词条 | Balance 005 |
释义 | DJ:James Holden 专辑:Balance 005 风格:Progressive 公司:EQ 时间:N/A James Holden曾获得 Brit-Trance 天皇 Sasha 钦点,与 Junkie XL 于阿姆斯特丹协力完成了 Sasha 首张创作专辑"Airdrawndagger"。因为其一手出神入化将 Trance舞曲带入瑰丽景致的刷碟功力,使得这张BALANCE专辑充满了不同于其他DJ的气势和风格。略带电影配乐的氛围和工业声响的环绕在以PROGRESSIVE为主题的雏形上,可以发现一点点摇滚,一点古典,还有充满在专辑里四溢而出的邪气电音。这种古古怪怪的选曲功力意外地引领听者放肆地遨游在心灵的想像旅程之中。这张由 澳洲 EQ 音乐与 Holden 联手策划推出的新混音特辑"Balance 005",所带来的正是一次让所有热爱 Trance / Prograssive 的朋友听得热血沸腾的优质大碟! 01. The MFA The Difference It Makes (Original Mix) 02. Meta.83 朅ntrieb 03. Jake Fairley Oshawa 04. Zeta Reticula Tool 1 05. Petter All Together 06. Baby Ford & The Ifach Collective Bad Friday 07. Zeta Reticula Tool 3 08. Avus Real 09. DJ ESP o Future (Soundburnt Mix) 10. Jase From Outta SpaceDo What You Want (Infusion Sky Mix) 11. Nathan Fake Outhouse (Fluffy Mix) 12. Nathan Fake Outhouse (Original Mix) 13. FortDax Fortune Telling Fish, Curled to Suggest ome 14. PQM You Are Sleeping (PQM Meets Luke Chable Vocal Pass) 15. Petter These Days (Instrumental) 16. Herrmann & Kleine Leaving You Behind 01. Meek Happy (Original Mix) 02. Meerkat Colours (JH Re-Edit) 03. Avus Your Body (Original Mix) 04. Scape One PFX Tokyo 05. FC Kahuna Hayling (Kosmas Epsilon Mix) 06. Holden The Wheel (Pass 1) 07. Kotai + Mo Black Acid pt 1 08. Epsilon 9 Lifeformation (Infirnal Machine Mix) 09. Carl A. Finlow Ghetto Server 10. Gill Norris Forme 11. Ficta Eli 12. Petter Tonediary 13. Form & Function Wonderland (Original Mix) 14. Meta.83 Metalgroove EP: End Titles |
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