

词条 Bruno Briseghella


姓名 : Bruno Briseghella

出生年月 : 意大利Padova1971年12月

性别 : 男

学历 : 博士

工作单位 : 福州大学土木工程学院


桥梁及房屋结构设计,钢混凝土组合结构,桥梁与房屋结构整修,整体式桥台桥梁, 桥梁的环境振动测试,桥梁与房屋结构监控,结构动力分析,地震工程




1997 意大利Padova大学结构工程学士及硕士学位

2005 意大利Trento大学结构工程博士学位


1999 – 2003 “Briseghella Associati”,顾问工程师。意大利,Padova。

2003 to date “Bolina Ingegneria Srl” 执行理事, 顾问工程师。意大利,venice。

2007 to date “Tecnostrutture Srl” (预制结构构件) 创新和新产品的开发顾问。意大利。

2008 to date 意大利Padova工程师协会执行委员会代表委员


2002 奥林匹克运动会Galatsi 体育中心大跨度屋顶设计,2004,雅典(跨度140m)

2005 Isola della Scala 桥设计,维罗纳 (整体式桥台桥梁,跨度414 m)

2006 San Donà桥设计,venice (跨度5x100 m)

2007 跨越Grand运河的veniceIV 桥建造设计,venice(建筑设计为:Santiago Calatrava)

2008 12座网拱桥设计,迪拜



2001 – 2005 IUAV大学,副教授

2005 – 2007 意大利,米兰理工大学,教授

2005 – 2007 意大利,Padova大学,教授

2008 – 2009 意大利,Cagliari大学,访问教授

2008 – 2010 意大利,Padova大学,访问教授

2008 – 至今 中国,福州大学土木工程学院,教授


2001 – 2002 ANAS (意大利道路协会) –IUAV大学


2003 – 2004 威内托区–IUAV大学


2007 – IUAV大学– 同济大学


2007 IUAV大学– 萨格勒布大学


2008 – IUAV大学– 福州大学


2009 – 2010 福州大学—同济大学–IUAV大学



2007 预制高强度混凝土柱与钢-部分预制混凝土梁的组合连接

(与Tobia Zordan博士和 Franco Daniele先生).


2005 意大利的里雅斯特大学


2005 意大利特雷维索CIAS (国际试验中心)


2005 意大利布林迪西




2006 克罗地亚撒格拉布大学


2007 意大利Trento大学


2008 中国同济大学


2008 中国上海城市建设设计研究院


2008 荷兰代尔夫特工业大学


2008 中国福州大学


2008 意大利Sassari大学,建筑学院


2009 克罗地亚Zagreb大学


2010 日本Nagasaki大学




[1]. J. Xue, B. Chen, B. Briseghella, Numerical analysis of the Influence of Debonding on CFST Single Tube Arch, Arch10 - 6 international conference on arch bridges, Fuzhou (China), October 2010 (accepted)

[2]. S. Palaoro, E. Siviero, B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Concept and construction methods of arch bridges in Italy, Arch10 - 6 international conference on arch bridges, Fuzhou (China), October 2010 (accepted)

[3]. B. Briseghella, L. Fenu, C. Lan, E. Mazzarolo, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, A New Multi-Span Arch Bridge over the Piave River in Venice: Conceptual design and Structural Optimization, Arch10 - 6 international conference on arch bridges, Fuzhou (China), October 2010 (submitted)

[4]. B. Briseghella, L. Fenu, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Tensigrity bridges: a survey and some proposals regarding arch bridges, Arch10 - 6 international conference on arch bridges, Fuzhou (China), October 2010 (submitted)

[5]. S. Palaoro, E. Siviero, B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, The state of art of the Italian arch bridges, IABSE Symposium, Venice, September 2010 (submitted)

[6]. J. Xue, B. Chen, B. Briseghella, Experimental research on debonding in concrete-filled steel tubes columns subjected to eccentric loading, IABSE Symposium, Venice, September 2010 (submitted)

