词条 | 琪兰·席普卡 |
释义 | 基本简介姓名:Kiernan Shipka 小名:Kiki 英文全名:Kiernan Brennan Shipka 中文译名:琪兰·席普卡 国籍:美国 出生地:芝加哥 先居住地:洛杉矶,加利福尼亚 出生日期:1999年11月10日 眼睛:棕褐色 头发:棕黄色 宠物:德国牧羊犬 名字来历:来自爱尔兰,以前用来形容男子名字,现在都用来形容女孩子的名字了。 个人介绍你可以说琪兰·席普卡从走进演艺圈那一刻起了,就有了激情。她热爱艺术,不像其他的孩子一样,这个女演员,1999年11月10日出生于芝加哥,就接下了她的第一个工作。 多年来,琪兰拍了很多广告,因为对几个平面广告来说,她也是一个出色的模特。在2006时,她开始出现在电视上。2007年,她接拍了她的第一个电影,同时也拍了《广告狂人》这个电视剧。重要的是,她出演了Sally Draper这个角色得到了回报,并改变了她的一生:Sally Dtaper这个角色获得了艾美奖。琪兰只认为自己是个思维简单的女孩,但她错了。她的智慧超越了她的年龄。Matthew Weiner认识到这一点,她的这个角色在之后戏份也越来越多。 在播放之间,琪兰是没有拍摄《广告狂人》的时候,她接拍了其它的电视电影。 2个艾美奖奖,六部电影,三十一个电视广告,几个正在拍摄中的电影,超过二百次印刷的广告,杂志娱乐周刊称她为90后最有发展潜力的女星。但是琪兰仍然是一个脚踏实地的女孩,她的成熟和智慧,可以打动任何人,她一定会走的更远,琪兰选择了做生活中最快乐的小女孩。 参演影视{2011} Smooch(接吻)... 饰演Zoe Cole {2010} 猫狗大战2 ... 饰演一个小女孩 {2009} Carriers... 饰演Jodie Holloway {2009} Land of the Lost... 饰演Tar Pits Kid {2009} House Broken... 饰演Tammy Tawber {2008} Lower Learning... 饰演 Sarah {2007} Dimension...饰演 Molly 电影短片: {2010} Squeaky Clean... 饰演Emily 电视剧: {2007 -至至今} 广告狂人... 饰演Sally Draper {2006} The Angriest Man in Suburbia... 饰演Lola {2007 - 2009} Jimmy Kimmel Live!... 饰演Various Characters {2007} Heroes... 饰演在火上的小女孩(第2季,第8集) {2007} MADtv... 饰演Upset Child Episode: "Mad Tv Ruined My Life" (第13季,第1集) {2007} Cory in the House... 饰演Sophie的同学 (第1季,第11集) {2006} Monk...饰演Little Girl/Girl Customer Episode: "Mr. Monk, Private Eye" (第5季,第5集) Episode 2: "Mr. Monk Gets a New Shrink" (第5季,第7集) 广告Advair Quilted Northern Tissue Campbell Soup SBC-AT&T Evanston Northwestern Health American Kennel Club (PSA) Build-A-Bear Workshop Security Health Plan Toys-R-Us Gerber Baby Food Boniva Fruity Pebbles Domino's ....更多 剧场: CATS... 饰演 Rumpleteaser Annie... 饰演Tessie Beauty and the Beast... 饰演Babette Willy Wonka... 饰演Charlie Buckett 荣获奖项第63届艾美奖最佳女配角奖提名 影视演员协会奖-2010 影视演员协会奖-2009 青年艺术家奖-2009 琪兰的小秘密1.她会很多舞蹈,例如芭蕾,摇摆舞。 2.她在拍摄广告时有很多小孩,工作人员需要把男孩和女孩分别放到不同的小车子里。他们把琪兰放到了男孩的推车里,而不是女孩的,因为他们认为“Kiernan”这个是男孩子的名字。 3.她第一个试镜的电影是《Lower Learning》,导演认为她长得很甜所以将Sarah这个角色给了她。 4.在《广告狂人》第4季,她不得不为了角色而剪了自己的头发。 5.Here Comes The Sun是她最喜欢的乐队。 6.她最喜欢的食物是牛肉。 7.Drew Barrymore是最吸引琪兰的演员,但他们从未见过面。 8.她喜欢看《Glee》,她最喜欢的人物是苏。琪兰在2010 影视演员协会奖是她最满足的。 9.她最喜欢的牌子是香奈儿,Burberry和Papo。 10. 她最喜欢的科目是数学,她还特别喜欢法语。 11.她说会表演一生。 12.她认为Tina Fey在《30 Rock》里很开朗,并在2010影视演员协会奖上看到了她。 13.她在《广告狂人》里有一个非常要好的朋友Ryan Cutrona。 14.她说想和《广告狂人》的Sally Draper这个角色做朋友。 15.她的粉丝问她最多的问题是Jon Hamm酷吗 16.她妈妈不允许她看《广告狂人》,除非是她出演的部分。 琪兰语录1."It was really fun! It was just so amazing watching the commercial and then looking back at the sets and seeing how different it was. All the dogs were so amazing to work with, they were so trained and very sweet." “这真的很有趣,它是多么的令人惊奇,所有的狗都是惊人地努力工作,它们的训练看起来非常好。”(在《猫狗大战2》) 2."Well, I love Chanel think they have some amazing pieces. I love Burberry. But my favorite is probably Papo dnjo. They have amazing dresses for kids my age." “嗯,我认为香奈儿有很多好的作品,我爱巴宝莉,我最喜欢的可能就是它。