

词条 雒建斌




3、学历:(1)博士,清华大学精仪系,1994年获工学博士学位。 (2)硕士,西安建筑科技大学冶金系,1991年获工学硕士学位。 (3)学士,东北大学材料系,1982年获工学学士学位。


1、1996.6-今 清华大学工作,曾到香港工作一年多。

2、1982-1985 在西安电缆厂工作。






曾从事钢丝拉拔润滑,纳米润滑测量,薄膜润滑研究等方面研究项目十余项。现为国家自然科学基金重大项目和国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)负责人。1999年教育部跨世纪人才基金获得者,2000年获国家杰出青年基金资助。曾获国家自然科学二等奖(2001),国家发明三等奖(1996),省部级一等奖2项,二等奖2项。共发表论文150余篇,其中SCI、EI收录90余篇,大会特邀报告4篇,引用300余篇次。 2011年12月,当选中国科学院院士。


1. Qi, J, Luo JB, Wang KL, et al., “Mechanical and tribological properties of diamond-like carbon films deposited by electron cyclotron resonance microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition”, TRIBOL LETT 14 (2): 105-109 FEB 2003

2. Zhang CH, Luo JB, Li WZ, et al.,”Mechanical properties of nano-composite TiN/Si3N4 films synthesized by ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD),” ASME J TRIBOL, 125(2): 445-447 APR 2003

3. Luo Jianbin, Huang Ping, Wen Shizhu and Lawrence Li, “Characteristics of Fluid Lubricant Films at the Nano-scale,” ASME Trans., J. of Tribology, Vol.121(4), 1999, 872-878.

4. Lei H, Luo J B, Pan G S, et al., “Chemical mechanical polishing of computer hard disk substrate in colloidal SiO2 slurry,” INT J NONLINEAR SCI 3 (3-4): 455-459 Sp. Iss. SI 2002

5. Yang M C, Luo J B, Wen S Z, et al., “Investigation of X-1P coating on magnetic head to enhance the stability of head/disk interface”, Science in China, Vol.44 (Supp.), 2001, 400-406.

6. Shen M.W., Luo J.B., Wen S.Z., et al., “Nano-tribological properties and mechanisms of the liquid crystal as an additive”, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.46(14), 2001, 1227-1232.

7. Shen M W, Luo J B, Wen S Z, “The tribological properties of oils added with diamond nano-particles”, STLE Tribology Trans., Vol.44 (3), 2001, 494-498

8. Luo Jianbin, Qina Linmao, Wen Shizhu, et al. “The failure of fluid film at nano-scale”, STLE, Tribology Trans., Vol.42(4), 1999, 912-916.

9. Luo Jianbin, Qina Linmao, Wen Shizhu, et al. “The failure of fluid film at nano-scale”, STLE, Tribology Trans., Vol.42(4), 1999, 912-916.

10. Luo, J.B., Wen, S.Z. and Huang, P., "Thin film lubrication, Part I: The transition between EHL and thin film lubrication", Wear, Vol.194, 1996, pp 107-115.

11. Luo J.B., Wen, S.Z., “Mechanism and characteristics of thin film lubrication at nanometer scale”, Science in China (A), Vol.39(12), 1996, pp. 1312-1322.

12. 雒建斌,沈明武,史兵等,“薄膜润滑与润滑状态图”,机械工程学报,Vol.36(7), 2000,15-21





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