[7]. B. Briseghella, L. Fenu, C. Lan, E. Mazzarolo, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Topology optimization to minimize unexpected bending moments in the shell supporting the deck of shell bridges, IABSE Symposium, Venice, September 2010 (submitted)

[8]. J. He, T. Zordan, A. Chen, B. Biseghella, R. M, X. Ruan, Cyclic Behaviour of Prefabricated High-Strength Concrete Composite Beam-to-Column Joints, IABSE Symposium, Venice, September 2010 (submitted)

[9]. B. Briseghella, L. Fenu, C. Lan, E. Mazzarolo, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Optimization Design of Soil-Pile Interaction and Abutment Size of IABs, IABSE Symposium, Venice, September 2010 (submitted)

[10]. B. Briseghella, L. Fenu, C. Lan, E. Mazzarolo, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Shape optimization of an arch bridge by the evolutionary procedure, 8 International Conference on Short & Medium Span Bridges, Vancouver (BC Canada), 3-6 August, 2010. (accepted)

[11]. B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, C. Lan, E. Mazzarolo, F. Busatta, Safety Monitoring of the Cable Stayed Bridge in the Commercial Harbor of Venice, Italy, Fifth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS 2010, Pennsylvania, 11 – 15 July, 2010. (accepted)

[12]. T. Zordan, B. Briseghella, C. Lan, Parametric analyses on concrete super long integral abutment bridges: a sustainable solution, Proceedings of Sustainable Development Strategies for Constructions in Europe and China Conference, Roma, 2010

[13].B. Briseghella, A. Zanchettin, T. Zordan, A non conventional moment resisting composite joint: recent studies and possible applications, Proceedings of FIB Symposium, October 2009, London, UK.

[14]. B. Briseghella, Q. Zhang, T. Zordan, Network arch bridges with externally inclined arches and composite steel and concrete decks, Proceedings of IASS Symposium IASS-SLTE 2008, October 2008, Acapulco, Mexico.

[15]. B. Briseghella, I. Paoletti, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Conceptual design of Spatial Bridges, Proceedings of IASS Symposium IASS-SLTE 2008, October 2008, Acapulco, Mexico.

[16]. B. Briseghella, F. Busatta, C. Gentile, T. Zordan, Finite Element Modelling of a curved deck cable stayed bridge in Venice from operational modal analysis, Proceedings of IABSE Congress, Chicago, September 2008

[17]. B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, A. Chen, X. Ruan, E. Siviero, Structural optimization of a non conventional composite steel and concrete connection through FE analysis, Proceedings of IABSE Congress, Chicago, September 2008

[18]. B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Twelve Network Arch Bridges in Abu Dhabi, Proceedings of Chinese-Croatian Joint Colloquium on Long Arch Bridges, Brijuni (Croatia), July 2008

[19]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Erection Design and Testing of the IV bridge over the Grand Canal in Venice, Proceedings of the Third International Conference Footbridge 2008, Porto, 2-4 July 2008

[20]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, The IV Bridge over the Grand Canal of Venice: from conceptual design to construction, Proceedings of IASS Symposium: Structural Architecture - Towards the future looking to the past, Venice, 3-6 December 2007

[21]. B. Briseghella, U. Di Bennardo, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Structural optimization and construction of the San Donà Bridge, Proceedings of IASS Symposium: Structural Architecture - Towards the future looking to the past, Venice, 3-6 December 2007

[22]. B. Briseghella, E. de la Grennelais, U. Di Bennardo, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Structural optimization and construction of the new bridge in Venice – San Donà, Third International conference “Structural Engeneers World Congress 2007”, Bangalore (India), November 2007

[23]. B. Briseghella, E. de la Grennelais, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Refurbishment of an arch bridge increasing its stiffness and reducing its weight, Proceedings of IABSE Symposium Improving Infrastructure Worldwide, Weimar, September 2007

[24]. B. Briseghella, N. Gallino, C. Gentile, T. Zordan, Finite Element Modelling of a tied arch bridge from operational modal analysis, Arch07 - 5 international conference on arch bridges, Madeira (Portugal), September 2007

