词条 | 20篇:现当代英美散文 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 复旦大学出版社; 第1版 (2011年8月1日) 外文书名: Twenty Essays in Modern and Contemporary English 平装: 260页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787309082647 条形码: 9787309082647 尺寸: 22 x 16.6 x 1.6 cm 内容简介《20篇:现当代英美散文》是我国英语语言文学名家、复旦大学杰出教授陆谷孙先生在其“英美散文”课程讲稿基础上精心扩充而成,分“精读”、“泛读”两部分,凡二十篇,尽为名家妙笔。精读部分收录弗吉尼亚?伍尔荚、D?H?劳伦斯、乔冶?奥威尔、威廉?戈尔丁、琼?狄迪恩、斯蒂芬?金、比尔?布莱森等作品十篇,配以详尽的页尾注和以书起首的文中注,并附作者介绍。泛读部分收录伯特兰?罗素、E?M?福斯特、E?B?怀特、戈尔?维达尔、哈罗德?品特、苏珊?桑塔格、巴拉克-奥巴马等作品十篇,附页尾简注及作者介绍。《20篇:现当代英美散文》旨在提高中级以上英语学习者对现当代英美散文的解读鉴赏能力,可作高等院校英语专业教材,也可供广大英语爱好者修习之用。所附光盘含陆先生授“英美散文”课实况视频若干。 目录Intensive Reading Too Many Books Gilbert Norwood The Death of the Moth Virginia Woolf Insouciance D. H. Lawrence Politics and the English Language George Orwell Thinking as a Hobby William Golding A Cow That Could Never Get Up N'more James Herriot On the Morning after the Sixties Joan Didion On Writing Stephen King Florence Bill Bryson Rest in Pieces David Owen Extensive Reading Rivalry E. V. Lucas Seeing People Off Max Beerbohm Education and Discipline Bertrand Russell Notes on the English Character E. M. Forster Once More to the Lake (1941) E. B. White College Pressures William Zinsser On Flying Gore Vidal What We Think of America Harold Pinter The World as India Susan Sontag A More Perfect Union Barack Obama |
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