

词条 All For You - Dedication to Nat King Cole Trio

中文名称:All For You - Dedication to Nat King Cole Trio



专辑歌手:Diana Krall





美国音乐史上有两位Nat King Cole,大多数的人只记得歌声优美,唱过「Unforgettable」等无数名曲的那一位,而被遗忘的那位Nat Cole,则是爵士史上数一数二顶尖钢琴师之一,流利的钢琴线条为他赢得了许多的仰慕者,包括Oscar Peterson及Bill Evans等大师。这两位Nat Cole後来与吉他手Oscan Moore及贝斯手Johnny Miller组成了King Cole Trio,在40年代发表了「All For You」、「Staighten Up And Fly Right」等旷世钜作。 「All For You」这张专辑是一位叫叫Diana Karll的女孩向King Cole Trio致敬的一张专辑,也是一张受Nat Cole启发而孕育而生的作品,Diana一人分饰Nat Cole爵士歌手与爵士歌手Nat Cole两个角色,并找来吉他手Rusell Malone和贝斯手Paul Keller,仿照King Cole Trio同演出,他们俩人去年花了一整个夏天作巡回演出,已在长达数月的合作中培养出绝佳的默契。和King Cole Trio一样,Diana Krall的乐团,这是一个没有鼓手的乐团,正因如此他们必须使劲地演奏以代替鼓手在乐团中主导节奏的地位。

Diana Krall歌声的感觉,就像凌晨一、两点,独自一人坐在人潮已退的小酒吧里听歌一样,在一天疲惫之後,似乎只有她略带伤感的歌声最了解你的心情。而她的嗓音就像是加了蜂蜜的威士忌,一醉却令人无法抗拒。专辑中的第一首曲子”I’m An Errand Girl For Rhythm”被Diana唱得十分俏皮,中间一段钢琴SOLO非常精彩。”Gee Baby,Ain’t I Good To You”原为King Cole Trio的作品,Diana将原本的版本放慢速度,别有一番风味。一旦品嚐她的作品,相信你也会像喝了加上蜂蜜的威士忌一样,明之易醉,却忍不住想喝。

Diana Krall的嗓音至此已经到达随心所欲,动静皆美的境界,而琴艺更是Ragtime,Swing, Bop, Blues各式风格尽出,而且触键轻盈,配速熟练,已成一代高手之姿。请听曲目⑴Nat King Cole的原创曲“I'm An Errand Girl For Rythm”,大堆头和弦,巧妙的急速摇摆中,我们听到吉他和钢琴精彩非凡的飙奏,曲⑶是Cole最爱的情歌“You Call It Madness”,Diana Krall以外表沉稳,实则以热情的嗓音,赋予原曲冷艳的面貌;曲⑸“Boulevard Of Broken Dreams”首次听得Marianne Faithful沧桑冷酷的版本如今给了我一丝温暖浪漫的感受。Diana Krall将之献给James Dean。

其他“Hit That Jive Jack”Russell Malone亦加入声部合唱,活泼的节奏,令人闻之摇摆,“If I Had You”一曲,Benny Green的伴奏让Diana Krall有完全的空间,全心展露歌艺,为这张专辑创下完美的句号。

Amazon.com Editorial Reviews

All for You is a tribute to the Nat "King" Cole Trio of the 1940s, when Cole performed as both a singer and a pianist. Krall, like her heroes Lena Horne and Carmen McRae, is also a singer-pianist, and she plays both roles on most of the songs here. She's able to link her singing to her piano playing in sympathetic ways and projects tremendous feeling through both. Like Cole in the '40s, Krall plays with a drummerless trio--here with guitarist Russell Malone and bassist Paul Keller. Their sense of intimate rapport is especially valuable on ballads such as "You Call It Madness" and "I'm Thru with Love," but also allows such uptempo tunes as "Hit That Jive Jack" to swing with surprising lightness. --Geoffrey Himes


01 I’m an Errand Girl for Rhythm

02 Gee Baby, Ain’t I Good to You

03 You Call It Madness

04 Frim Fram Sauce

05 Boulevard of Broken Dreams

06 Baby, Baby All the Time

07 Hit That Jive, Jack!

08 You’re Looking at Me

09 I’m Through With Love

10 ’Deed I Do

11 A Blossom Fell





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