词条 | belady |
释义 | In computer storage, Bélády's anomaly proves that it is possible to have more page faults when increasing the number of page frames while using FIFO page replacement algorithm. László Bélády demonstrated this in 1969. In common computer memory management, information is loaded in specific sized chunks. Each chunk is referred to as a page. The central processor can only load a limited number of pages at a time. It requires a frame for each page it can load. A page fault occurs when a page is not found, and might need to be loaded from disk into memory. When a page fault occurs and all frames are in use, one must be cleared to make room for the new page. A simple algorithm is FIFO. Whichever page has been in the frames the longest is the one that is cleared. Until Bélády's anomaly was demonstrated, it was believed that an increase in the number of page frames would always provide the same number or fewer page faults. 所谓Belady现象是指:采用FIFO算法时,如果对—个进程未分配它所要求的全部页面,有时就会出现分配的页面数增多但缺页率反而提高的异常现象。 Belady现象可形式化地描述为:一个进程户要访问M个页,OS分配舻个内存页面给进程P;对一个访问序列S,发生缺页次数为PE(占,N)。当N增大 时,PE(S,N)时而增大时而减小。Belady现象的原因是FIFO算法的置换特征与进程访问内存的动态特征是矛盾的,即被置换的页面并不是进程不会 访问的。 先进先出算法(FIFO)。选择装入最早的页面置换。可以通过链表来表示各页的装入时间先后。FIFO的性能较差,因为较早调入的页往往是经常被访问的页,这些页在FIFO算法下被反复调入和调出,并且有Belady现象. |
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