[25]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, A newly developed connection between a centrifuged high performance concrete pre-fabricated column and a composite steel and concrete beam, Proceedingsof “Conceptual approach to structural design”, Venice, June 2007

[26]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Attainment of a moment resisting structure through rehabilitation of a simply supported bridge, Proceedings of the fib Symposium; Concrete Structures-Stimulators of Development, Dubrovnik, May 2007

[27]. B. Briseghella, A. Del Grosso, C. Gentile, E. Siviero, A. Torre, T. Zordan,Reception test and monitoring system of the new Marghera cable-stayed bridge in the harbour of Venice, ILDMI2007, Shanghai, May 2007

[28]. B. Briseghella, E. de la Grennelais, E. Siviero, T. Zordan,Seismic retrofit of an concrete arch bridge, ILDMI2007, Shanghai, May 2007

[29]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, P. Tolaccia, T. Zordan, Sperimentazione in scala reale sul Quarto Ponte sul Canal Grande a Venezia, Convegno Nazionale “Sperimentazione su materiali e strutture”, Venezia, 6-7 dicembre 2006

[30]. B. Briseghella, C. Gentile, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Approccio metodologico al consolidamento dei ponti storici, Convegno Nazionale “Sperimentazione su materiali e strutture”, Venezia, 6-7 dicembre 2006

[31]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Small and medium span bridges: case studies for standard solutions with reduced maintenance requirements, 7 International Conference on Short & Medium Span Bridges, Montreal, Canada, 2006.

[32]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Retrofitting techniques for short and medium span bridges, 2 International fib Congress, Naples, Italy, 2006.

[33]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Innovative solutions for retrofitting and new construction of bridge structures responding to new functional demands, IABSE Symposium “Responding to Tomorrow’s Challenges in Structural Engineering”, Budapest, Hungary, 2006.

[34]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, P. Tolaccia, T. Zordan, Problematiche statiche in fase di progettazione ed esecuzione: un caso studio, CRASC 06, 3° Convegno Nazionale sui Crolli e l’Affidabilità delle Strutture Civili, Messina, 20-22 Aprile 2006.

[35]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, A. Steffen, M. Svalduz, T. Zordan, A Couple of tubular footbridges supporting a 5 lanes road deck, International conference Footbridge 2005, 6-8 December, 2005.

[36]. B. Briseghella, A. Comerlati, C. Janna, T. Zordan, Retrofitting of the truss girder of a pedestrian bridge in Eraclea, Venice, International conference Footbridge 2005, 6-8 December, 2005.

[37]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Advanced retrofitting techniques with hybrid use of carbon fibre and external post-tensioning: a case study, Fourth international conference on current and future trends in Bridge design, construction and maintenance, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,10-11 October 2005.

[38]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Spatial tubular solution for bridge design, 3 New York City Bridge Conference, New York, September 12-13, 2005.

[39]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, 3D tubular mesh as a girder for bridge design, International Symposium IASS 2005 – Theory, Technique, Evaluation, Maintenance of Shell and Spatial Structures, Bucharest, Romania, 6-8 September 2005.

[40]. T. Zordan, B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, Nuovi orientamenti per la progettazione di ponti e viadotti a carattere non convenzionale, Nuovi orientamenti per la progettazione di Ponti e Viadotti a cura di M. Arici and E. Siviero (Eds), Taormina, Marzo 2005.

[41]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Tecniche miste di retrofitting con impiego di frp e precompressione esterna, Nuovi orientamenti per la progettazione di Ponti e Viadotti a cura di M. Arici and E. Siviero (Eds), Taormina, Marzo 2005.

[42]. M. Arici, B. Briseghella, M. F. Granata, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Esperienze didattiche e progettuali di architettura strutturale nelle Università di Palermo e Venezia, Nuovi orientamenti per la progettazione di Ponti e Viadotti a cura di M. Arici and E. Siviero (Eds), Taormina, Marzo 2005.

