

词条 Belle Noel


拥有亚美尼亚、荷兰和苏格兰血统的真人秀明星Kim Kardashian是美国最具人气的大众偶像,她的时尚商业王国也正如日中天。她为Bebe设计了一个珠宝系列,与之前为该品牌设计的裙装、leggings和上衣一起销售。这个珠宝系列是她与法国珠宝品牌Pascal Mouawad一起合作完成的,取名叫Belle Noel。她曾为Virgins&Saint&Angels设计珠宝。Kim说:“我尝试着从当季的T台流行里寻找灵感来设计这个以环形耳环为主的珠宝系列。无论我的设计是不是走在流行的最尖端,我都深感骄傲。”



Kardashians以独有的时尚风格和设计特点席卷了整个珠宝市场,现在我们有机会发现Kim Kardashian Belle Noel系列珠宝最大的美。珠宝的诠释设计与复古风格结合造就了成功的秘诀。

Belle Noel是由30年代流行的服饰珠宝艺术所启发的,此系列从大众化单品,到少数人才能接受的大胆奢华创作皆有。不是只为红地毯而设计,“我想创造出一个你从牛仔裤到小洋装都可以轻松搭配的珠宝系列,你不用大费周章的一直更换珠宝”。

Belle Noel包含Honey Hexagon、Glam Rock、Gold Clusters和Peek-a-Boo系列,每件单品价格不过美金$11-$150,你可以为所有场合轻松拥有不同系列的饰品。Pascal Mouawad充满热情的说:“与这样一位时尚达人合作非常令人开心,我们为她遍布全球的粉丝创造了这一珠宝系列”Belle Noel for Pascal Mouawad预计在今年2月推出,届时可以在一些主要的百货公司、特约店中看到这75件珠宝单品的系列。


Kim Kardashian金·卡戴珊(金卡达夏)




1、Accessorize to Maximize: The Belle Noel Collection

将饰品的价值最大化:Belle Noel珠宝系列

Seriously, is there nothing that Kim Kardashian has NOT done? Well, for her Spring/ Summer Collection of her newest venture- Belle Noel, Miss Kim takes her love and passion for jewelry to another level in her second collection of her jewelry line- and I AM IN LOVE!!!

说真的,还有什么是Kim Kardashian 没有做过的呢?事实上,为了她最近投资的Belle Noel公司的春天/夏日系列,Miss Kim 带着她对珠宝的爱和激情开辟了她的第二个珠宝系列——我陷入了爱。

The Belle Noel collection for spring is all about shapes met with bold designs, combining sophistication and femininity! Hexagons, Honeycombs, and Butterflies find its way into the collection with an innovative play on the soft and hardness of the metals and shapes! Her use of mixed metals, resins, leathers, and stones all create a collection in which I am dying for a piece to call my own!

Belle Noel 的春天系列都是形状设计大胆,形状复杂,女性气质的首饰。这个系列中的六边形、蜂窝和蝴蝶等作品都新颖的糅合了金属和造型的柔软以及坚硬的感觉。她混合使用金属、树脂、皮革和石头的材料,创造了一个系列。我渴望拥有这个系列!

”It’s been a dream of mine for a long time to have my own jewelry collection, so it was such an amazing opportunity and experience to sit down and create designs that I feel reflect my personal style, and a collection that is also varied and offers a little something for everyone. You guys know I love my statement jewelry pieces, so I wanted to create pieces that really stand out and make a statement, but most importantly, I wanted to make them affordable for everyone!” ——Kim Kardashian “能够拥有自己的珠宝系列是我长久以来的一个梦想。所以这对我来说是一个神奇的机会经历--坐下来并且设计反映我个人风格的作品。而且一个系列也是很丰富的并且能够提供给其他人一点东西。你们这些家伙也知道,我爱表现自己特色的珠宝首饰。所以我想创作一些真正与众不同,表现个性东西,但最重要的是,我希望你们每个人都能买得起这些东西!” ——Kim Kardashian

Affordable is the surprise here! With prices ranging from $25 to nothing over $200 (from what I have seen so far) her collection is fierce for your wardrobe and gentle on the pocketbook! You can find her collections at various boutiques and stores, but if you are dying to shop the collection, you can do so BELOW!


