

词条 9分达人雅思口语101


作者:Mark Griffiths

出版社: 中国对外翻译出版公司; 第1版 (2011年5月1日)

丛书名: 北京新航道系列丛书

平装: 210页

正文语种: 英语

开本: 16

ISBN: 7500130082, 9787500130086

条形码: 9787500130086

产品尺寸及重量: 23.6 x 16 x 1.6 cm ; 318 g




《9分达人雅思口语101》为现任雅思考官Mark Griffiths亲笔力作,苹果App Store付费下载累计达10万次,曾列中国区付费教育软件排名第4名,西班牙付费教育软件排名第3名。本次将精彩内容集结成书,于中国大陆独家出版。重磅出击,让你的英语口语更加地道和流畅,为你的雅思口语锦上添花。


作者:(英国)Mark Griffiths

Mark Griffiths,北京新航道学校雅思主讲,资深英籍雅思考试培训专家,英国著名英语教育专家。马克先生在中国生活工作多年,并一直在清华大学等我国多所知名高校担任英籍教学专家。来中国前,一直作为全球知名语言培训机构的负责人在欧洲从事英语教学及相关管理工作,是资深英籍雅思考试培训专家,同时也是人类语言习得、语言测试及国际关系等方面的资深专家及学者。著有《剑桥雅思全真题库》等多部著作。


