词条 | ORSAS |
释义 | ORSAS 全称是overseas research student award scheme,即海外研究学生基金计划 海外研究学生基金计划只颁发给phd或者research degree的申请者,主要填补oversea 学生和eu学生之间的学费差额,一般来说6000p左右。 海外研究学生基金计划向杰出且有研究能力的海外研究生提供资助。该项奖学金由各大学代英国教育与就业部(DfEE)管理。奖学金授予从事研究类、全日制课程的硕士学生。费用包括国际学生与本国学生学费的差额部分。奖学金的基准为一年,但可以根据研究课程的期限,在第二年或第三年时更新。英国每年有大约800个这样的名额,在各大学之间进行分配,一般来说越好的大学名额会越多,申请人必须是拿到大学的研究类硕士课程的通知书的学生,该基金有专门的申请表格,申请周期比较长,大概3至5个月,因为大学需要反复讨论学生是否有资格获得该项基金,可见还是比较慎重的,也反映了英国在奖学金方面的吝啬。值得注意的是申请研究类硕士课程的中国学生不是太多。 附: 贴一篇关于ors的官方文章供大家参考,希望对申请uk的朋友有帮助。 PS, 以下内容为原文部分截取,若要了解全部详细内容, 请见网址:http://www.universitiesuk.ac.uk/ors/ About ORSAS awards Background ORSAS was set up by the Secretary of State for Education and Science in 1979 to attract high-quality international students to the United Kingdo m to undertake research. The Scheme is administered by Universities UK o n behalf of the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) and is funded through the four UK higher education funding bodies (for England, Scotl and, Wales and Northern Ireland). The awards offer international students the opportunity to carry out a b road range of research at well-established UK academic institutions of w orldwide recognition. Our awardholders make a valuable contribution, not only to the British research base, but also to economic, scientific, ed ucational and other aspects of life in their own country. Meanwhile, the ir involvement in British academic life and the wider cultural experienc es offered in the UK contribute to their personal development and can he lp increase their future opportunities. What do the awards cover? ORSAS awards provide funding to pay the difference, in most cases, betwe en the international student tuition fees and the home/EU student tuitio n fees charged by the academic institution that the student attends/will be attending. ORSAS awards do not cover the home/EU fee element, mainte nance or travel expenses. Please remember that ORSAS awards are intended for students of full-time postgraduate research study only, and NOT FOR THOSE UNDERTAKING UNDERGR ADUATE OR TAUGHT POSTGRADUATE STUDY. New awards are granted annually, on a competitive basis, to internationa l postgraduate students of outstanding academic ability and research pot ential. The number of new awards made each year is subject to the fundin g available but we are generally able to grant around 800-850. The only two criteria for winning an award are: (1) academic ability, an d (2) research potential. Other factors, such as: proposed field or inst itution of study, financial status, nationality, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion/belief, marital status or any other inappropriate distinctions, will not be taken into account. Who is eligible to apply? International students who have been accepted (conditionally or uncondit ionally) for admission by a participating UK institution as a full-time, postgraduate research student for the 2005-06 academic session; or inte rnational students who are registered at a participating UK institution as a full-time, postgraduate research student at the time of application . All applicants must be liable to pay tuition fees at the rate for inte rnational students. Click here to see a list of participating institutio ns. Applicants who have been unsuccessful in previous ORSAS competitions may re-apply. Students who have previously held an ORSAS award; hence they have receiv ed ORSAS funding in any previous year or years are not eligible to apply for a second (new) award. Applicants who have been offered an ORSAS award in a previous competitio n but were unable to take it up may re-apply. Necessary qualifications The level of competition for ORSAS scholarships is very high and only th ose students who, by the time they take up their award, hold an undergra duate degree with either first class or very good upper second class hon ours (or the equivalent) will be considered. Applicants must normally be graduates of one of the participating instit utions, or of a recognised higher education institution outside the UK; or, if currently studying, they should be expecting to graduate at any o ne of these by 30 September 2005. 转载自:http://www.universitiesuk.ac.uk/ors/ |
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