

词条 闫纪红



1993.7:哈尔滨科学技术大学 自动控制 学士

1996.3:哈尔滨科学技术大学 自动化仪器及仪表 硕士

1999.7:哈尔滨工业大学 导航制导与控制 博士

1999 .9 ~ 2001 .9:清华大学 CIMS中心 博士后

2001 .10~2004 .7:美国威斯康星大学 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 工业与制造工程系,美国NSF智能维护中心 博士后,主讲教师

2004 .7 ~ 2005 .8:美国宾夕法尼亚大学 Pennsylvania State University 工业与制造工程系 博士后

2005 .9 ~ 现在:哈尔滨工业大学 工业工程系/现代生产技术中心 副主任,教授

2006 .4 ~ 现在:哈尔滨工业大学 工业工程系/现代生产技术中心 博士生导师






1.Jihong Yan, M. Lv, P. Wang and M. Wang. "Kalman Filter Based Neural Network Methodology For Predictive Maintenance: A Case Study on Steam Turbine Blade Performance Prognostics", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Nov.5-10, Chicago, IL, USA, 2006

2.Jihong Yan and David Nembhard. "Discovering Assignment Rules in Workforce Schedules Using Data Mining", The 2006 International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN06), Las Vegas, USA, June. 26-29, 2006

3.Jihong Yan, and David Nembhard. "Discovering Patterns in Workforce Schedules Using Data Mining", The 2006 International Conference on Machine Learning; Models, Technologies & Applications (MLMTA'06), Las Vegas, USA, June. 26-29, 2006

4.Jihong Yan and Jay Lee. "Machine Degradation Assessment and Root Cause Classification Using Logistic Regression Method", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 2005, 127(4):912-914 (SCI-989QV, EI-05489518224)

5.Jihong Yan, Jay Lee and Yi-Cheng Pan. "Introduction Watchdog Prognostics Agent and Its Application to Elevator Hoistway Performance Assessment", Journal of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (Taiwan). 2005, 22(1): 56-63 (SCI, EI-05339293429)

6.Jihong Yan, Muammer Koç and Jay Lee. "A Prognostic Algorithm for Machine Performance Assessment and Its Application", Journal of Production Planning and Control. 2004, 15(8): 796-801 (SCI-875WL, EI-04518723985)

7.Jihong Yan and Cheng Wu. "A Constraint Satisfaction Neural Network and Heuristic Combined Approach for Concurrent Activities Scheduling", Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 2003, 18 (2): 252-257 (SCI-663RG, EI-03177442718)

8.M. Yan, Q. Meng and Jihong Yan. “Mathematical Models and Computer Simulation of Nitrogen Concentration Profiles in Pulse Plasma Nitrided Layers”, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2003,19: 164-166 (SCI-813HS, EI-04328306458)

9.Jihong Yan and Cheng Wu. "A Scheduling Approach for Design Activities in Concurrent Engineering". IEEE Trans. on System, Men and Cybernetics -- Part C: Review and Application. 2001, 31(3): 361-365 (SCI-502QV, EI-02046836411)

10.Jihong Yan and Cheng Wu. "Scheduling Approach for Concurrent Product Development Processes", Computers In Industry. 2001, 46: 139-147(SCI-483MR, EI-06089709653)


· 主要合作者,“Human Resource Allocation Based Productivity Improvement”,美国国家自然科学基金(NSF)重点项目,$350,000(2004-2006)

· 项目负责人,International Project on Collaborative Informatics Platform for Prognostics and Maintenance Optimization美国国家自然科学基金项目,$100,000,(2002-2004)

· 项目负责人,与Hitachi(日本)研究实验室(Research Laboratory)的合作,开发了基于WEB的燃气轮机叶片裂纹监测与预报工具,$50,000(2003-2004)

· 项目负责人,实现了基于模型的预诊方法在实际钻床上的应用,为切削工具的在线性能评估与剩余寿命的预测提供了范例,系统应用于美国密歇根大学(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)S.M.Wu实验室。

· 项目负责人,与KONE(美国,芬兰)电梯公司的合作,开发研制了电梯门性能在线监测预诊系统,远程监控、预测电梯门运行状况,并将具体信息通过WEB页面、EMAIL和手机信息通知相关人员,$150,000(2002-2004)

· 参与申请及完成, 985项目制造过程中的智能调度, 清华大学, 100万元(2000-2001)

· 主要完成人,为航天部二院开发并行工程中的优化调度算法,清华大学,10万元 (1999-2001)


· 哈尔滨工业大学“引进人才”启动基金(2006-2009,20万元)

· 总装备部国防科技预研项目(2006-2008,16万元)

· 教育部回国留学人员基金(2006-2008,3万元)

· 博士后落户黑龙江启动基金(2006-2008,5万元)





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