

词条 暨南大学国际学院

国际学院成立于2001年6月, 是暨南大学迈入21世纪后成立的学院之一。学院实行标准学分制,在课程设置及教学管理上与国际接轨。国际学院采取在学校统一协调和支持下和各专业院系联合办学的模式。现开设本科专业8个:国际经济与贸易学(4年制,经济学学士)、会计学(4年制,管理学学士)、临床医学(6年制,医学学士)、食品质量与安全(4年制,工学学士)、药学(4年制,理学学士)、行政管理(4年制、管理学学士)、金融学(4年制,经济学学士)及医学MBBS(6年制留学生班,MBBS学士)。


国际学院适应教育国际化发展需要,实行全英文教学, 所开设的各类专业课、专业基础课及公共课(汉语课除外),均采用英语原版教材。学院实行标准学分制,在课程设置及教学管理上与国际接轨。国际学院采取在学校统一协调和支持下和各专业院系联合办学的模式。现开设本科专业8个:国际经济与贸易学(4年制,经济学学士)、会计学(4年制,管理学学士)、临床医学(6年制,医学学士)、食品质量与安全(4年制,工学学士)、药学(4年制,理学学士)、行政管理(4年制、管理学学士)、金融学(4年制,经济学学士)、计算机科学与技术(4年制,工学学士)及医学MBBS(6年制留学生班,MBBS学士)。





国际学院不断拓展与境内外知名大学的交流与合作。已与美国、英国、法国、俄罗斯、菲律宾、文莱、南非等国家的一些知名大学互派交换生,与美国友邦保险公司、美国甄文达(Martin Yan)厨艺中心、印度萨拉斯瓦第教育公司等境外单位签订了人才实习培养基地协议,确保学生拥有较好的实习环境。国际学院将继续贯彻"面向海外,面向港澳"的办学方针,加强与各专业院系的密切合作,办好已经开设的专业,陆续增设新专业,扩大招生规模,逐步提高办学层次,吸引更多的海内外学子来暨南大学求学,使国际学院成为全英语授课专业教学示范中心,成为传播中华文化和弘扬暨南精神的窗口,成为培养21世纪所需要的具有扎实的专业知识与技能并能用英语进行工作的高素质专门人才培养基地。


· Master Program at University of Glasgow (UG)

· Master Program of University of Cincinnati (UC)

· Exchange Student Program of University of Cincinnati (UC)

· Summer Business Program of University of British Columbia (UBC)

· Winter Language and Culture Study Program of University of Queensland (UQ)

· Summer Finance Program of University of Cincinnati (UC)


“The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives” --Robert M. Hutchins

On behalf of the International School (IS) administration, Faculty, students and staff, Welcome to our website. Whether you are a prospective student, faculty, exchange student, or an institution looking for an overview regarding our programmes, I believe you’ll find this site interesting, informative and easy to navigate.

The website was first setup in 2001 by a group of our pioneer students with the objective of promoting the uniqueness of IS, which comes both from the multi-cultural character of the school and the fact that all seven majors offered are taught through English medium. Apart from overseas Chinese students most of our students come from countries all around the world, adding to the international character of the IS classroom. We also enjoy partnerships with many leading universities around the globe. These partner institutions provide opportunities for our students to gain meaningful access to the academic practices of other countries.

Our mission is to equip students with academic, economic, and management skills, as well as historical and cultural perspectives, so that they develop as a whole who will understand and analyze the above and other related issues in their future career decisions. These virtues also provide the foundation for a superior academic experience that is culturally diverse, intimate in scale, intellectually rigorous and focused on providing the means necessary to achieve success in the era of globalization.

As Confucius said “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand”,

our aim is to help our students understand the practical difficulties and equip them with adequate knowledge to handle them in their professional lives. Our mission - to advance excellence in teaching, research, cultural communication and the quality of the student experience - makes our IS a contemporary school with a global vision.

I encourage you to explore our website and learn more about our community of teachers, programmes of study and our students. I also request you to contact us in case of any comments or suggestions and also in need of additional information.


Prof. TANG Shuze, PhD,

Dean,International School.



荣誉院长(Honorary Dean):宋永华


副院长(Vice Dean):邓永忠、王立伟、刘德学、陈利国、谭跃、欧仕益、林毓铭、王聪、周继鹏


党总支副书记(主持工作)(Party Secretary):邓永忠

党总支副书记(Vice Party Secretary ):刘明

行政办公室(Administration Office)

教学科研办公室(Teaching Affairs Office)

学生工作办公室(Student Affairs Office)





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