第一章 101口试技巧

Prelude / 2

1. Wear clothes that you feel comfortable in / 2

2. Going into the examination room / 2

3. What to take with you / 2

4. Beginning and ending the interview / 2

5. Giving your name and your ID card / 3

Part 1 / 3

6. Timing / 3

7. First topic / 3

8. Long answers / 4

Part 2 / 4

9. Preparation / 4

10. Beginning your part 2 speech / 5

11. Speech / 5

12. Follow-up questions / 5

Part 3 / 5

13. Timing / 5

14. Giving your opinion / 6

15. Giving the opinion of others / 6

16. Provide support for your opinions / 7

17. Get your facts right / 7

18. Get your reasons right / 7

Problems / 7

19. Examiners speaking quickly / 7

20. Asking the examiner questions / 8

21. Say what you can when faced with a difficult question / 8

22. Body language is not important / 8

Fluency / 8

23. Don’t pause too often / 8

24. Don’t repeat yourself / 9

25. Self-correction / 9

26. Don’t confuse ‘fluency’ and ‘speed’ / 9

Coherence / 10

27. Answer the question / 10

28. You and other people / 10

29. Illogical answers / 10

30. Positive or negative / 10

31. Illogical sentence order / 11

32. Use connectives / 11

33. Give examples / 11

34. Summarise / 12

35. State preferences / 12

36. Provide alternatives / 12

37. Express a sequence of events / 12

38. Express time / 13

39. Give extra information or reasons using connectives / 13

40. Contrast people / places / things / ideas / 13

41. Show similarities / 14

42. Express conditions / 14

43. Express purposes / 14

44. Explain consequences / 15

45. Note exceptions / 15

46. Apart from / 15

Vocabulary / 15

47. Don’t overuse words / 15

48. Don’t use nonsensical, poetic phrases / 16

49. Use the correct forms of words / 16

50. Be specific / 16

51. Develop your answers / 16

52. Be prepared to discuss a wide range of topics / 17

53. Use adverbs of frequency / 17

54. Use adverbs of degree / 18

55. Express probability (likely / certain) / 18

56. Express probability (possible / unlikely / certainly not) / 19

57. Use a variety of adjectives / 19

58. Use prefixes (前缀) and suffixes (后缀) / 19

59. Hometown / 20

60. Area / Part / Neighbourhood / 20

61. Learn to describe clothes / 20

62. Learn to talk about food / 21

63. Learn to talk about education / 21

64. Family relationships / 21

65. Learn to describe homes / 22

66. With the development of … / 22

Grammar / 22

67. Use a range of grammatical structures / 22

68. Don’t make many basic grammatical mistakes / 23

69. Use referencing / 23

70. Use the correct pronoun / 23

71. Don’t misuse or omit prepositions / 24

72. Use the correct word order / 24

73. Verb + ‘ing’ form / infinitive / 24

74. Uncountable nouns / 25

75. Present simple / 25

76. Will / 25

77. Past simple / 25

78. Present perfect / 26

79. Modal verbs / 26

80. Passive tenses / 26

81. Conditionals / 27

82. Use clauses / 27

83. Use comparatives and superlatives / 28

Pronunciation / 29

84. Speak clearly / 29

85. Use stress (重音) and intonation (语调) / 29

86. Use stress-timing (重音计时) / 29

87. Pronounce words clearly and correctly / 29

88. Vowel sounds / 30

89. Stress / 30

90. Don’t add, drop, or change sounds / 30

91. Don’t worry about your accent / 31

Preparation / 31

92. Practice speaking with a partner or as part of a small group / 31

93. Read newspapers and magazines / 31

94. Use tapes / 32

95. Watch English TV channels or English language films / 32

96. Get on the Internet / 32

97. Practice writing essays / 32

98. Keep a vocabulary notebook / 33

99. Become confident when you use English / 33

100. Do some mock interviews before the real thing / 33

101. Don’t memorise answers / 33

第二章 101动词短语

ache for / 36

add up / 36

answer back / 36

angle for / 37

ask around / 37

back out / 37

blow over / 38

blow up / 38

bounce back / 38

brighten up / 39

bring about / 39

bring off / 39

brush off / 40

butter up / 40

call off / 40

catch on / 41

chew over / 41

chip in / 41

come away (with) / 42

come forward / 42

come out with / 42

crack down on / 42

cut back (on) / 43

die down / 43

do over / 44

drag on / 44

dredge up / 44

dress down / 45

drop in on / 45

drop off / 45

drop out of / 46

eat away (at) / 46

end up / 46

face up to (especially used as part of ‘face up to the fact that’) / 47

fall out with / 47

fall through / 47

feel up to / 48

figure on / 48

fill in for / 48

get across / 49

get by on / 49

give in / 49

go back on / 50

go under / 50

grow apart / 50

hand down / 51

hold someone back / 51

iron out / 51

jack up / 52

jump to (a conclusion) / 52

keep something from someone / 52

keep up with / 53

kick back / 53

kick in / 53

lay into / 54

let down / 54

lie with / 54

live up to / 55

look up to / 55

make out / 55

nose around / 56

open up / 56

pan out / 56

pass up / 57

play down / 57

pull in / 57

put out / 58

put up with / 58

read up on / 58

rule out / 59

run across / 59

run down / 59

run through / 60

set up / 60

settle on / 60

shop around / 61

show off / 61

spell out / 61

stand out / 62

take down / 62

take in / 62

take off / 63

take on / 63

take up / 63

think back to / 64

tighten up / 64

touch on / 64

turn away / 65

turn in / 65

turn up / 65

veer away from / 66

wake up to / 66

warm up / 66

warm up to / 67

wear off / 67

wear out / 67

work out / 68

yak on about / 68

zero in on / 69

zip around / 69

zone out / 69

第三章 101俚语与习语

ace / 72

action man / 72

agony aunt / 72

airy-fairy / 73

all mod cons / 73

all over the shop / 73

as right as rain / 74

babe / 74

backhander / 74

bad egg / 75

bad mouth / 75

bang on / 75

barmy / 76

bash / 76

bedsit / 76

boffin / 77

bone up / 77

cack-handed / 77

carry the can / 78

cheesed off / 78

chick flick / 78

chill out / 79

chin-wag / 79

chow / 79

chuffed / 80

couch potato / 80

dab hand / 80

dicey / 80

dinky / 81

dish out / 81

dive / 81

do / 82

donkey’s years / 82

dosh / 82

drop a clanger / 83

eager beaver / 83

easy-peasy / 83

fancy / 84

fat chance / 84

fiddle / 84

flabbergasted / 85

flog / 85

flop / 85

foodie / 86

freebie / 86

geek / 86

give the nod / 87

go mental / 87

grotty / 87

ham it up / 88

hang out / 88

hols / 88

hot air / 89

in the money / 89

jam packed / 89

jitters / 90

killjoy / 90

knock out / 90

make a row / 90

mate / 91

Mickey Mouse / 91

miffed / 91

mind out for / 92

moby / 92

mosey / 92

muck in / 93

needle / 93

net-head / 93

newbie / 94

no way / 94

nosh / 94

not give a monkey’s / 95

not have the foggiest / 95

odds and ends / 95

one off / 96

on the blink / 96

pad / 96

pally / 97

pea-souper / 97

pig out / 97

plastic / 98

pong / 98

pumping / 98

rip-off / 99

rocket science / 99

sack / 99

savvy / 100

scatterbrained / 100

scoff / 100

spot on / 101

square / 101

swot / 101

twenty-four seven (24 / 7) / 102

twig / 102

uni / 102

wannabe / 103

weepy / 103

yap / 103

yawn / 103

zonked / 104

zilch / 104

第四章 101格言与谚语