[43]. Briseghella B., Zordan T., Adjustable deck solutions for Veneto Strade flyovers, Proc. IABSE Symposium Towards Metropolitan Habitats and Infrastructure, Shangai, China, sept. 2004. Paper 116.

[44]. Briseghella B., Siviero E., Zordan T., An integral composite bridge in Trento, Italy: Design and Analysis, Proc. IABSE Symposium Towards Metropolitan Habitats and Infrastructure, Shangai, China, sept. 2004. Paper 117.

[45]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, M. Pircher, M. Wallner, Innovation in Movable Bridges: Sophisticated Design and Analysis with an Eye on Tradition, Proceedings of the Second New York City Bridge Coference, Pag. 83-93, New York (USA), October 20-21 2003.

[46]. B. Briseghella, E. Maiorana, A. Miazzon, Stabilità di lastre soggette a carico localizzato, XIX Congresso C.T.A., Vol. 1, pag. 115-128, Genova, September 28-29-30, October 1st 2003.

[47]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, New structural solutions for movable bridges based on past experience, 2nd Specialty Conference on The conceptual approach to structural design, Milan, 01 - 02 July 2003.

[48]. B. Briseghella, S. Bullo, R. Di Marco, T. Zordan, Risposta non lineare di una connessione tra una trave composta e un pilastro: risultati sperimentali, V Workshop italiano sulle strutture composte, Fisciano (Sa), 28-29 Novembre 2002.

[49]. A. Mammino, F. Tonon, B. Briseghella, P. Faccio, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, A New Tunnel for the City of Mestre, International Conference ACUUS 2002, Torino (Italy), November 14 th -16 th , 2002.

[50]. B. Briseghella, A. Guerriero, G. Meneghini, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, 10 Years experience in Footbridge design at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice, Footbridge 2002, Paris, November 20-22, 2002.

[51]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, A new movable footbridge over Canale Burlamacca in Viareggio, Footbridge 2002, Paris, November 20-22, 2002.

[52]. Briseghella B., Bullo S., Di Marco R., Zordan T., Non linear response of a composite steel and concrete connection, V° workshop Italiano sulle strutture miste, Salerno, November 2002.

[53]. B. Briseghella, G. Meneghini, E. Siviero, Design of concrete bridges. Experience at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice (IUAV), First FIB Congress, Osaka, 2002.

[54]. B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Design and Analysis of a variable stiffness movable footbridge, “Towards a better built environment - innovation, sustainability, information technology” IABSE Symposium, Melbourne (Australia), September 2002.
IABSE 2002 – Prize for outstanding paper by young authors.

[55]. B. Briseghella, S. Martinello, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, and F. Bertoluzza, Defectiveness Analysis on twenty bridges in the municipality of Bolzano. 6 International Conference on Short & Medium Span Bridges, Vancouver (BC Canada), July 31 – August 2, 2002.

[56]. B. Briseghella, S. Martinello, E. Siviero, and F. Bertoluzza, Bridge inspection and monitoring in the municipality of Bolzano (Italy). First International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS 2002, Barcelona, 14 – 17 July, 2002.

[57]. B. Briseghella, G. Meneghini, E. Siviero, Progettazione di ponti in c.a. e c.a.p. . L’esperienza dell’Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV). AICAP, Bologna, 6 Giugno 2002.

[58]. B. Briseghella, G. Meneghini, E. Siviero, Considerazioni sull’affidabilitá strutturale di strutture “innovative”: il caso delle passerelle pedonali. Convegno Nazionale "Crolli e affidabilita' delle strutture civili", Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, 6-7 dicembre 2001.

[59]. L. Briseghella, B. Briseghella, Italian devices challenge seismic risk. First Iran-Italy workshop earthquake engineering: seismic vulnerability of civil construction. October, 8-10, I.R.Iran, 2001.

[60]. L. Briseghella, B. Briseghella, S. Guttilla, Bell tower behaviour in earthquakes. First Iran-Italy workshop earthquake engineering: seismic vulnerability of civil construction. October, 8-10, I.R.Iran, 2001.

