vek) 在 Andrea Bocelli 上一次的全美巡演中曾与他同台合作过二重唱。她与之合作过的世界知名艺人包括 Josh Groban, Russell Watson 和 Vittorio Grigolo。一长串她曾经同事过的获得格莱美奖的知名制作人和写手,包括David Foster、Diane Warren 和 the Neptunes. 她在 Julia Roberts 和 Catherine Zeta Jones 合作的电影“美国甜心”中献上了一曲“Some Hearts”

Sara Gettelfinger 曾参演过的百老汇歌剧包括“偷心大少”、“音乐剧 Seussical”、“来自锡拉库萨的男孩”和“九重天”,其他的一些剧目包括在Playwrights Horizon 剧院上演的“灰色花园“中扮演 “Edith (Little Edie) Bouvier”和Fosse 的首次全国巡演。

在一同工作的两年中,这三位颇有天赋的年轻女性有机会去探索她们各自领域之外的无限可能性。“让我们惊奇的是” Joy 表示说,“我们各自有着非常不同的生活体验和事业历程,我们都从彼此身上获益良多”他们在各自领域的造诣颇深,这使得Three Graces成为了让人瞩目的存在。就像 Sara 所说的那样,“你拥有的越多,你将能运用更多的技巧去表现,你就能给自己和听众们带来更多的刺激感觉”“我习惯于称我们的音乐风格为‘时髦流行’, Kelly 解释道,“有些东西是每个人都能感觉得到的”。Joy、Kelly 加上Sara,三位天赋过人、来自各个不同音乐领域的美丽歌手成为了三重唱组合“Three Graces”在希腊神话中,Three Grace(美慧三女神)各自代表了美貌、智慧和魅力。她们就像神话中三种特质的拟人化表现,拥有让人心旷神怡的愉悦美感。在她们的首张同名专辑中,三人的拥有令人吃惊的音乐风格跨度和深度,所用的语言包含英语、意大利语、西班牙语和法语,揉合了流行,百老汇和歌剧的音乐风格创造了前所未有的欣赏体验,理所当然地赢得了众多听众的忠心。

由Sara Gettelfinger, Kelly Levesque和 Joy Kabanuck组成的Three Graces,在她们的首张专集中,三位女神与世间顶级的音乐制作人和写手合作,其中包括 Walter Afanasieff (Mariah Carey, Celine Dion), Desmond Child (Bon Jovi, Ricky Martin), Guy Roche (Christina Aguilera, Michael Bolton) 和Mark Portmann (Luis Miguel, Barbra Streisand),这样独特的产物会使所有的听者都神魂颠倒。Three Graces 带来的是灵性的唱词、飞扬的合声和旋律的阵阵爆发。其中包括他们翻唱Phil Collins的 "Against All Odds"、Snow Patrol 的 "Run" 和 Heart的 "These Dreams,"都带来了她们独有的美妙体验。为了展示她们的出众天赋,三人组合在这张专辑中还加入了两首她们自己共同写就的原创单曲,包括"I Wish (All the Love in the World)" 和"Don't Let Me Forget." [注:此翻译转自Ukoo]


All three artists are tremendously accomplished in the genres from which they respectively come. Joy Kabanuck starred in the lead role of Mimi in Baz Luhrmann's Broadway production of Puccini's opera La Boheme. Joy was also a Los Angeles district finalist in the highly prestigious New York Metropolitan Opera Council auditions and a finalist in the Los Angeles Artist of the Future competition. She has also sung the leading roles in Mozart's opera Cosi fan Tutte and Donizetti's Betly, as well as performing in Gounod's Faust, Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor, and Verdi's La Traviata. Kelly Levesque (pronounced Le-Vek) sang duets onstage with Andrea Bocelli during his last US tour. Other world-famous artists with whom she has performed include Josh Groban, Russell Watson, and Vittorio Grigolo. The roster of Grammy Award-winning producer/songwriters with whom she has worked includes David Foster, Diane Warren, and the Neptunes. She also sang the song "Some Hearts" on the soundtrack of the Julia Roberts/Catherine Zeta Jones film America's Sweethearts. Sara Gettelfinger has starred on Broadway in such shows as Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Seussical the musical, The Boys from Syracuse, and NINE. Other credits include Edith ("Little Edie") Bouvier in the Playwrights Horizon world premiere of Grey Gardens as well as the first national tour of Fosse. In the course of working together for the past two years, these talented young women have had the chance to explore avenues that might not have otherwise been part of their musical paths. "What's wonderful," Joy remarks, "is that since we've had very different experiences in life and in the music business, we've learned a ton from each other." Their range of expertise is what makes Three Graces the compelling artists they are. As Sara notes, "The more variety you have, the more colors you have to paint with, and the more thrilling the experience is both for us and for listeners." "I like to call what we do `smart pop,'" Kelly observes. "There's something for everyone."

Meet Joy, Kelly, and Sara: a trio of gifted and beautiful singers from a range of musical backgrounds who, together, are Three Graces. In Greek mythology, the Three Graces represent beauty, wisdom, and charm. Just like the legendary figures who inspired their name, these artists personify exhilarating talent. On their self-titled debut album, the trio explores a stunning array of musical styles and moods, singing in English, Italian, Spanish and French. Their mix of the best of pop, Broadway, and opera creates a unique listening experience that will undoubtedly win audiences' hearts. Three Graces is compromised of Sara Gettelfinger, Kelly Levesque and Joy Kabanuck. On their debut album, these talented young women have joined forces with some of the world's top music producers and songwriters. They include Walter Afanasieff (Mariah Carey, Celine Dion), Desmond Child (Bon Jovi, RickyMartin), Guy Roche (Christina Aguilera, Michael Bolton) and Mark Portmann (Luis Miguel, Barbra Streisand). The result is a unique mix that will leave listeners spellbound. Three Graces features a breathtaking array of inspiring words, soaring harmonies, and melodic fireworks. They include pop favorites like Phil Collins' "Against All Odds," Snow Patrol's "Run," and Heart's "These Dreams," all given the magical Three Graces touch. Showcasing another side of Three Graces' incredible talents, the group's debut also features two songs co-written by the trio, including "I Wish (All the Love in the World)" and "Don't Let Me Forget."


01. Requiem

02. Against All Odds (Impossibile)

03. I Wish (All The Love In The World)

04. Run (Si Accendera)

05. Don't Let Me Forget

06. Dile

07. You'll Be Watching

08. 1000 Pieces

09. These Dreams (Te Sueno)

10. Si Tu Pars

11. There Will Be A Time





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更新时间:2025/3/24 19:10:38