词条 | 瘘 |
释义 | 瘘,中医指颈部生疮,久而不愈,常出浓水。瘘管,指身体内因发生病变而向外溃破所形成的管道,病灶里的分泌物由此流出。 简介瘘 (瘻) lòu (1) ㄌㄡˋ (2) 〔~管〕身体内因发生病变而向外溃破所形成的管道,病灶里的分泌物由此流出。 (3) 中医指颈部生疮,久而不愈,常出浓水。 (4) 郑码:TUZM,U:7618,GBK:F0FC (5) 笔画数:14,部首:疒,部首笔画:5 部外笔画:9 笔顺编号:4134 1431 234531 (6)四角号码:0014 详细注解瘘 瘻、瘘 lòu [名] (1) 颈肿大的病。即颈部淋巴结核 [lymph tuberculosis] 合水多鰧鱼,状如鳜…食者不痈,可以瘘。——《山海经》。郭璞注:“瘘,痈属也。” (2) 瘘管 [fistula]。人或动物体深部脓肿,体表或脏器之间形成的管道。病灶分泌物由此管流出 瘘,即漏也。经年成漏者,在颈则曰瘰瘘,在痔则曰痔瘘。——明·楼英《医学纲目》 汉译英瘘 fistula English 瘘 ( 瘻 ) L ò u [ 瘘 tube] body inside outwardly the 溃 breaks the piping of a formation because of occurrence pathological changes, the disease secretion in the cooking stove is from here the run off. The Chinese medicine points the neck grows a boil, long but not more, often out the thick water. fistula |
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