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by the Sunrise yesterday, foreign media quoted the Hungarian debt management AKK CEO Gyula Pleschingers position, saying the department is wor
king with thirty-four primary dealers to discuss the purchase of its sovereign debt issues, including the Bank of China, but This news does not get confirmed by the Bank of China. Gyula Pleschinger said, there are five banks registered in Hungary to buy the local currency sovereign debt issued, and the Bank of China may play a greater role in the agreement, even one may enter the Hungarian market, but the decision whether to enter the Bank of China will make their own, the report did not mention the possible purchase of Bank of China, Hungary, the specific amount of government bonds. "Chinese banks are more overseas assets, the purchase of bonds is the need for asset allocation." Construction Bank senior researcher Zhao Qingming, "First Financial Daily" correspondent said, "In addition to European pig Five away from the bonds looking at the proportion of GDP, the balance, the financial position of other European countries is good. " financial crisis in 2008, Hungary has been a sharp depreciation of the currency, but its recent economic recovery in the current account balance and fiscal balance are a surplus, IMF 2011 and 2012, its GDP growth forecasts for the 1.2% and 2.8%, while non-euro countries as Hungary, the flexibility of its monetary policy is relatively large. Bank of China Deputy Governor Yi Yue said in the Interim Report, as of the end of June 2011, the balance of bonds in European countries accounted for foreign currency bonds of the body about 20% of the total. "Chinese currency bonds held by banks in Europe, including Britain, Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland and other countries and financial institutions, government debt bonds, the bonds of these countries the overall rating is AAA, relatively stable, we believe that risk control . "Yue Yi said. addition to the above countries, bonds, Bank of China also holds a "European pig Five" bond position, the bank disclosed semi-annual report, as of the end of June 2011, Chinese banks to hold Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Spain, four European countries government and various institutions to issue bonds equivalent to the carrying value of 1.136 billion yuan, 1.03 billion yuan over the previous year to reduce the related impairment allowance for 026 million yuan, but the bank does not hold Greek government and various institutions to issue bonds. to share:Welcome comment to comment





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