词条 | Alpha personality |
释义 | Alpha personality ----- 阿尔法人格简介Alpha personality 中文翻译为 阿尔法人格,此类人所具有的特点是:自信,有主见,勇于承担责任,也喜欢指挥他人。有调查显示,有这样“阿尔法人格”的人更容易当领导。所以又被称为“领导人格”。 从字面就可以看出,阿尔法人格的人就是那些乐于当老大、喜欢自己说了算的人。 人格分析他们在大型机构身居高位是因为他们天生就是领袖人物。他们乐于承担责任的能力是普通人永远都达不到的。大多数人要做重要决定的时候都会觉得压力很大;而对阿尔法人格的人来说,如果重大的决策落入旁人之手,那他们才会有压力呢。 在他们看来,做个主事儿的人是如此令人兴奋的事情,所以他们很愿意承担起多数人都会觉得过于沉重的担子。 大多数阿尔法人都能对信息和环境迅速做出评估,这样快速的信息处理过程使得他们无暇倾听他人,尤其是那些无法用“阿尔法语言”跟他们沟通的人。这种耐心缺失就有可能让他们忽略一些细微但是很重要的细节。另外,他们也喜欢对每件事都发表意见,而且很少会承认自己的意见有误或者有不完整的地方。他们在小时候就已经意识到自己比多数人都聪明,可能连他们的父母和老师都不如他们;长大以后,他们坚信自己的洞察力是独一无二的,所以会完全相信自己的直觉判断,而且希望别人也能相信自己。 Alpha PersonalityAs the label implies, people with Alpha personality are those who aren’t happy unless they are the top dogs—the ones clearly calling the shots. Alphas reach the top ranks in large organizations because they are natural leaders. They will be comfortable with responsibility in a way non-Alphas can never be. Most people feel stress when they have to make important decisions: Alphas get stressed when tough decisions don’t rest in their capable hands. For them, being in charge delivers such a thrill that they willingly take on levels of responsibility most rational people would find overwhelming. Most Alphas assess information and situations very quickly, and this rapid processing can prevent them from listening to others—especially to those who don’t communicate in “Alpha-speak.” Their impatience can thus cause them to miss subtle but important details. Alphas, moreover, have opinions about everything, and they rarely admit that those opinions might be wrong or incomplete. Early in life, Alphas realize that they are smarter than most people—perhaps even smarter than their parents and teachers; as adults, they believe that their insights are unique and therefore put complete faith in their instincts and expect others to do the same. |
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