

词条 A brief introduction of Michael Moore

A brief introduction of Michael Moore(麦克尔·摩尔简介)

Michael Moore was born in Michigan 1954. He is one of the most famous documentary directors in America. Differs from other documentary-makers, he always try to burst the trite traditional style documentary, and he attacks the merciless companies, politicians and some social issues with an incisive criticism.

He made many movies which cause a sensation in America. Such as Roger and Me, Moore Hates America, The Awful Truth, Bowling for Columbine and Real Time With Bill Maher, etc.

His first documentary, Roger and Me, won the Best Documentary Award in IDA (International Documentary Association) in 1990. And in 1995 and 1996 his TV Nation won the Emmy Award and The Awful Truth won this award again in 1999 and 2001. Besides, the famous Fahrenheit 9/11 won the Directors Guild of America Award and Palme d’Or Award in 2005, and this movie also helped him win Academy Award-winning filmmaker in 2007. Furthermore, he was approbated the Career Achievement Award by IDA.

Michael Moore is well known in America and he is supported by a lot of Americans. His criticism to the crude world and his heroism are heart of his charm. He never shakes his belief and never gives up. He prevents the freedom and democracy of news from some deceptive information and evil power. He really makes a difference to documentary history.

Bowling for Columbine is a famous documentary made by Moore, and it won the Special Award in Festival De Cannes. This movie is about the school massacre in America. As Americans, they enjoy many constitutional rights. The freedom of gun ownership is one such right. The story happened in Oklahoma and Columbine high school. Moore recorded the tragedy without any exaggeration, and helped us find out the roof of these tragedies in America. And he wants to secure the most innocent lives by putting forward such a real record.

关于导演:Michael Moore birth: 1954.4.23 in Michigan America 导演,从事纪录片拍摄往往显得有些默默无闻,但迈克尔·摩尔却是少数有着明星光环的记录片人。作为许多反传统文化刊物的评论家,他总是在他的文章中表现出对电影的不屑和大为不敬态度。和他的外貌一样,他在电影制作上也像个调皮的顽童,总是试图打破传统陈旧的制作程式和惯常思维。他以平民主义者的态度肆无忌惮地攻击无情的商业公司,右翼政治家以及其他各种存在问题的社会现象。他总是在尖刻的讽刺中蕴涵幽默。


据《好莱坞报道》报道,著名纪录片导演迈克尔·摩尔Michael Moore在洛杉矶得到由国际纪录片协会(international documentary association)颁发的2007年年度事业成就奖。(Career achievement award)。迈克尔·摩尔曾在2003年凭借纪录片《科伦拜恩的保龄》(bowling for columbine)获得奥斯卡奖(Oscar best documentary director award) ;2005年凭借《华氏911》(Fahrenheit 9/11)获得美国导演协会奖(directors guild of America award)和Palme d'Or奖;《华尔911 》(Fahrenheit 9/11)2007年获Academy Award-winning filmmaker 。1995年和1996年凭借《TV Nation》获得艾美奖(Emmy award);1999年和2001年凭借《The Awful Truth》再度获得艾美奖。2003年获75届Oscar-best documentary feature。

摩尔的第一部纪录片《大亨与我》(Roger & Me)曾获得1990年的国际纪录片协会杰出纪录片奖。(best documentary award)后来凭借《华氏911》他再次成功问鼎这一奖项。今年,他的新片《神经病人》获得了这个奖项的提名。“迈克尔·摩尔从不动摇,”国际纪录片协会常务理事桑德拉·鲁赫说,“他是言论和新闻自由的守护者。他的所有片子都能让你开始对你以前忽略的事实开始反思。”

摩尔的纪录片《科伦拜恩的保龄》Bowling for Columbine)获得了 “戛纳55周年特别奖”,该片是46年来惟一进入戛纳竞赛单元的纪录片,导演在片中对美国的校园暴力案件以及枪支泛滥现象进行了深度反思。 戛纳电影节(festival de Cannes)

他的电影还有:The Yes Men, Real Time With Bill Maher, American Speak Out, Moore Hates America.

bowling for columbine 剧情:美国是目前世界上枪杀案发生频率最高的国家,如今这里枪支数量比选举人和电视机的数量还要多。这是不是一个疯狂的国家?谁将为所发生的那些悲剧负责?究竟又是什么导致了不断发生的流血冲突和无人性的屠杀?难道是美国人天生倾向于暴力?1999年轰动一时的科伦拜恩高中枪击案或许能提供一些启示,这部纪录片以那桩发人深醒的惨案为中心,试图对美国社会的暴力因子以及由此而生的恐惧进行病理学的观察研究。影片把俄克拉荷马(Oklahoma)爆炸案和科伦拜恩(columbine)高中屠杀案中涉及的有关人员的采访片段与新闻报道、演讲,以及一个16岁男孩买走一家商店中所有弹药的等等种种和流血暴力事件有关的片段交织剪辑在一起,显示了恐惧已经深深地扎根于美国人的精神中,美国社会比其他任何社会,更极端地在它的文化中孕育着一种强烈的妄想症。而主流媒体,尤其是实行煽情主义策略的电视新闻报道,它们使恐惧和暴力之间构成了无法打破的循环。

由于多次发生校园枪击案,枪械问题一直困扰著美国人民。本著维护自身安全而合法藏有枪械,想不到反而造成不少严重的社会问题,生命随时受到威胁。荣获今届奥斯卡最佳纪录片导演米高摩亚将枪械合法化所衍生的问题赤裸裸的呈现,内容极具争议性,值得大家尤其是美国人反思。 现时超过二亿的枪械流通于美国家庭,而且大部份落入白人手上,他们藏械的理由是为了保护自身安全。但可能身藏攻击性武器反而引起他们忧虑不安,有些人要将点四四口径的手枪放在枕头下方能入睡。最极端的例子是,他们往往为了保护自己而先发制人,造成不少枪杀案件:伦常惨案、学园枪击案等报导皆屡见不鲜。







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