2、Kim Kardashian Belle Noel Jewelry Collection

Kim Kardashian的Belle Noel珠宝系列

The Kardashians flood the market with their own fashion and jewelry lines. Now we have the chance to spot the Kim Kardashian Belle Noel jewelry collection in its utmost beauty. Statement designs paired with old time class allure make up the secret recipe of success. Skim through the fabulous pieces to see the most dazzling one perfect to complete your personal jewelry collection

Kardashians以独有的时尚风格和设计特点席卷了整个珠宝市场,现在我们有机会发现Kim Kardashian Belle Noel系列珠宝最大的美。珠宝的诠释设计与复工风格结合造就了成功的秘诀,浏览一下精彩的作品,看看最耀眼的珠宝,完美地丰富你的个人的珠宝收藏。

Fabulous jewelry lines pamper our eyes and style sense. The Kardashian girls, without doubt, have a refined taste for luxury designs and high street fashion trends. As a result of their style ambition, fans will have the privilege to polish their appearance by sporting the most faddish pieces of their collections be it clothing or accessories.


The Kim Kardashian Belle Noel jewelry collection is divided in four different series: Honey Hexagons, Glam Rock, Gold Clusters, and Peek-a-Boo.

Kim Kardashian Belle Noel珠宝分4个不同的系列:蜂巢六边形,迷惑摇滚,金簇和同位穿孔。这些名字后面包括了各式各样的声明项链、戒指、手镯,搭配摇滚时尚,高贵正装令人瞠目结舌。

These names all hide a rich array of statement necklaces, rings and also bracelets that look simply stunning when paired with Rock chic as well as more formal and classy outfits. Kim revealed on her own blog that, “It’s been a dream of mine for a long time to have my own jewelry collection, so it was such an amazing opportunity and experience to sit down and create designs that I feel reflect my personal style, and a collection that is also varied and offers a little something for everyone”.

Taking a closer peek at the complete collection will help us turn back in time and guess the main source of inspiration behind the various designs.


Kim Kardashian claims that she was extremely overwhelmed by the signature style and elegance of actresses as Vivien Leigh, Sophia Loren and also Carole Lombard. Additionally, she also included among her chief sources of inspiration famous celebs as Julie Christie and Lauren Hutton. The retro-chic luxe and subtle refinement are some of the catchphrases when it comes to this radiant collection of fabulous and must have accessories. The final result of the reality star's collaboration with jewelry designer Pascal Mouawad is without a doubt exceptional.

Kim Kardashian称这鲜明的个人风格来源于一些高贵典雅的女艺人,例如费雯·丽、索菲亚·罗兰和卡罗尔·隆巴德。此外,这也包括了她最主要的灵感来源,著名的茱莉·克里斯蒂和劳伦·赫顿。时尚奢侈和精致的做工都将成为这一完美的系列和必要的配件中的闪光点。最终呈现出的结果毫无疑问是明星们和珠宝设计师Pascal Mouawad的合作。

Gold and white-gold are some of the main materials used to create the unique necklaces and rings. Decorated with precious gemstones and studs, these A-list style items will prove to be the most popular and life-saving details to complement an exquisite look. Copycat the style of the Kardashian by embracing the statement accessory trend. Feel free to adopt a more open-minded perspective towards accessorizing. In addition, it is also important to take the risk by experimenting also with the most catchy designs as the hair combs and eye-popping rings.

