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释义 | 名称翻译英语全称为Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema 大陆译名:亚洲电影振兴组织 或 亚洲电影促进联盟 港台译名:亞洲電影振興機構 官方解释The Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema (NETPAC)isa worldwide organization of 29 member countries. It was created astheresult of a conference on Asian cinema organized by Cinemaya, theAsianFilm Quarterly, in New Delhi in 1990 at the instance and withthesupport of UNESCO, Paris. Headquartered in Singapore,the NETPACis a pan-Asian film culturalorganization involving critics,filmmakers,festival organizers andcurators, distributors andexhibitors, as well asfilm educators. It isconsidered a leadingauthority on Asian cinema. Inthese 18 years it hasprogrammed Asiansections of international filmfestivals, introducedfilmmakers fromAsia to the world, brought out acompendium of theexisting filminfrastructure in different Asiancountries, organizedseminars andconferences and instituted an award forthe Best Asian filmatfestivals like Singapore, Pusan, Jeonju, Kerala,Kazakhstan andOsian’sCinefan among those in Asia; Berlin, Locarno,Karlovy Vary,Rotterdam,Vesoul and others in Europe; at Brisbane inAustralia; Hawaiiin theUS; Antalya in Turkey and Black Nights inEstonia. The NETPAC Award is given at select international filmfestivals topromote Asian cinema by spotlighting exceptional films anddiscoveringnew talents. Among film makers who have won thishighly-coveted awardare Jia Zhangke and Wang Xiaoshuai from China,Adoor Gopalakrishnan,Rituparno Ghosh and Buddhadeb Dasgupta from India,Marziyeh Meshkiniand Rakshan Bani-Etemad in Iran, Stanley Kwan and AnnHui from HongKong, Kawase Naomi and Yoichi Sai from Japan, BrillanteMendoza fromPhilippines, Lee Chang Dong and Kim Ki-Duk from Korea,Roystan Tan fromSingapore, Garin Nugroho from Indonesia, AbdullatifAbdulhamid fromSyria, Prasanna Vithanage from Sri Lanka, Abbas Fahdelfrom Iraq… 中文简介自成立20年以来,NETPAC已经成为发现和推广亚洲电影的领先平台。成立于1990年的NETPAC与亚洲电影飞复兴不谋而合。NETPAC在早期就表达了承认并认识到亚洲电影新人出现的需要,并出版了其旗下的季刊——《电影玛雅》(Cinemaya)。该杂志为大多数亚洲的评论家、作家和学者提供了一个记录和评论亚洲电影的论坛,并最终将他们带入亚洲电影联盟。 NETPAC的另一个主要贡献是在国际电影界上设立亚洲影评人联盟奖;随着越来越多的亚洲电影入选国际影展并呈现在世界观众面前,对质量的要求是很有必要的,正是这种与竞赛精神所吻合的要求点燃了亚洲年轻电影人的创作欲望。现在。24个国际电影节上都颁发亚洲影评人联盟奖,这些电影节遍布于18个国家和四大洲(包括亚特兰大、曼谷、巴塞罗那、柏林、布里斯班、爱沙尼亚、釜山、富川、罗马、鹿特丹、新加坡、台北、沃苏勒和重庆)。 ——《第四届造影青春:重庆民间映画交流展宣传册》(CIFVF2010) NETPAC是一个目前有29个成员国的泛亚洲电影文化国际组织,1990年成立于印度新德里,总部设在新加坡,涉及电影批评、电影创作发行行业、电影节等,以促进亚洲电影复兴和发展为己任,被认为是亚洲电影复兴和发展的领头羊。该组织得到联合国教科文组织的支援和帮助,并在国际享有强大的影响力,诸多国际电影节如釜山电影节、柏林电影节、戛纳电影节等,都设有NETPAC评委会奖项。 现任秘书长为新加坡华裔谢福龙(Philip Cheach)。 |
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