词条 | 114仪器仪表网 |
释义 | 114仪器仪表网114仪器仪表网简述114仪器仪表网(中国仪器仪表网)是中国最专业最权威的仪器仪表电子商务网站!114仪器仪表网提供给用户的一个随时随地进行仪器仪表选型、成套方案设计、技术服务发布、信息共享交流的平台。114仪器仪表网致力于打造人气最旺的仪器仪表产品、仪器仪表公司交流平台;并为仪器仪表企业提供系统化解决方案。114仪器仪表网汇集优秀仪器仪表公司,每日为您提供实验仪器、衡器、量具、分析仪器、医疗仪器、光学仪器、温度仪表、电工仪器仪表、压力仪表、流量仪表的第一手资讯信。 114仪器仪表网设计初衷114仪器仪表网是为满足互联网时代的仪器仪表企业用户需求而设计的,以整个仪器仪表行业为着眼点,通过互联网技术和手段将仪器仪表企业的各种核心业务通过Web方式集成在一起,让供应商、各类仪表用户、合作伙伴以及仪表企业内部员工能以不同的方式(如PC、手机、笔记本、等)访问与之相关的应用和功能;同时强调商务智能化的仪表企业战略规划设计,帮助仪表企业实现业务流程重组,为仪表企业提供一个优化高效的流程工作环境,有效的管理市场、销售、各类仪表用户、技术服务等资源。 114仪器仪表网优势114仪器仪表网利用目前在仪器仪表行业的影响及优势,进一步整合资源最终将形成集所有类型仪器仪表的网站群的规模优势,借助互联网无地域性、无时间性、无限客户的优势,以多语种的版本向国内及国外市场推广和宣传仪器仪表企业和产品。我们提供给用户的将是一个无限空间的产品选型平台、成套方案设计平台、技术服务发布平台、信息共享交流平台。在这四个平台上用户与生产商之间、生产商与生产商之间可以直接通过互联网进行面对面的交流,包括使用过程中的技术指导和方案设计过程中的各种讨论。用规模化的优势引导和帮助用户选择成本最低、性能最高的方案,是中国仪器仪表网向用户提供系统化解决方案的最终目的。 114仪器仪表网服务114仪器仪表网将坚持一贯的“用户至上”的服务原则,以高科技的手段,提供完善周到的服务。同时,本站诚邀国内外同行,八方企业加盟本站,携手开拓国内外广阔的仪器仪表市场。您的优质的产品,我们四通八达的商业网络和覆盖全国的网站群,再加上多方位和多层次的合作模式,必将打造新一代的网络销售旗舰! 114仪器仪表网英文114仪器仪表网英文简介Instrument Network are intended to serve the Internet age instrument designed for the needs of business users, to the instrumentation industry as a focus, through the Internet technology and tools to instrument the various core business through the company Web integrated manner, so that vendors, all kinds of instrumentation users, partners and internal employees to instrument in different ways (such as PC, mobile phones, laptops, etc.) to access the associated applications and functions; while emphasizing the business intelligence Strategic planning and design of the instrument to help companies achieve business process re-instrumentation for the instrument to provide an optimized and efficient business processes work environment, effective management of marketing, sales, all kinds of instrumentation users, technical services and other resources. Instrument Network the use of current instrumentation industry, the impact and advantages and further integration of resources will eventually form a set of Web sites of all types of instrument cluster scale advantages, using the Internet without territorial, non-temporal, infinite client's advantage, the multilingual version of the domestic and overseas marketing and promotional instrumentation companies and products. We provide to the user will be an infinite space, product selection platform, complete design platform, technology and service delivery platform, sharing of information exchange platform. In these four platforms, users and producers, between producers and manufacturers can be directly between the face to face communication through the Internet, including the use in the process of technical guidance and program design in the process of the discussions. With the advantages of scale and help guide the user to select the lowest cost, highest performance program of the Chinese instrument network to provide users with the ultimate goal of a systematic solution. Instrument Network will stick to the usual "user first" principle of service to high-tech means, to provide perfect service. Meanwhile, the site invites domestic and foreign counterparts, Octagon site enterprises to join hand in hand to open up a vast instrumentation markets at home and abroad. Your high-quality products, we served by our extensive business network and Web sites across the country groups, plus multi-faceted and multi-level model of collaboration, will build a new generation of online sales flagship! |
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