金和白金是一些主要的材料用来创造出独特的项链和戒指,加以珍贵珠宝和饰钉装饰的点缀。这些一线风格物品将被证明作为最受欢迎和致命的细节来补充一个精巧的外观。跟随Kim Kardashian的潮流,随意采用更多开放的流行的饰物潮流观点,此外,同样重要的是要冒这个险尝试也最引人注意的设计比如发梳和令人瞠目的戒指。

There's no need to spend a fortune on your jewelries to look like a real style icon. Instead, make sure you trawl the markets for the Kim Kardashian Belle Noel jewelry collection, including designs with prices ranging from $18 – $175.

不需要花一大笔钱你的首饰,看起来像个真正的时尚偶像。相反,确保你捕获市场的Kim Kardashian Belle Noel珠宝收藏,包括设计,价格范围从$ 18 - 175美元。

3、Line we love: Belle Noel baubles by Kim Kardashian

我们最爱的系列:Kim Kardashian设计的Belle Noel饰品

When it comes to the Kardashian clan, we’ve learned to adopt the mantra “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” Everywhere you go, there they are. These girls are into everything, and with a hard-working momager like Kris Jenner, they’ll probably continue their meteoric rise, whether you like it or not. So we’ve decided to embrace their reality TV, entertainment and business endeavors.

当谈到Kardashian集团,我们学会了采用口头禅” 如果你不能打败他们,那就加入他们 ”。不论你走到哪里,他们都在那。这些女孩子在各领域加上勤快的momager(查不到这个词),就好比是Kris Jenne。不论你喜欢与否,她们很可能会继续急速增长。因此我们已经决定接受他们的现实电视节目、娱乐和商务所作的努力。

The (arguably) most famous of the three, Kim, recently launched her jewelry line, Belle Noel. And while we’re sick and tired of hearing about this celebrity and that one launching some sort of new fashion line, we were pleasantly surprised to see how chic the pieces look. The collection consists of bracelets, earrings, necklaces and rings that are glam, naturally, and have a touch of mod undertones with a vintage vibe.

(可以说)的三个最有名的,KIM,最近推出了她的珠宝业,Belle Noel。虽然我们厌倦了听到这个名人并且发起一些新的时尚路线,但我们惊喜地看到饰物看起来是那么的别致。收集包括手镯,耳环,项链和戒指;华丽,自然,复古和现代相结合。

Our favorite pieces include the Nugget Stud Earrings – ivory epoxy square studs with a 14kt yellow gold plated nugget center ($13); the Dagger Pendant in Gold Pave ($63); the Resin Stone & Pave Cocktail Ring ($38); the Thick Honey Hexagon Cuff – 14 kt yellow gold and black resin cuff with a hinge closure, and chain detail ($78); Dagger Glam Rock Bracelet in Silver and the Honey Hexagon and Leather Necklace – a gold chain with black leather and a removable hexagon crystal pave charm ($95).

其中最受欢迎的是金耳钉—正方形象牙白树脂方钉中间镀有14k黄金(13美元);黄金匕首饰物(63美元);Resin Stone & Pave Cocktail Ring 松香石(树脂石头)和鸡尾酒(混合物)堆砌戒指(38美元); the Thick Honey Hexagon Cuff浓的蜂蜜袖口-- 14克拉黄金和一个黑色袖口,关闭铰链树脂袖口和链。(78美元);Dagger Glam Rock Bracelet in Silver and the Honey Hexagon and Leather Necklace 匕首格南银和的蜂蜜六角和皮革项链石手链--一个黑色的皮革和一个可移动的六边形晶体铺平魅力金链(95美元)。

Kim stated: “It’s been a dream of mine for a long time to have my own jewelry collection, so it was such an amazing opportunity and experience to sit down and create designs that I feel reflect my personal style, and a collection that is also varied and offers a little something for everyone. You guys know I love my statement jewelry pieces, so I wanted to create pieces that really stand out and make a statement, but most importantly, I wanted to make them affordable for everyone!”


We hate to admit it, but Kim’s jewelry collection is pretty nice. And the prices are too. Will you be buying any of the pieces?






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