它们的衣服很漂亮。”(在她最喜欢的时尚牌子) 3."I actually like math a lot. We抮e learning lots of division, which I think is really cool. And French. I love French. I just started learning it about a week ago. I don抰 know how to say much yet. Just a little bit桰 can order food and stuff." “我真的喜欢数学,我认为这非常酷。我爱法语,我刚开始学习1个多星期,现在只是会一点。”(在她最喜欢的科目) 4."I actually did cut my hair. I was a little nervous when I heard I had to chop it. Fortunately the hair department is quite amazing. They first put on extensions and cut those to make it look very bad and uneven. Then they cut those out and gave me the look that was the final cut."“事实上剪掉我的头发令我非常紧张,幸运的是,头发剪得很好,他们使头发看上去很糟,不均匀。”(在广告狂人中) 5."I really liked the fall in Episode 9 -- the trip. It was my first time doing a really big stunt and I thought it was fun. I have done tae kwon do for a long, long time, and I'm a gymnast, so I wasn't too worried about the stunt. I had done some stunts before. I was more excited than worried." “我真的很喜欢《广告狂人》的第9集的旅行。这是我第一次用特技,我觉得很有趣。我做跆拳道很长时间,我是一个体操运动员,所以我完全不担心特技。”(在她最喜欢的第4季《广告狂人》中的情景) 外界评价1."We were very fortunate. It's been miraculous to watch Kiernan grow up and become so exceptional. She's a prodigy in many ways, and she does it all without pushy stage parents. It comes from Kiernan's own desire to do great work. I can't imagine going back to my 11-year old self and even being able to talk to an adult, let alone handles myself on the set the way she does or learn complicated lines. As a character, Sally is one many, many viewers see as a point of entry. Many people identify with her because they were that age at that time in history. They recognize her relationship with her parents and with the world. I think she's a great character because she's insightful but also so powerless." “我们很幸运,很神奇地看着琪兰长大,变得如此特别。在许多方面,她是个神童,她所做的一切不是来自她的父母。它来自琪兰要去做伟大的工作的欲望。我无法想像11岁的我,甚至能够跟一个成人,可以自己设定她做的方式或复杂的学习。作为一个角色,Sally是一个许多观众看作为一个切入点。许多人认同她,因为他们是那个年代的人。他们认识到她与她父母还有世界。我认为她是一个伟大的人物因为她的洞察力非常过人。” 2.“"When I saw that Kiernan was an actor and not just a cute kid, I realized I could give her as much material as I wanted. The truth is, I've given her more material because I feel the character has gotten more interesting as her parents' lives change." 当我知道琪兰是一个演员,不只是一个可爱的孩子,我意识到我可以给她更多的戏份,我想。事实是,我已经给了她更多的戏份,因为我觉得我的性格变得更有趣是因为她的父母生活给我的改变。” 3."Obviously like any good actress she's learned a lot by working more and working with great actors, but she has a core talent that is very impressive and has remarkably not changed despite the process of growing up." “很明显,向任何好的女演员,她学到了不少,她有了更多的工作,会成为一个伟大的演员,但她是人才,尽管在成长,但没有改变,她是令人印象非常深刻” ————————《广告狂人》制作人Matthew Weiner “其实她扮演萨莉德雷珀是惊人的:琪兰·席普卡。我们幸运的孩子,她非常专业。” ———《广告狂人》演员January Jones 粉丝链接1.百度琪兰席普卡吧 2.百度琪兰席普卡吧官方微博 @琪兰席普卡吧 |
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