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush / 106

A blessing in disguise / 106

A chain is no stronger than its weakest link / 106

A fault confessed is half redressed / 107

A friend in need is a friend indeed / 107

A good beginning makes a good end / 107

A good example is the best sermon / 108

A leopard cannot change its spots / 108

A man is known by the company he keeps / 108

A picture is worth a thousand words / 109

A rotten apple spoils the barrel / 109

A stitch in time saves nine / 109

A swallow does not make the summer / 110

A tree is judged by its fruit / 110

A young idler, an old beggar / 111

Absence makes the heart grow fonder / 111

Actions speak louder than words / 111

Advice is cheap / 112

All that glitters is not gold / 112

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy / 112

An idle mind is the devil’s workshop / 113

Bad news travels fast / 113

Beauty is only skin deep / 113

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder / 114

Better late than never / 114

Better safe than sorry / 115

Birds of a feather flock together / 115

Blood is thicker than water / 115

Charity begins at home / 116

Diligence is the mother of good fortune / 116

Don’t bite off more than you can chew / 116

Don’t judge a book by its cover / 117

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket / 117

Easier said than done / 118

Each to his own / 118

Every cloud has a silver lining / 118

Every path has its puddle / 119

First impressions are most lasting / 119

Give someone an inch and they will take a mile / 119

Great oaks grow from little acorns / 120

Half a loaf is better than none / 120

He that would have the fruit must climb the tree / 121

He that would know what shall be,  must consider what has been / 121

He who is afraid of asking, is afraid of learning / 121

He who plants trees loves others besides himself / 122

Hold your horses / 122

Honesty is the best policy / 122

Honey catches more flies than vinegar / 123

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst / 123

If there were no clouds, we would not enjoy the sun / 124

If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen / 124

If you chase two rabbits, you will catch neither one / 124

If you want a friend, be a friend / 125

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery / 125

It’s no use crying over spilt milk / 125

Knowledge is power / 126

Learn to walk before you run / 126

Let bygones be bygones / 127

Life is not all beer and skittles / 127

Like father, like son / 127

Live and let live / 128

Love is blind / 128

Many hands make light work / 128

Marry in haste, repent at leisure / 129

Money doesn’t grow on trees / 129

Money is the root of all evil / 129

Necessity is the mother of invention / 130

Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today / 130

Nobody is perfect / 130

Nothing ventured, nothing gained / 131

Once bitten, twice shy / 131

One man’s meat is another man’s poison / 131

Only real friends will tell you when your face is dirty / 132

Opportunity seldom knocks twice / 132

Opposites attract / 132

Practice makes perfect / 133

Practice what you preach / 133

Prevention is better than cure / 133

Rome was not built in a day / 134

Safety lies in the middle course / 134

Saying is one thing. Doing is another / 134

Snug as a bug in a rug / 135

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree / 135

The end justifies the means / 135

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence / 136

The more you have, the more you want / 136

The pen is mightier than the sword / 136

The proof of the pudding is in the eating / 137

The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach / 137

Time and tide wait for no man / 137

Time flies when you’re having fun / 138

Time is money / 138

Too many cooks spoil the broth / 138

Variety is the spice of life / 139

When in Rome, do as the Romans do / 139

When the cat’s away, the mice will play / 139

You are as old as you feel / 140

You are never too old to learn / 140

You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink / 140

You never know what you can do until you try / 141

You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours / 141

第五章 101衔接语

actually / 144

all in all / 144

alternatively / 145

although / 145

as a rule / 146

as soon as / 146

bearing in mind / 147

because of that / 147

believe it or not / 148

besides that / 148

but then again / 149

by and large / 149

by the time / 150

by the way / 150

Can I add here that… / 151

considering / 151

Does this mean…? / 152

Don’t forget that… / 153

Don’t misunderstand me / 153

even so / 154

eventually / 154

evidently / 155

finally / 155

Frankly, I doubt if… / 156

funnily enough / 156

Guess what! / 157

Have you heard…? / 157

I can’t decide / 158

I certainly would / 158

I don’t particularly like… / 159

I don’t see how… / 159

I might consider it… / 160

I personally feel… / 160

I suspect that… / 161

I’d rather… / 161

I’d say… / 162

I’m convinced that… / 162

I’m fairly certain that… / 163

I’m not keen on… / 163

I’ve heard that… / 164

If I ever… / 164

if I had my way / 165

in a situation like this / 165

in my case / 166

in my experience / 166

in the long run / 167

It goes without saying that… / 167

It is necessary to take into account… / 168

It looks like… / 168

It might sound strange, but… / 169

It’s safe to assume that… / 169

just a small point / 170

Let’s be realistic / 171

Let’s face it / 171

Let’s get this straight / 172

Let’s put it this way / 172

Never in a million years / 173

Not everyone will agree with me, but… / 173

Oh, I almost forgot… / 174

on the whole / 174

on top of that / 175

One (Another) difference is that… / 175

One way would be to… / 176

Perhaps [I / you / he / she / it / we / they] could… / 176

Perhaps I should mention that… / 177

Perhaps it’s because… / 177

probably not / 178

Remember to… / 178

Taking into consideration… / 179

That reminds me… / 179

That would be great, except… / 180

That’s the reason why… / 180

The (dis)advantages are clear / 181

The best way I can answer that is… / 181

The catch is… / 182

The main reason is… / 182

The most important thing is… / 183

The only thing is… / 183

The point is… / 184

The problem (trouble) is… / 184

The real question is… / 185

The surprising thing is… / 185

There are exceptions, of course / 186

They say… / 186

This raises the problem (question) of… / 187

to be honest / 187

to cut a long story short / 188

to give you an idea / 188

to some extent / 189

to tell you the truth / 189

unless / 190

We take it for granted that… / 190

What I mean is (meant was)… / 191

What I’m more concerned with… / 191

What I’m saying is… / 192

What I’m worried about is / are… / 192

whenever / 193

Who knows (…?) / 193

with regard to / 194

without a doubt / 194

You’ve probably heard that… / 195





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