词条 | necro butcher |
释义 | Dylan Keith Summers (Born July 13, 1973) 身高6尺2 体重230磅 以Necro butcher这个名字闻名的职业摔跤手 曾效力联盟:IWA-Mid South, Ring of Honor, Jersey All Pro Wrestling, CHIKARA, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, XCW Wrestling, Juggalo Championshit Wrestling 现效力:Ring of Honor,CZW 在3月16日,作为Necro Butcher,他赢得了自己的第一个职业摔跤 冠军腰带,在击败Damon Richards后成为IHW硬核冠军。 Butcher的受欢迎程度主导着德州的比赛,在TCW他击败了rival Joey Diego成为了硬核冠军。 而在CZW他的职业生涯也走上了颠峰, 他连续参加了6届CZW最凶残的死亡锦标赛,并赢得了一次冠军.他的比赛是疯狂的.他身体的每一个地方都是他的武器,无论是带刺铁丝,玻璃,灯管,刀,火,都无法使他失败, 每当Necro出场时,音乐一响起,全场观众都会起立为他鼓掌,比赛时,观众会高喊necro,necro,necro。不管他胜利还是失败,退场时大家都会给他最热烈的掌声。 他理应得到所有Hardcore选手的尊重. 常用技 Sitdown double underhook powerbomb Double underhook powerbomb pin (non-sitout) Asiatic Spike (Thumb choke hold) Iron claw West Virginia Violence Parade (Multiple punches to an opponent in the turnbuckle followed by multiple foot stomps to opponent seated in corner) Body slam while holding a steel chair to the opponent's back Frankensteiner Hard punches Falling chokebomb Pumphandle slam 冠军历史 Capital of Texas Power Wrestling CTPW Tag Team Championship (1 time) Championship Wrestling Association CWA Hardcore Championship (1 time) Combat Zone Wrestling CZW World Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Toby Klien CZW Tournament of Death 4 winner CZW Ultraviolent Underground Championship (1 time) Frontier Wrestling Alliance FWA Brass Knuckles Championship (1 time) Independent Wrestling Association Deep-South IWA-DS Carnage Cup 2006 winner Independent Wrestling Association Mid-South IWA-MS King of the Deathmatch 2002 winner Insane Hardcore Wrestling IHW Hardcore Championship (1 time) National Wrestling Alliance NWA Texas Hardcore Championship (4 times) Texas All Star Wrestling TASW Brass Knuckles Championship (2 times) TASW Heavyweight Championship (1 time) Texas Championship Wrestling TCW Hardcore Championship (2 times) Westside Xtreme Wrestling wXw Hardcore Championship (1 time) Xtreme Intense Championship Wrestling XICW Xtreme Championship (1 time) |
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