

词条 GreenpureLife(绿纯生命)



2009年,“绿纯生命”创始人 George 、Patricia 夫妇和他们的孩子来到了新西兰,这里美丽的风景、纯净的空气和淳朴的民风,让他们确定这就是他们梦中的“伊甸园”,天空湛蓝,海水澄澈,漫山遍野覆盖着草地和森林……

George 和 Patricia 夫妇曾在亚洲、北美等国家和地区短暂居住过,他们的足迹遍布全世界,并在游历的过程中体验到了各种文明,然而他们最后选择了新西兰——“世界最后一块净土”。

George 和Patricia 夫妇来了后就再也不愿意离开,孩子们也爱上了新西兰,他们喜欢光着脚在草地上自由奔跑,喜欢早上在鸟叫中醒来,大口大口喝新鲜牛奶,喜欢学校一周4天都有体育课,喜欢去海滩玩沙子,还喜欢假期去露营以及和爸爸出海钓鱼。

George 和Patricia 夫妇说:“新西兰对我们来说就是上帝应许的迦南地——一个流着奶和蜜的地方。”

新西兰深深地影响George 和Patricia夫妇的生活观念,他们迫切地想把这份感动分享给其它地区的人们。2010年,他们在新西兰创建了“绿纯生命”公司,旨在向全世界推广绿色、纯净的健康产品、文化和生活方式。




创始人George 说:“能让更多拥有新西兰式的健康生活,是‘绿纯生命’品牌的价值和工作意义所在。”


The story of Green Pure Life – how it all started

In 2009 two adventurous travellers came to New Zealand with their young children to explore a new land. They were fascinated by the beauty of the country, with its clear blue sky, crystal clean waters and rolling green countryside.

They declared, “This is paradise. This is where we should live.” The children also fell in love with the country. They loved beginning their days waking up to the birds singing, enjoying breakfasts with fresh milk, running on the grass with bare feet, building sand castles on the beach, counting stars out in the fresh evening air, and having fun camping and fishing in the great outdoors.

There is so much about New Zealand that the family wants to share with people abroad. They want everyone to know about the healthy lifestyle, friendliness of the people, and the quality of life they enjoy. For those who cannot travel to New Zealand, they want to bring a bit of this wonderful country to them.

So in 2011 Green Pure Life was born. The owners bring the passion they feel about their new homeland in New Zealand to their company and their products.

Green Pure Life introduces 100% NZ-made products that promote the pure and healthy food, culture and lifestyle to global markets.

George and Patricia, Founder





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更新时间:2025/3/20 13:38:49