

词条 闫新中

闫新中,男,1958年8月12日生于陕西省,汉族,研究员。1982年毕业于北京大学物理系,取得理学学士学位;1982年10月-1988年3月赴日本东京大学理学系留学,1985年取得理学硕士,1988取得理学博士学位;1988年4月进入物理研究所工作;1998年7月-2000年6月赴美国Texas A&M University物理系工作,助理研究员。





1. X.–Z. Yan,“Superconductivity in the quasi-two-dimensional Hubbard model”,Phys. Rev. B 71,104520 (2005)。

2. X.–Z. Yan,“Pairing-fluctuation effect in quasi-two-dimensional superconductivity”,Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 17,319 (2003)。

3. X.–Z. Yan,“Pairing-Fluctuation Effect in d-Wave Superconductivity”,J. Phys. Condens. Matter 15,L319 (2003)。

4. X.-Z. Yan,H. Zhao,and C.-R. Hu,“Electron transport in normal-metal-superconductor junctions”,Phys. Rev. B 61,14759 (2000)。

5. X.-Z Yan and C. -R. Hu,“Magnetic field effect in Josephson tunneling between d-wave superconductors”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83,1656 (1999)。

6. X.-Z. Yan and H. Iyetomi,“Surface states in d-wave superconductors”,Phys. Rev. B 57,7944 (1998)。

7. X.-Z. Yan,“d-wave pairing near the boundary of superconductors”,Phys. Rev. B 56,8374 (1997)。

8. X.-Z. Yan,“Theory of Josephson tunneling between d-wave Superconductors”,Solid State Commun. 99, 63 (1996)。

9. X.-Z. Yan,“Density of states of electrons in liquid Lithium”,Phys. Rev. B 51,15823 (1995)。

10. X.-Z. Yan,X. M. Tong,“Correlation functions of liquid alkali metals near freezing”,Phys. Rev. B 49, 6608 (1994)。

11. X.-Z. Yan,“Theory of the extended Hubbard model at half filling”,Phys. Rev. B 48,7140 (1993)。

12. X.-Z. Yan,“Ground-state properties of square-lattice Hubbard model at half filling”,Phys. Rev. B 46,9231 (1992)。

13. X.-Z. Yan,“Generalized spin-wave theory for the Hubbard model at half filling”,Phys. Rev. B 45,4741 (1992)。

14. X.-Z. Yan,S. T. Tsai,“Localization of quantum-mechanical particle in classical simple fluids”,Phys. Rev. A 46, 4704 (1992)。

15. X.-Z. Yan,S. T. Tsai,and S. Ichimaru,“Strong-coupling theory of hydrogen plasmas”,Phys. Rev. A 43, 3057 (1991)。

16. S.Tanaka,X. -Z. Yan and S. Ichimaru,“Equation of state and conductivity of dense hydrogen plasmas near the metal-insulator transition”,Phys. Rev. A 41,5616 (1990)。

17. X.-Z. Yan and S. Ichimaru,“Numerical examination of the modified convolution- approximation scheme for classical one-component plasmas”,J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 56,3863 (1987)。

18. X.-Z. Yan and S. Ichimaru,“Theory of interparticle correlations in dense,high-temperature plasmas. VII. Polarization shifts of spectral lines”,Phys. Rev. A 34, 2173 (1986)。

19. X.-Z. Yan and S. Ichimaru,“Theory of interparticle correlations in dense,high-temperature plasma. VI. Probability densities of the electric microfields”,Phys. Rev. A 34,2167 (1986)。

20. X.-Z. Yan,S. Mitake,S. Tanaka,and S. Ichimaru,“Theory of interparticle correlations in dense,high-temperature plasmas. IV. Stopping power”,Phys. Rev. A 32,1785 (1985)。

21. S.Tanaka,S. Mitake,X. -Z. Yan,and S. Ichimaru,“Theory of interparticle correlations in dense,high-temperature plasmas. III. Thermodynamic functions”,Phys. Rev. A 32,1779 (1985)。

22. S.Mitake,S. Tanaka,X. -Z. Yan, and S. Ichimaru,“Theory of interparticle correlations in dense,high-temperature plasmas. II. Correlation functions”,Phys. Rev. A 32,1775 (1985)。

23. S.Ichimaru,S. Mitake,S. Tananka,and X. -Z. Yan,“Theory of interparticle correlations in dense,high- temperature plasmas. I. General formalism”,Phys. Rev. A 32,1768 (1985)。





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