[61]. L. Briseghella, B. Briseghella, S. Guttilla, Urban losses in Veneto (nordest, Italy) at regional level. First Iran-Italy workshop earthquake engineering: seismic vulnerability of civil construction. October, 8-10, I.R.Iran, 2001.

[62]. E. Siviero, B. Briseghella, G. Meneghini, Quattro ponti strallati per Padova. C.T.A., Settembre, Venezia, 2001.

[63]. E. Siviero, B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, The Mestre Tunnel. Fourth Symposium on Strait Crossings, September 2-5 2001, Bergen, Norway, 2001.

[64]. B. Briseghella, L. Briseghella, S. Guttilla, Rischio sismico dei monumenti nella Grande Armenia. X Congresso Nazionale “L’ingegneria Sismica in Italia”, Potenza-Matera 9-13 settembre 2001, 2001.

[65]. B. Briseghella, L. Briseghella, S. Guttilla, Problemi di sismicità per un deposito nucleare profondo nel Caucaso. X Congresso Nazionale “L’ingegneria Sismica in Italia”, Potenza-Matera 9-13 settembre 2001.

[66]. B. Briseghella, L. Briseghella, New welded - bolted seismic connections for moment resisting frames. International conference on steel structures of the 2000's, 11-13 september, Istanbul, 2000.

[67]. B. Briseghella, L. Briseghella, Damages to cable stayed bridge across the Joushuei River in 1999 Taiwan earthquakes and a structural repair and strengthening proposal. Proceedings of Bridge Engineering Conference, Vol. 2, pagg. 131-142, 26-30 March 2000, Sharm El Sheikh, Sianai, Egypt, 2000.

[68]. B. Briseghella, L. Briseghella, Damage and numerical simulation of Acciano (Italy) earthdam during 1997 Umbria-Marche earthquake. Proceedings 12WCEE – 12th Word Conference on Earthquake Engineering, CD paper ID 0590, Auckland, Nuova Zelanda, 2000.

[69]. B. Briseghella, L. Briseghella, C. Gallo, Telai di cemento armato di grande luce secondo l'Eurocodice 8. Atti del 9° Convegno Nazionale ANIDIS "L'ingegneria sismica in Italia", Torino, 1999.

[70]. B. Briseghella, L. Briseghella, Rischio sismico del Veneto: un progetto finalizzato della Regione Veneto. Atti del 9° Convegno Nazionale ANIDIS "L'ingegneria sismica in Italia", Torino, 1999.


[1]. T. Zordan, B. Briseghella, C. Lan, Parametric and pushover analyses on integral abutment bridge, Engineering Structures(submitted)

[2]. F. Busatta, B. Briseghella, C. Gentile, T. Zordan, E. Siviero,Dynamic Characteristics of a Curved Cable Stayed Bridge: operational modal testing and finite element modelling. Journal of Construction Technology, 2010. (accepted)

[3]. J. Xue, B. Chen, B. Briseghella, Experiment on debonding in concrete-filled steel single tube columns subjected to eccentrically loading, Journal of Building Structures, 2010 (accepted)

[4]. T. Zordan, B. Briseghella, C. Lan, Parametric Analysis on an IAB Superstructure, Journal of Construction Technology, N. 01/2010

[5]. J. He, T. Zordan, A. Chen, B. Briseghella, R. Ma and X. Ruan, Static and dynamic performance of a composite beam-to-column joint, Steel & Composite Structures, Techno Press, 2009. (submitted)

[6]. T. Zordan, B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, The Fourth Bridge over the Grand Canal in Venice: from Idea to Analysis and Construction, Structural Engineering International (SEI), 2010, Vol. 20, N. 1, pp. 6-12.

[7]. T. Zordan, B. Briseghella, E. Mazzarolo, Bridge Structural Optimization Through Step-By-Step Evolutionary Process, Structural Engineering International (SEI), 2010, Vol. 20, N. 1, pp. 72-78.

