词条 | strut |
释义 | Strut是英国歌手“西娜阿·斯顿”的著名歌曲之一,此曲被香港歌手梅艳芳改编成粤语版的歌曲《坏女孩》改编版的《坏女孩》红遍整个粤语地区,是最著名的粤语歌曲之一。而英文原版的Strut反而甚少人被华人地区的人所知道 歌名:Strut 所属专辑: A private heaven 演唱者: 西娜阿·斯顿 歌词He said, "Baby, what's wrong with you? Why don't you use your imagination Nations go to war over women like you, it's just a form of appreciation Come on over here, lay your clothes on the chair Now let the lace fall across your shoulder Standing in the half light, you're almost like her So take it slow like your daddy told you" Easton Sheena Chorus: Strut pout, put it out, that's what you want from women Come on baby, what'cha taking me for Strut pout, cut it out, all taking and no giving Watch me baby while I walk out the door I said, "Honey, I don't like this game, you make me feel like a girl for hire All this fascination with leather and lace is just the smoke from another fire" He said, "Honey, don't stop a speeding train before it reaches its destination Don't turn away from your true vocation" chorus I won't be your baby doll, be your baby doll I won't be your baby doll, be your baby doll (Instrumental break) chorus repeats out 歌手简介名字:Sheena Easton 中文译名:西娜阿·斯顿 国 籍:英国 出生地:苏格兰 语 言:英语 生 日:1959/4/27 签约过的唱片公司:EMI MUSIC(百代唱片) 二十世纪80年代流行乐天后Sheena Easton,1959年4月27日出生于英国苏格兰的Belshill市。她是受到芭芭拉-史翠珊电影《往日情怀(The Way We Were)》的影响而进入音乐界发展。在苏格兰皇家音乐戏剧学院深造期间,她加入了Something Else乐团。 Sheena Easton参与英国BBC电视台“The Big Time: Pop Singer”节目演出后,即受到EMI唱片公司的青睐并与她签约。1980年,Sheena Easton推出《Modern Girl》及《9 To 5》两首个人单曲,双双打进全英十大单曲排行榜,成为该榜有史以来首位同时在十大占有两个席次的女歌手。 接着,《9 To 5》更名为《Morning Train》转战美国,更一举拿下全美流行单曲及成人抒情榜双料冠军,并荣获1982年格莱美音乐奖最佳新人,从此大红大紫起来。 另外,她所演绎的名曲也包括了《Modern Girl》、《For Your Eyes Only》、《You Got The Look》、《Telephone Long Distance Love Affair 》《You Could Have Been With Me》等。除了歌唱,Sheena Easton也曾演出《Young Blades》里的“Queen Anne”角色。 为XBOX360游戏演唱插曲WHAT YOU ARE 流星花园(台湾版)也几次用到了她的歌曲《almost over you》做插曲,使中国听众对她逐渐熟悉起来。 |
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