词条 | Jeffery Alexander |
释义 | Jeffrey ·Charles· Alexander 杰弗里·亚历山大(1947-)美国社会学家,新功能主义代表人物之一。 学术生涯1969年 哈佛大学学士学位 1978年 加州大学伯克利分校博士学位 1974-2001 任教于加州大学洛山矶分校 2001- 任教于耶鲁大学 2008 耶鲁大学 Lillian Chavenson Saden Professor of Sociology and co-Director of the Center for Cultural Sociology 亚历山大教授著作颇丰。并且是期刊sociological theory的编辑之一 现在还担任复旦大学社会科学高等研究院学术顾问 研究贡献新功能主义: 以亚历山大教授为代表,继承和发扬了Talcott Parsons 塔尔科特 帕森斯的思想。新功能主义有5个主要取向: 第一,创造一种多维度的功能主义,同时包括对微观和宏观层次的分析 第二,将功能主义引向批判,抛弃帕森斯对于现代性的乐观态度 第三,在功能性分析中讨论隐藏的变革 第四,包括对冲突的分析 第五,强调不确定性和互动创造性 当帕森斯将行动者视为分析概念,亚历山大却认为行动是具体的,有生命的人们在时空当中创造的。并且他认为每个行动都包含了自由意志的维度,由此,他将功能主义扩展到了包含一些符号互动的领域。 著作列表和期刊编辑主要著作和各种语言译本列表: Authored Books: A Contemporary Introduction to Sociology: Culture and Society in Transition (with Kenneth Thompson). Paradigm Publishers, 2008. The Civil Sphere. Oxford University Press, 2006. Mary Douglas Best Book Prize. American Sociological Association, Culture Section, 2008. Professional and Scholarly Publishing Award for Excellence in Sociology and Social Work, Association of American Publishers, 2006. Cultural Trauma and Collective Identity (with Eyerman, Giesen, Smelser, and Sztompka). University of California Press, 2004. The Meanings of Social Life: A Cultural Sociology. Oxford University Press, 2003. Korean translation: Sahoejeok Samui Uimi: Munwha Sahoehak, translated by Sunwoong Park. Seoul:Hanul, 2007 Chinese translation: Wu-Nan Book Inc. Forthcoming Italian translation (partial): La Costruzione del Male: Dall’Olocausto all’ 11 settembre. Il Mulino, 2006. Neofunctionalism and After. Basil Blackwell. 1998. Chinese translation: Yilin Press, 2003. Fin de Siècle Social Theory: Relativism, Reduction and the Problem of Reason. Verso, 1995. Chinese translation (Taiwan): 2003. Structure and Meaning: Relinking Classical Sociology. Columbia University Press, 1989. Action and Its Environments: Towards a New Synthesis. Columbia University Press, 1988. Twenty Lectures: Sociological Theory Since World War Two. Columbia University Press, Hutchinson, 1987. Japanese Translation: Minerva Shobo, forthcoming. Chinese Translation: (PRC) 1999. Hungarian translation: Szociológiaelmélet A II. Világháború Után. Balassi Kiadó, 1996. Korean translation: Hyondae Sahoe Iron ui Hurum. Minyongsa, 1993. Spanish translation: Las Teorias Sociologicas Desdi la Segunda Guerra Mundial Analisis Multidimensional. Gedisa, 1989. Theoretical Logic in Sociology. University of California Press and Routledge Kegan Paul, 1982 83: vol. I: Positivism, Presuppositions, and Current Controversies vol. II: The Antinomies of Classical Thought. Marx and Durkheim vol. III: The Classical Attempt at Synthesis: Max Weber vol. IV: The Modern Attempt at Synthesis: Talcott Parsons Japanese translation: Shahaigaku no Shiso, forthcoming. Chinese translation: The Commercial Press, forthcoming. 编辑著作: EDITED SERIES: Yale Series of Cultural Sociology (with R. Eyerman). Paradigm Press, 2004- Cambridge Series on Cultural Social Studies (with S. Seidman). Cambridge University Press, 1991- Contemporary Societies. W.W. Norton, 2003- Key Problems in Sociological Theory (with J. Turner). Sage, 1985 1992. 担任编辑的期刊: EDITORIAL POSITIONS: Co-Editor (with J. Adams, R.Eyerman, P. Gorski), Sociological Theory, 2004-09 Co-Editor (with P. Smith), Theory, 2002-06 Associate Editor, Sociological Theory, 1994 2004. Associate Editor, Contemporary Sociology, 1983 1986. Associate Editor, American Journal of Sociology, 1979 1981. European Journal of Social Theory, 1998 Ukrainian Sociology: Theory, Methods, and Marketing 1998 Sociologia E Politiche Sociali, 1997 Thesis Eleven, 1997 Citizenship Studies, 1996 Chinese Social Science Quarterly, 1993 Sociological Perspectives, 1992 Ecumene, 1992 Teoria Sociologia, 1992 Revue suisse de sociologie, 1992 Rose Monograph Series, 1983. Theory and Society, 1978 1985. |
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