[8]. B. Briseghella, A. Zanchettin, T. Zordan, Behaviour of a moment resisting composite steel and concrete joint under alternate loading, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Ed. Elservier 2009 (submitted)

[9]. B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Nonlinear experimental response of non-conventional composite steel and concrete connection, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, Vol. 3, No. 1. (1 March 2009), pp. 42-49

[10].B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Analisys and testing of the IVth bridge over the Grand Canal of Venice, Ingenieria Estructural, 2008 (submitted)

[11]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Problematiche di montaggio del IV ponte sul Canal Grande, Le Strade, n. 4, 2008

[12]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Tecniche di adeguamento funzionale dei ponti, Strade e Autostrade, n. 1, 2008

[13]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Recent trends in the structural refurbishment of existing bridges, Studi e Ricerche - Studies and Researches, Vol. 26, 2007

[14]. B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Attainment of an integral abutment bridge through the refurbishment of a simply supported structure, Structural Engineering International, 2007.

[15]. B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Sulla valutazione del rischio sismico di complessi ospedalieri, Ingegneria sismica, Patron Ed., Novembre-Dicembre 2007

[16]. E. Siviero, T. Zordan, B. Briseghella, Recenti sviluppi nell’ambito dei ponti strallati, Trasporti & Cultura, 2007.

[17]. B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Integral abutment bridge concept applied to the rehabilitation of a simply supported prestressed conventional concrete superstructure, Fib Journal, 2006

[18]. B. Briseghella, A. Comerlati, N. Gallino, C. Gentile, T. Zordan, Approccio metodologico al consolidamento dei ponti storici, Le Strade, 2006

[19]. B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Tecniche di intervento per il miglioramento prestazionale di ponti esistenti in c.a., Strade e Autostrade, 2006

[20]. B. Briseghella, E. De La Grennelais, T. Zordan, Le due convenzioni ANAS – IUAV, Le Strade, 2006

[21]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Connessioni non convenzionali e ottimizzazione strutturale per un ponte sul Piave, Le Strade, 2006

[22]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, Utilizzo di metodologie e materiali innovativi nell’ingegneria strutturale: il nuovo sovrappasso sull’A22 a Trento sud, Strade e Autostrade, 2004.

[23]. B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Una Passerella mobile ad inerzia variabile – dall’idea al progetto, Il Giornale dell’Ingegnere, N.8, Anno 51, Maggio 2003.

[24]. B. Briseghella, T. Zordan, Proposal for a variable stiffness movable footbridge over Canale Burlamacca in Viareggio: design and analysis, Costruzioni Metalliche, N. 4, Anno LIV, Luglio-Agosto 2002.


[1]. B. Briseghella, Italian Steel Arch Bridge, Editor: Prof. Baochun Chen (in Chinese) (in printing)

[2]. B. Briseghella, M. Fraccari, T. Zordan, E. Siviero, Section: Ponti Mobili, De Pontibus, Il Sole 24 Ore Ed., 2009.

[3]. B. Briseghella, Cyclic behaviour of a non conventional composite steel and concrete joint, Research Doctorate in Modelling, Preservation and Control of Materials and Structures, University of Trento, February 2005.

[4]. B. Briseghella, E. Siviero, T. Zordan, La progettazione strutturale in calcestruzzo armato, La progettazione strutturale, Sect. 7, Compositori Ed., Bologna, 2002.参加的国际组织

2000至今 国际桥梁与结构协会会员

2002至今 桥梁维护与安全国际联合会会员

2005 venice2005年人行桥大会。组委会成员

2007 venice2007年国际壳体与空间结构学会研讨会。组委会成员

2007 2007年意大利桥梁大会. 组委会联合主席

2008 venice第二届中意合作大会。组委会联合主席

2008 2008年意大利桥梁大会。组委会联合主席

2009至今 国际桥梁与结构协会IABSE大会–可持续工程工作委员会。准会员

2010 venice2010年国际桥梁与结构协会IABSE大会。组委会秘书

2010 中国福州2010年国际拱桥ARCH’10大会。组委会成员


2002 年轻工程师最佳论文奖。国际桥梁与结构协会大会,2002年,墨尔本。





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